Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1142

Bilbo analyzed it for a long time, but did not understand what this creature was.

But one thing is certain, this creature is wise.

He mumbled non-stop, although he could not hear clearly, it should be the lingua franca used by the China-Turkey Alliance.

This shows that this creature is not even a monster like a goblin. Goblins do not speak the lingua franca of the alliance. Those who can speak the lingua franca of the alliance are generally not enemies.

Bilbo relaxed a little, but he was not in a hurry to jump out of the mushrooms. Firstly, he was afraid of scaring the other person. Secondly, he felt that the world was a little sinister.

The crooked creature made a grunting sound, and mumbled toward the place where the goblin soldier fell.

When he walked close enough, Bilbo heard a vague voice in his mouth, "Great. It's fresh this time. We have fresh meat to eat."

But then, the grunt creature changed a fierce tone and said to himself: "Bones! All bones! How can there be any meat!"

Then, the Guru creature said softly: "But, something is better than nothing."

"Huh! You are always so weak, that's why we can only eat the garbage thrown down here!"

"... The outside world is too dangerous for us, we have to protect our baby."

"Yes, yes! We have to protect our baby!"

The Guru creature walked in front of the Goblin Soldier just like that.

The body of the goblin soldier was much stronger than the Guru creature, but the Guru creature easily dragged the body of the goblin soldier to the depths of the cave.

Bilbo's heart suddenly fell into his throat.

At first, he thought that the Guru creature was going to save the Goblin soldier, but based on the current situation, the Guru creature was probably not going to save the Goblin soldier, but... to eat him raw.

Bilbo felt a nausea, and his entire stomach was cramping.

He quickly covered his mouth before he let himself vomit out.

The Guru creature raised his head alertly and looked in Bilbo's direction.

His eyes were fierce and murderous.

Bilbo's heart suddenly froze in his chest, and he didn't move, he didn't even dare to breathe.

At this time, the goblin soldier dragged by the Guru creature struggled, and the Guru creature’s attention immediately shifted back. He picked up a sharp stone and hit the goblin soldier’s eye sockets one after another. go with.

The goblin soldier screamed and wailed, struggling to fight back even more desperately.

But the Guru creatures are fierce, and they are not sloppy at all. A series of slam strokes are deadly!

When he shot, a golden light bounced from his waist and fell on the ground covered with thick moss.

The Guru creature was busy hitting the goblin soldier with a stone, but he didn't notice it.

After the goblin soldier was finally dead, he cursed swearing, and dragged the black blood corpse of the goblin soldier toward the depths of the cave step by step.

After waiting for his muttering voice to disappear from here, Bilbo finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The good news is that the Guru Creature is not a goblin gang.

At the same time, the bad news is that Guru creatures are more ferocious than goblin soldiers.

Bilbo couldn't help but had a headache. He really wanted to just fall asleep like this, then opened his eyes and went back to his home at the bottom of the Shire.


Bilbo moved his body briefly and found that there was nothing serious about his body.

This is also a big advantage of Hobbits, because their bones are special, so when they fall from a height, they will get a part of the cushioning power like a cat to reduce the damage they suffer from falling from a height.

Bilbo took a deep breath, then carefully stood up from under the mushroom umbrella.

He was stained with filth all over his body. The clothes that were originally well-made have now become torn and full of stains and stench.

Of course, the top priority is to try to find a way out.

Climbing up from the bottom of the abyss is obviously not realistic.

The walls of the dungeon went straight up and down, and there was no effort to climb.

Moreover, hobbits are good at walking and running, but their upper limbs are not strong enough to use weapons, nor are they suitable for climbing.

Besides, what can you do if you climb up?

There are thousands of troops on it, even if he climbs up exhausted, he can't help.

Bilbo felt a deep sense of frustration.

Now, the only way is to find a way out from the abyss.

Bilbo could feel signs of air flow in the cave, which means that at the bottom of the abyss, there must be an exit to the outside.

It's just that it's too dark here, and the paths in the cave are intricate and easy to get lost. You must find a "guide".

Then, the only person who might know the way out is the Guru creature.

Bilbo shuddered at the thought of the brutal Guru creature.

After hesitating again and again, Bilbo decided to try again.

He quietly pulled out a leaf-shaped dagger

Strictly speaking, this sword is not a sword, but more like a dagger used by the Elf lady.

But for the Hobbit, this is indeed a sword.

This sword is called Bee Sting and it is also made by elves. When encountering monsters, the blade will also emit a blue halo, but other than that, it has no special use.

This sword was originally the practice sword of Princess Yawen, but after Princess Yawen grew up, she no longer used this dagger, so she stayed idle.

Later, Yavin met Bilbo and felt that this sword should be very suitable for Bilbo to defend himself, so he sent the bee sting to Bilbo.

Bilbo never wanted to use this thing, but in this situation, having a sword in his hand is really reassuring...

Holding the sword of bee sting, Bilbo walked cautiously towards the depths of the cave.

He stopped when he passed the moss floor where he was fighting.

Chapter 255 I Don't Want You To Think!

"Infinite Movie World" Chapter 255 I don't want you to think!

Chapter 256 Guessing Game

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