Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1144

How could there be such a thing in this world?

Grumbling began to scratch his head.

Obviously, this riddle is quite difficult.

Bilbo relied on this riddle to become a recognized wise man in the Shire area.

Bilbo looked at Gulu with a little pride, "Guess well, guess slowly."

Gulu turned around and murmured to himself as he gestured: "Box? No lid? Golden treasure?"

Bilbo smiled and said, "How? Did you guess it?"

Gulu snarled at Bilbo, "Shut up, nasty ghost, don't want to influence my thinking! Box, no lid, golden treasure..."

The riddle itself is not difficult, but the clues are wonderful. The clues it provides contain traps and can easily be misled into other directions.

But once the answer to the mystery is announced, it will make people realize it again, and they will be full of praise.

Bilbo was very proud.

He was about to announce that he had won, he listened to grumble anxiously yelling: "Give us another chance! Give us another chance!"

His voice was full of pain and anxiety, and Bilbo suddenly felt soft.

So he decided to give Gulu some more time.

Gulu slammed his head against the rock hard, "Box! Gold treasure! Box! Gold...ah wait! I see! It's...an egg! That's right, it's an egg! The egg has no lid, it's hidden inside. The golden treasure is the yolk! Ahahaha! Bilbo Baggins! I guessed it right!"

Bilbo sighed quietly, "Well, you guessed it, it is indeed an egg."

Gulu laughed happily, "Hahaha, we guessed it right! We won, we can eat you! Speaking of eggs, let us think of your head, your head should be as delicious as egg yolk We remember that our grandma once taught us how to suck egg liquid with our mouth... Wait, do we have a grandma? Our grandma? Yes, we should have a grandma, but why we can’t remember anything Qing is here? No! Don't say these are useless! We are going to eat Bilbo Baggins first!"

Bilbo quickly said: "Wait, you haven't figured out the riddle yet! If I can't guess your riddle, then I lose!"

"Okay, okay!" said gruntingly: "Let me come up with a riddle that you absolutely can't guess! There is such a thing, it can swallow everything, trees, beasts, birds, flowers, of course it's more These, it can gnaw iron, bite steel, grind hard rock into powder, and turn grass into food-answer us, what is this?"

Bilbo was startled, "Swallow everything?"

This riddle is really difficult. Although it gives a lot of clues, it is actually useless. Only one sentence is really useful—that is, this kind of thing can swallow everything.

What can swallow everything?


No, there are many monsters in Middle-earth, but no monster can swallow everything.

You can't think about monsters, you should change your mind.

Bilbo concentrated his thoughts on thinking, but Guru sneered on the side, "How about? I can't answer, right? I don't need to answer if I can't answer. Please make me food with peace of mind! Hahaha!"

Bilbo was having a headache because of the grunting voice, and he couldn't concentrate on thinking, "Please give me some time, I gave you time just now!"

Grumbling grinned and said: "Bilbo Baggins, your time is running out, tick, tick, tick, tick..."

Gulu deliberately simulated the sound of a clock beside Bilbo to interfere with Bilbo's thinking.

Bilbo felt that his head was about to explode. His time is really running out. If he can't answer any more...wait!

time is limited?


Correct!time!Time can swallow everything!

Time can swallow everything, it can also gnaw iron, bite steel!

That's right, that's it!

Gulu grinned and said, "How about? Can't answer, right? Then, you—"

As soon as Guru announced, Bilbo confidently said: "The answer is, time! Thank you for the hint you just gave me!"

"You idiot!" Gulu shouted at himself loudly.

Then he said timidly: "We didn't expect that he could actually answer it! He is so smart!"

Bilbo breathed a sigh of relief, "Our second game is a tie, so you can't eat me, now we start the third game!"

The grunt said: "I'm fed up with endless guessing! Even if the third game is tied, I will eat you! This is the last question! Ask! The last question!"

Bilbo suddenly panicked. The egg riddle that I asked just now can be regarded as his best riddle. Now it's his turn to ask the question again. He was a little flustered for a while.

If this riddle can't make Guru fail to answer, then Guru will eat him. Of course he can protect himself with bee stings, but in that case, Guru will never tell him the way to leave.

A lot of pressure makes it easy to play abnormally.

Bilbo belongs to such a person.

That's why he admired "Diedi" very much. If Diedi was there, he would never panic.

Of course, if Diedi was really there, I'm afraid he would have beaten Gulu to his mother.

Gulu roared loudly: "Hurry up and ask me questions! Hurry up!"

Bilbo touched his pocket subconsciously, then had an idea: "What's in my pocket?"

Guru stunned, "What?"

Bilbo said in a deep voice, "What's in my pocket?"

Gulu shook his head and said, "No, this is not a riddle!"

Bilbo smiled and said, "What you just said, let me ask you a question."

"No! It's not fair! How do I know what's in your pocket!" Guru roared angrily.

Bilbo shrugged, "I don't care about it. You asked me to ask the last question. Now I ask. If you can answer it, then you can eat me, but if you can't answer it, then you I must tell me where the way out is!"

Grumblingly said: "This is not fair, this is not fair! You have to give me three chances!"

Bilbo said: "Yes, no problem, then I will let you guess three times."

Gulu scratched his head anxiously, his swollen head staring straight at the pocket on Bilbo's vest, trying to judge by the shape of the pocket.

Gulu thought for a while, and said loudly: "Hand! It's a hand!"

Bilbo raised his hand, "No, it's not a hand, it's not a hand in my pocket!"

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