Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1148

In other words, at this stage, the Supreme Lord of the Rings cannot be taken away and used as a transcendent item, because in that case, the main line of the world will become chaotic.

Therefore, Xufeng no longer desires the Supreme Lord of the Rings.

Moreover, to be honest, although the Supreme Lord Ring has the ability to be invisible, in addition, its special effects are only to control the other nineteen Lord Rings.

This kind of ring is naturally a very powerful artifact in Middle-earth, but outside of Middle-earth, unless you get all the other nineteen rings and give them to people outside of Middle-earth, then you can Give full play to the effect of the Supreme Lord of the Rings, otherwise, the Supreme Lord of the Rings is just a polished commander.

Xufeng would rather want Viya, the Ring of Wind, than the supreme Lord of the Ring, which is easy to manipulate.

Bilbo said in admiration: "Diedi, you are so noble. I thought you would want such powerful equipment. Unexpectedly, you were completely uninterested."

Xu Feng smiled slightly, "What I want is actually very simple, that is, you are safe."

This may seem sensational, but in fact Xufeng really didn't think so much.

What he wanted was really that Bilbo and Thorin were safe, because this was a reward for their Xuedi team.

But Bilbo didn't know.

Bilbo was shocked, tears filled his eyes, "Diedi...thank you!"

Xu Feng also felt warm.

Bilbo's recognition has been directly increased to 40%!

The total shadow energy points reached 8555 points!

Xu Feng nodded to Bilbo with satisfaction, "Okay, let's go back to the others."

"Good!" Bilbo said quickly.

Just as Xu Feng was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly subconsciously glanced towards the distant ridge.

Bilbo asked, "What's wrong?"

Xu Feng's face sank, "We have to leave soon."

Chapter 261

"What? Leave? What's the matter?" Bilbo asked in astonishment.

They had just escaped from the Goblin Dungeon, and now they needed a rest.

He followed Xu Feng's gaze towards the distant mountain ridge-but he only saw the slightly swaying trees, and nothing else.

Xu Feng didn't have time to explain anything to Bilbo, and directly dragged Bilbo down the grass slope and returned to the dwarves.

At this time, Ouli and Doli were setting up a pot to boil water, and the fat Pangbo had already picked up an empty bowl and was waiting to eat noodles-they hadn't had a decent meal since yesterday. Over the mountains, through the heavy snow and heavy rain, and fell into the goblin dungeon, fighting for a whole night, now it is really urgent to eat a hot instant noodle.

Seeing Xufeng and Bilbo coming back, White Beard Bahrain greeted him happily, "Master Diego, Master Bilbo, you just came here, and I will give you the first pot of noodles first!"

The other dwarves nodded.

"Yes! Yes, it should be!"

"We are waiting for the second pot!"

Faced with the enthusiasm of the dwarves, Xu Feng waved his hand, "Don't eat anymore, go quickly."

Bahrain blinked in surprise, "Go? Now?"

Xu Feng said in a deep voice, "Yes, now."

"But..." Bahrain reluctantly looked at the instant noodles being cooked in the pot.

Xu Feng frowned and said, "Eating noodles is more important, or is life-saving important?"

Thorin asked suspiciously, "Swordsman, is it that serious? Can't even eat a meal?"

Xufeng raised his finger to the distant ridge and drew a semicircle along the ridge.

"Do you understand?" Xu Feng said in a deep voice, "This is an excellent encirclement. These three sides are all towering misty mountains, and the other side is a cliff of ten thousand meters. Once we stay here and be surrounded by half-orcs, If we want to break through, we can only go through the canyon to the south, and if we are forced to go through the canyon, we will really be dead!"

Thorin was also a tactical person, and he immediately understood what Xu Feng meant.

Xufeng is right. The terrain here is very bad. The space is wide and it is easy to be spotted. Don’t say that once the enemy is caught from the three breads, they can only retreat to the canyon, and once they reach the canyon, they will become alive. target.

Therefore, you have to jump out one step in advance before the encirclement is formed.


Thorin hesitated, and said in a deep voice: "If the enemy flanks us from three sides, we will be very troublesome, but if we want to fuse us from three sides, then we must have no less than three thousand troops? Not to mention in the mist. In the mountains, three thousand troops are very rare. Even if the enemy really has three thousand troops, it is impossible to coordinate and arrange them in such a short time."

Xu Feng said in a deep voice: "Sorin, don't you know that there is a kind of behavior called prejudgment? The real tactical master has never done it first, and I will give you a kick when it's finished! All are pre-judgments! Our action to Gushan has long been understood by the Orcs, and we have burned their outposts and fortresses one after another, and Azog will never give up!"

Thorin sighed helplessly, lowered his voice and said, "Swordsman, my people are exhausted. If it is not necessary, I want them to eat a full meal."

Xu Feng said sharply, "No! Go now!"

The muscles on Thorin's face twitched slightly, his mouth pursed.

He doesn't like the feeling of being scolded. Although he respects "Diedi" and believes in "Diedi", as the prince of the Lone Mountain Dwarf, he feels that he is the one who should give orders.

Seeing that the atmosphere between the two of them was a little nervous, Bahrain hurriedly stood up and said, "Okay, we don't eat anymore, we don't need to rest, we will leave now, we will leave now! Olidori, pack things!"

Xu Feng said in a deep voice: "I don't need anything, so all the supplies are gone, just go!"

Bahrain said in astonishment: "But...that's enough instant noodles for all of us for ten and a half days!"

Xu Feng frowned and said, "Let's get through this day first!"

Bahrain looked at Thorin helplessly. For such a major event, Thorin must nod his head.

The muscles on Thorin's face twitched several times. Finally, he clenched his fist and said in a deep voice, "Go!"

The dwarves sighed suddenly, put down the materials in their hands, and moved forward lightly.

The fat Pangbo threw away all the fur on the bedding and only grabbed two packs of instant noodles in his hands. While following the person in front of him, he ate the instant noodles.

Thorin glanced at Xufeng, did not say anything, and followed the dwarf team that was staggering.

Emperor Xue came over and asked softly, "Is it serious?"

Xufeng lowered his voice and said, "My spiritual vision scanned the dangerous enemy's information. Behind the three sides of the ridge, they are all half-orcs wolf cavalry units."

Xuedi gasped.

The orcs' troops can be roughly divided into three levels, one is a very ordinary half-orc warrior, the other is a half-orc scout who can ride a wolf, the half-orc scout can be regarded as elite, and more than half-orc scout The elite are the wolf cavalry troops of half orcs.

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