Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1147

Lin Hai stabbed Yang Gongzai next to him, and then said, "Let's go together too!"

After all, Bilbo is their mission. If Bilbo dies, then their reward mission will fail.

Gandalf also said: "I will go with you too!"

Xu Feng waved his hand, "You stay, Lao Gan, Uncle Lin Hai, Duke Yang, and you and the dwarf friends, all stay here, and I just need to take Snow Emperor and Iron Hammer."

"But! This is too dangerous!" Gandalf objected loudly.

Thorin frowned and said, "...I'm sorry, we... really can't help much."

The dwarves fought for a whole night, and now their physical strength is exhausted, and their ultimate goal is to reach the palace of the Lonely Mountain. Before achieving this goal, Thorin must make a choice, even if this choice is very unethical.

Xu Feng nodded slightly towards Solin, expressing understanding.

Then, Xu Feng turned and walked towards the cave.

The dwarves are full of admiration for "Diedi".

In fact, Xu Feng was not nervous at all.

He is not worried about Bilbo's safety.

This plot is also a necessary plot. Xufeng knows that in the Goblin Dungeon, Bilbo is destined to leave the team alone, then meet Guru, and pick up the Supreme Lord of the Rings.

That's right, that ring is not a purely invisible ring, invisibility is just one of the many characteristics of that ring.

As the Supreme Lord of the Rings, it can command all nineteen Lords of the Ring, and those who wear other Lords of the Ring will surrender before the Supreme Lord of the Rings!

Of course, Bilbo didn’t know that he was holding a supreme Lord of the Rings. According to the plot, this supreme Lord of the Rings would remain in the hands of Bilbo until it was handed over to his nephew 60 years later. Frodo only then triggered the most famous guild in Middle-earth.

Therefore, in the process of obtaining the Supreme Lord of the Rings, Xufeng believed that Bilbo would have no problem.

Sure enough, they had just walked a few steps when they saw the filthy Bill Boxing rushing towards them.

"Diedi! Gandalf! I finally found you!" Bilbo shouted happily.

This kind of happiness is definitely from the sincerity.

Chapter 260 What I Want Is Actually Very Simple

When Bilbo came back, the members of the Xuedi team were relieved.

After all, this is related to their task. If Bilbo hangs up by this time, their previous efforts will fall short.

The dwarves gathered around quickly, and asked about Bilbo's situation.

Bilbo smiled and said: "...After I separated from you, I met a Goblin warrior. I couldn't beat him. However, I have the stamina taught to me by Didi, and I use my stamina, Pushed him down the abyss, but I'm not afraid of everyone laughing at me. I don't have any combat experience, so when the goblin warrior fell, I was taken down and fell into a lot of umbrella mushrooms. on."

As he said, Bilbo lowered his head embarrassedly and scratched his messy curly hair.

There are indeed mushroom fragments on his hair, and what he said is true and convincing.

"I don't know how long it took before I finally woke up, and then I felt a breeze, so I followed the traces of the breeze and walked in the dark. As I walked, I felt that the wind was getting stronger. Later, I found the exit of the cave, and when I came out of the cave, I saw you."

Devarin patted Bilbo on the shoulder and said, "Hahaha, Lord Baggins, you are such a lucky little guy! I am glad you are alive! Very happy!"

The other dwarves also patted Bilbo hard on the shoulder. This is a sign that the dwarves recognized their friends. The harder the pat, the higher the recognition.

Bilbo felt that being friends with dwarves was more dangerous than going against Guru. His small body was almost vomiting blood.

Thorin waved his hands to the dwarves, "Well, let's go to rest quickly-Bilbo, I am also glad you can come back."

Bilbo nodded at Thorin.

The dwarves talked and laughed and walked to the side to rest, and Gandalf also put on a piece of soft grass and smoked Shire tobacco.

"Diedi..." Bilbo obviously had something to say to Xufeng.

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Let's go over there and chat."

Bilbo had this intention, and he nodded quickly.

The two immediately walked to the grassy slope far from the crowd. Bilbo opened his mouth, but didn't know where to start.

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "What you told everyone just now is not completely true, right?"

Bilbo blushed and stammered: "I, ah, yes, no, I mean... ahem!"

Concealment is impossible, and Bilbo is really not a liar.

After a long sigh, he made up his mind and said: "Diedi, I can't tell other people about this, but I can't hide such a big secret in my heart. You are the one I trust most. My friend, I want to tell you what really happened. But you have to promise me that you must never tell others what I said to you, otherwise, I really don’t know how to face others People."

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Don't worry, Bilbo, I will keep a secret for you."

Bilbo nodded, and then he met Gulu, picked up the ring, then guessed the matchup, and finally put on the ring and left in stealth. He told Xufeng Yuanyuan.

The feeling of being able to tell the truth is really great.

After Bilbo finished speaking, he let out a long sigh of relief.

Xu Feng smiled faintly.

Bilbo was surprised and said: "What? Are you not shocked at all? Or, do you think I am talking nonsense? No, I am not talking nonsense, I can show you the ring!"

With that said, Bilbo took out the golden supreme ring, but he did not hand it to Xufeng, but held it tightly in his hand, with a somewhat complicated expression.

Of course he believed in Xufeng, but...the sense of possession was controlling him.

Xufeng simply glanced at the Supreme Lord of the Rings, and then smiled and said: "Well, I know you are not talking nonsense. This ring is also very important. You have to keep it-remember, when it is not necessary, Don't use it lightly."

Bilbo said in surprise: "Why? Such a good invisibility ring, shouldn't it be used more?"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "This ring is very weird. If worn for a long time, it may affect people's minds. You also said that Guru is a schizophrenic lunatic. You don't want to become that lunatic. ?"

Bilbo shuddered when he thought of Gulu, "No, I don't want to be that kind of person."

Xu Feng said lightly: "Remember, you can only use this ring when you need it, and you must protect this ring and don't give it to others easily."

Bilbo nodded and said, "Don't worry about this, I can do this completely."

After speaking, he couldn't help asking: "But, don't you want it?"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "No."

When Bilbo took out the Supreme Lord of the Rings, Xu Feng scanned it with the Ling Vision system. The explanation displayed on the Supreme Lord of the Rings was only two words: artifact.

This has exceeded the boundaries of extraordinary items.

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