Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1146

He was clearly in front of Gulu, but Gulu was turning around in place, constantly looking for his trace!

This ring... can be invisible?!

Bilbo resisted the fierce heartbeat, walked gently behind Gulu, and tentatively waved his hand in front of Gulu.

Gulu had no sense, still groping and searching, yelling baby, baby.

He started searching along a dark path.

Bilbo felt that this road should be the path leading to the outside of the mountain, so he followed Guru with my acupuncture sword.

Gollum went all the way and called all the way, and within a short time, Bilbo saw a bright light appeared behind a large rock.

That is the light from the entrance of the cave!

at last!Found a way out!!

Bilbo was very excited.

Suddenly, a scream of killing came from another road, and Gulu hurriedly hid behind the rock.

Chapter 259 The Supreme Lord's Ring Appears

Upon seeing this, Bilbo also stopped. Although he wanted to rush out immediately, the location where Guru was hiding just blocked him.

What's more, he didn't know what was on the other road.

At this time, a group of embarrassed dwarves rushed from the front shouting.

Bilbo suddenly felt happy-he knew all those dwarves!That's Bofer, Oli, Fili, Kili...Haha!They are all alive, and Thorin is alive too!

Immediately afterwards, Bilbo also saw the members of the Xuedi team, saw "Diedi", and saw Gandalf!

Bilbo burst into tears of excitement!

He can finally rendezvous with the big army!

Xufeng and the others rushed out of the cave quickly. The goblins who were chasing them were afraid of the sun. After chasing to the entrance of the cave, they could only shout a few curses and then returned to the underground city.

After all, the Goblin King is dead and his wealth has been distributed. The Goblins have no king, and now they can only fight on their own, being careful that their wealth is taken away by their companions.

After the goblin soldiers retreated, Guru was still standing there, watching carefully.

Bilbo is a little anxious, after all, his teammate is in front, he doesn't want to just get separated.

He raised his acupuncture sword and pointed it at Gulu's neck.

Gulu didn't see him, so he didn't have any precautions. As long as he took the knife and dropped it, he could easily chop off Gulu's head and then catch up with his companion.

This is a once and for all solution.

In this way, Bilbo doesn't have to worry that Guru will have a chance to find him and ask for the ring in the future.

The ring will be completely his.

Bilbo clenched the hilt tightly and hardened his heart.

But when he saw Gu Lu's desperate and painful eyes, he couldn't get his hands off.

In his life, he has never killed anyone.

Even if Guru is a man-eating monster, even if Guru is not trustworthy, even if Bilbo has many excuses to kill Guru, Bilbo is not a person who can kill him after all.

Bilbo sighed faintly, then put away the bee sting sword, then jumped, stepped on Gulu's shoulder, then jumped onto the rock, and then rushed out of the cave with his body skills. .

"Do not!"

Gulu got up from the ground and kept scratching beside him, "Bilbo Baggins! Bilbo Baggins! Give me back! You thief! You stole my baby!"

Bilbo turned a deaf ear to Guru's roar, and after rushing out of the cave, he chased after the dwarf expedition.

Wearing the ring, he was in a state of invisibility, and his body was very light and his speed was very fast.

This is really a precious ring!

Bilbo was ecstatic, wishing to catch up with "Diedi" and tell him the existence of this ring.

But at this time, Xu Feng took the dwarf expedition team and the Xuedi team, had rushed to a col outside the cave, and was undergoing a simple rest.

Gandalf panted and said: "The goblins have not chased out, we are temporarily safe! Hurry up, count the number!"

Bahrain said happily: "We are all dwarves!"

Xuedi looked around, "Our Xuedi team is also here."

Gandalf laughed and said, "Then it's okay. Let's take a break here and then--"

Before he finished speaking, Xu Feng asked in a deep voice, "Where is Bilbo?"

All the people present were startled.

Everyone looked around, but Bilbo couldn't be found.

White Beard Bahrain said sadly: "Bilbo, probably was given to by Goblins..."

"No," Oli said, "When we were caught out of the cage by the goblins, I looked back and saw that the goblins had missed Bilbo."

Gandalf said quickly: "So, Bilbo ran away by himself?"

Thorin frowned and shook his head, "I'm afraid it won't work. Bilbo doesn't have any fighting power at all. If he encounters a goblin, he is dead."

Gandalf said eagerly: "Then we have to go back and save him!"

The dwarves all lowered their heads, and no one spoke.

Bilbo had rescued them, and Bilbo was also a member of the expedition. It stands to reason that the dwarves should not hesitate to turn back to rescue Bilbo.


After the battle just now, everyone was exhausted.

No one wants to go deep into the goblin dungeon, in the vast goblin, to find a hobbit who may have died.

Xu Feng said lightly: "I'll go."

Xuedi said lightly: "I'll be with you."

The hammer also shook the mysterious iron forging hammer in his hand, "Haha, how can this kind of thing miss me?"

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