Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1143

"He really just wants to go out!" Gulu said in a timid voice: "He has a wizard sword in his hand. I'm so scared. We just know a way out. Let's let him go."

But then, the angry voice said: "Shut up, we are going to eat his meat! We can't just watch such a big piece of meat go away like this!"

Bilbo sighed helplessly, "Listen, I don't know what game you are playing with yourself, I really want to—"

Before he could finish, Gulu said with excitement, "Game! We want to play games!"

Then he said in an angry voice: "Is this like a game? Does he seem to want to play a game with us?"

Bilbo hesitated, "Maybe, but that depends on what game is being played."

If he plays games like someone's fist, or who can eat a dead goblin, then he'll forget it.

Gulu said excitedly: "What is it-it has roots, but no one can see it? It's taller than a tree, straight into the sky, but it never grows at all?"

This is a riddle!

Bilbo was slightly startled.

Quiz, but the hobbit’s traditional project, other races in the China-Turkey Alliance are not very keen on guessing, but the hobbit is very fascinated by it.

If it's other games, it's fine, but guessing... That's Bilbo's strong point. After all, Bilbo can be regarded as the smartest person among the Hobbits.

He is not only good at guessing riddles, but also good at making riddles-don't see the riddles in a small way. Sometimes, riddles are more difficult than guessing.

Bilbo is recognized as an excellent mystery maker in the Shire area.

Of course, since getting this title, Bilbo hasn't easily posed a mystery to the Hobbit.

Gulu grinned and said, "How about it, can't you guess it?"

Bilbo smiled calmly, "No, it's very simple. It has roots but you can't see the roots. It is higher than the tallest tree, but it never grows. The answer is obvious: mountains."

Gulu was startled, his expression a little angry.

He just looked at Bilbo for a while, thinking that Bilbo couldn't guess it, but he didn't expect Bilbo to say it was too simple.

In fact, Bilbo was stunned just now, not because of the riddle itself, but because he did not expect that the so-called "game" of Gollum turned out to be the hobbit's favorite guessing riddle.

However, he guessed right anyway.

Bilbo happily said: "Well, I won, you should tell me where to go to get out."

"No! No!" Gulu said eagerly: "The game is not over yet! Now it's up to you to figure out the mystery and I will guess it!"

Before Bilbo could speak, Guru said in a low voice angrily: "Don't play any guesses with him, let's find a chance and kill him! Eat his meat!"

Bilbo brows slightly, "I want to play guessing! How do we play this game? I can see that you are very good at playing guessing, so you are not as good as us-we take turns guessing, if I win, you Tell me the way out."

Gulu asked grimly: "Then what if you lose?"

Bilbo sighed slightly, "If I lose, then do whatever you want."

Guru's eyes suddenly glowed with excitement.

For him, this is something that cannot be refused, he likes to play guessing, and if he wins, he can easily eat Bilbo.

"If you lose, we will eat you." Gulu said with a grin.

Bilbo opened his mouth. He wanted to say that cannibalism is wrong, but... how can you make sense with a monster who cannibalize every day?

"Okay..." Bilbo shrugged helplessly, and said self-deprecatingly: "This is fair, I can live if I win, and I must die if I lose..."

Gulujiejie smiled and said, "Very well, Mr. Baggins, now you will come up with the riddle first."

Bilbo thought for a while, he knew too much about riddles, but when it was really time to use them, he found that he couldn't pick out a riddle that could kill a single blow.

Guru urged expectantly: "Hurry up! Hurry up! Bilbo Baggins!"

Bilbo took a deep breath and said, "There are thirty white horses on the Red Hill. They chewed and chewed, then stomped and stomped, and then stopped moving."

This riddle isn't Bilbo's best riddle, but the difficulty is manageable.

The expression on Gulu's face changed colorfully, first excited, then depressed, then excited, then depressed. After repeating this three or five times, Gulu tentatively said: "Is it... teeth?"

Bilbo was taken aback.

He expected that Guru would guess riddles, but he did not expect that the level of Guru guessing riddles was so high!

That's right, thirty white horses refer to teeth.

This guy who cannibalized raw human flesh actually got it right.

Seeing Bilbo’s incredible expression, Gulu exclaimed excitedly: "Haha, we guessed it! We guessed it! We won! Bilbo Baggins, we are going to eat you!"

Bilbo hurriedly swung the bee sting sword and shouted loudly: "The game is not over yet. You just guessed my riddle. Unless I can't guess your riddle next, I will lose. Otherwise, we will fight. level!"

Guru asked, "If it's a tie, I can't eat you, right?"

Bilbo said angrily, "Of course! If there is a tie, we will keep guessing until someone loses!"

Gulu happily clapped his hands and said, "Okay, okay, we like this! We like this very much! So next, we should give you a riddle.

Bilbo took a deep breath and shook his head quickly, "Come on!"

Gulu thought for a while, and said grimly: "There is no sound, but it can whistle, without wings, it can fly, it has no teeth, it can bite, it has no mouth, it can cry...what is this?"

Bilbo thought quickly.

Gollum circled Bilbo, constantly distracting his attention with a gloomy voice, "Say, what is it? You can't guess it? If you can't guess it, let me eat you. !"

Bilbo gave an annoyed look, "Wait a minute, this riddle... I remember I heard it when I was very young, yes, I must have heard it. There is no sound, but I can whistle, no... Um! I remember, this is a very classical riddle, the answer is actually-wind!"

Guru roared, "Very smart! Bilbo Baggins! Very smart!"

He yelled as he approached Bilbo.

Bilbo immediately showed the bee sting sword in his hand, "Go back! Our game has been tied! Now we are in the second round!"

The grunt said: "Very good! You will come out the riddle first!"

Bilbo confidently said: "There are no hinges, no keys, and no lid on the box, but the golden treasure is hidden here. What is this?"

Chapter 257 Time Is Running Out!

Gulu's expression suddenly became alarmed.

...No hinge, no key, no lid, but there is a treasure of gold hidden inside?

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