Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1141

Xufeng took the opportunity to shout loudly in the language of the monster: "Whoever rushes is the one who counts!"

The Goblin King exclaimed: "No!"

This is a fear he has never had before!A hundred times more fearful than when facing the mad king Thor 20 years ago!

At that time, the mad king Thor only destroyed the lair he lived in before, and the human fencing enemy in front of him wanted to turn him into a pauper!

The goblin soldiers froze for a moment, and then madly rushed towards the treasure, and even their own and their own people fought.

The Goblin King roared loudly: "No! Don't grab it! Those treasures are mine! It's all mine! You kill this human being for me! Quick! Otherwise, I will put you to death! All to death! "

His words, if they were put in normal, would definitely make the goblin soldiers piss off, but now, everyone is robbing the ground for the gold and silver treasures, who will care what the Goblin King says?

With a sword, Xufeng killed the few goblin soldiers who stood in front of him, and then stepped towards the Goblin King.

The Goblin King finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

When he woke up today, his eyelids twitched. It was not a good omen, but a big bad omen!

The Goblin King subconsciously wanted to run, but his legs were already severely atrophied. Even to climb to his throne, he needed other little goblins to step on his feet. How could he escape in this state?

As soon as he moved two steps, his fat body fell heavily to the ground, unable to get up no matter how hard he struggled.

"Little Goblin! Come help me! I'll give you a glass ball!" The Goblin King wailed loudly.

Those little goblins had fled to other places long ago, and the goblin king's call did not respond at all.

Xufeng walked to the front of the Goblin King and stepped on his fat belly.

The Goblin King quickly pleaded: "Hero, don't kill me, don't kill me, I can give you whatever you want!"

Xufeng nodded, "I want, your head."

"Huh?" Before the Goblin King could say a "no", Xu Feng raised his sword and fell, and the enemy fencing across a blue halo, directly chopped off the Goblin King's fat head. Come down!

Xufeng roared loudly: "Stop it! Your king has been killed by me!"

The goblin soldiers looked at the corpse of the Goblin King in astonishment, and then attacked even more frantically towards Xufeng and the others.

I rely on!

This made Xufeng somewhat unexpected.

He thought that killing the Goblin King would make the Goblin Soldiers fall apart, but he didn't expect that the Goblin Soldiers would be even more desperate.

Whitebeard Bahrain gasped and explained, "Whoever kills the Goblin King can...be the new king."

Xufeng said in surprise: "Wait, doesn't it mean that I am the new Goblin King? Then they should obey me!"

White Beard Bahrain grinned and said, "Do you have any treasure? If you become the new Goblin King, but you don't have any treasure, they can become the newer Goblin King by killing you."

"Damn, these chaotic courtiers and thieves, everyone is punishable!" Before Xufeng enjoyed the joy of being a king, the people below rebelled, which is really irritating.

Gandalf turned his head and said to Xu Feng while releasing the fire wall technique, "Diedi, this is not a way to fight. There are too many goblins! We have to find a way to go outside!"

Grolin asked loudly, "Even if we rush outside, it's useless. Goblins will chase us!"

Gandalf said: "No! Goblins are only adapted to the dim light in the dungeon, and the sun outside will make them unable to open their eyes."

"Okay!" Xu Feng shouted loudly: "Assemble all, follow me, and make a bloody road!"


The dwarf expedition team and Xuedi team immediately assembled, led by Xufeng, and slew towards the nearest exit.

Countless goblins frantically attacked the dwarf team and the snow emperor team, but Xufeng and others were in a state of bravery, people blocked killing, and Buddha blocked killing Buddha.

Killing all the way, goblins are like leeks, large tracts of being harvested.

But despite this, the speed of the team is still very slow. The goblins in the dungeon are all in a crazy state. The old king is dead. Each of them has a chance to become a new king. As long as you kill Xufeng, you can Become the new king of this dungeon.

Just as Xufeng and the others were fighting hard and looking for a way out, in the abyss of the dungeon, Bilbo woke up quietly after falling on a large umbrella-shaped mushroom.

He is so unfortunate.

It could have easily made the goblin soldier fall into the abyss, but because he had no combat experience, he was also brought down.

However, he was also very lucky.

After the goblin soldier fell, he fell directly on the rock and broke his bones, but Bilbo only scratched his skin and his well-made clothes were torn.

The bottom of the cave was smelly and wet, and accompanied by gusts of fishy wind, the first thing Bilbo woke up was to turn over and vomit.

At this time, a strange rustling sound came from the distant darkness.

The rustling sound was accompanied by the gurgling sound, which seemed particularly terrifying at the bottom of the dark cave.

Bilbo was shocked, and quickly leaned under the umbrella-shaped mushroom without moving.

I saw a naked guy who was only one meter tall and walked out crouched.

There are only a few miscellaneous hairs on his head, his eyes are big but lacklustre, skinny and skinny, and he holds a sharp rock in his hand.


This sound was made by him, and every time he made this sound, his expression was like vomiting.

Bilbo understands this very well. In such a foul-smelling environment, he doesn't want to vomit all the time.

Chapter 254

Bilbo resisted the feeling of vomiting and carefully observed the strange "gurgling" creature.

This creature is not tall, but it is not the size of a goblin.

Goblins have a big head, a sharp chin, a stout body, and their fingers and toes are as sharp as beasts.

But this creature is very thin, with jagged bones, unlike a goblin.

In addition, his feet are very wide, which is more like a hobbit.


All Hobbits are very elegant. There has never been a hobbit who does not pay attention to his own image. How can there be such a hobbit?

Bilbo couldn't help being amused at the thought in his mind.

If he had become like this, he would rather hit him to death.

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