Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1149

In the Second Age of Middle-earth, the wolf cavalry troops of the half-orcs were the forward power that the Dark Lord Sauron relied on the most. They made great achievements for the Dark Lord Sauron's siege.

Later, as the demon Lord Sauron was killed, the power of the orcs was extremely impacted, and finally had to retreat to their nest in the Misty Mountains. The most elite of the orcs and wolf cavalry units also disappeared. .

However, this force just dormant and did not disappear.

As the leader of the half-orcs, Azog's original intention was to hide the existence of this team as much as possible, and only use it as a killer at the most critical time.

Unexpectedly, this was just dealing with an expeditionary team. Azog used his wolf cavalry force at the bottom of the box, and it was completely out!

Xuedi said in a deep voice, "It's a bit troublesome now. We just fought a goblin battle. Now everyone's abilities can be very weak. If we fight head-on with the wolf cavalry, I'm afraid we will..."

Xufeng looked at the sky far away. At this moment, the sky was just bright, with only a little sunshine, and the place to look at was either a towering ridge or a cliff.

The terrain here is really unfavorable for them.

Xu Feng said in a deep voice, "The soldiers will cover the water and the earth. When necessary, we will distract the wolf cavalry force and let the dwarves escape first."

Xuedi nodded helplessly, "That can only be the case."

Xufeng turned around and said to Duke Yang: "Duke Yang, do you still have Yinyue Vegetables?"

Gong Yang hurriedly said, "Not much, but it's enough for us."

Xufeng said, "Give one to each of the dwarves, and be sure to let them eat them all!"

Chapter 262

Yinyuecai is a good food to replenish physical energy, but the dwarves don't know the goods.

However, when there is nothing else to eat, the dwarves no longer pick and choose.

After Yang Gong distributed the Yinyue Cai to the dwarves, the dwarves first took a small bite and then ate the Yinyue Cai.

After eating the silver moon dish, the dwarves' physical fitness has recovered a lot, their mental state has also improved a lot, and the speed of the team's marching has increased significantly.

The Snow Emperor Team followed behind the Dwarf Expedition Team and cut off for the Dwarf Expedition Team.

Thorin followed the team, but he was a little unhappy.

He felt that there was no need for swordsmen to do this at all. They still had time. They needed to rest. Only if they rest well, can they move forward more efficiently.

However, he soon realized that he had almost made a big mistake.

A stern and long wolf howl came from the ridge of the back.

This is a signal!

Immediately afterwards, the long and short, high and low wolf howling sound came from the three ridges!

Ouli said in dismay, "What's going on? What's going on!"

Whitebeard Bahrain squinted his eyes and looked into the distance, and took a deep breath, "It's the wolf cavalry...God! We are surrounded!"

Thorin said in a deep voice, "Fortunately, the swordsman asked us to move one step ahead. Otherwise, I would not be able to escape. Now, the wolf cavalry is still far away from us. We just need to run towards the canyon!


The dwarves were about to speed up, but Xu Feng said loudly, "We are not going to the canyon!"

Thorin said in astonishment: "Don't go to the canyon? But the only way to go to the lonely mountain is the canyon!"

Xu Feng said in a deep voice: "You know that the road leads to Gushan, and Azog naturally knows. The reason why he let the wolf cavalry appear is to generate deterrence and drive us to the canyon. Once we enter the canyon , Must be in ambush."

Thorin frowned and asked, "Then what shall we do?"

Groyin slapped the warhammer in his hand and said gruffly: "Then we will fight them!"

Then the dwarves shouted loudly: "Yes, fight with them!"

Xu Feng said in a deep voice: "What do you fight for? We just have a few people, but the enemy has at least three or four thousand people! Why use your own disadvantages to fight for others' advantages?"

Thorin said eagerly: "Then what shall we do?"

Xufeng pointed to the mountains beside the guide, "Go in the opposite direction."

Thorin was startled, "The opposite direction?"

The Misty Mountains are a large mountain range from north to south, which spans almost half of Middle-earth. The northern part of the Misty Mountains is just a few scattered monsters, while in the south, it is a world of half-orcs.

Going south is tantamount to seeking a dead end.

And this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Thorin wants to return to Gushan!If you go south, you will get farther and farther from the lonely mountain!

Such a different behavior will definitely not reach the Gushan Mountain, and it is still going to the half-orcs' nest. This...

Thorin frowned and said, "Swordsman, are you kidding me?"

Xufeng said coldly: "I don't have time to joke with you! What we are fighting Azog now is not victory or defeat in force, but victory or defeat in tactics. Azog's intention is obvious, and that is to drive us away. Go to the canyon, and then block at both ends, making it difficult for us to fly our wings. Therefore, running towards the canyon will not reach the lonely mountain, but will go to die. If we want to break Azog's tactics, we must jump out of his encirclement-he dreams I would never have thought that we would go to the south, because the south is his lair, and normal people would not run to the enemy’s lair."

"Yes!" Thorin frowned and said, "Normal people will not escape to the enemy's nest!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Sorin, let me ask you, how many troops do the orcs still have?"

"This..." Thorin shook his head helplessly, "I don't have an intelligence system, I don't know."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Neither did I, but I can roughly guess. Back then, they lost more than half of the elite in the Blue Mountains battle with you, and finally fled back to the nest in embarrassment. Another ten years have passed. They built a dark fortress and a jungle outpost. However, I burned both of them. We were in the Mengshui swamp and killed five hundred scouts. In the dark fortress, we killed them again. They had one or two thousand people. Now, in order to form an encirclement, they have mobilized at least three thousand wolf cavalry. In the canyon, I guess they will also have at least one thousand troops to ambush. This adds up inside and out, you say, their lair How many troops can there be?"

Devarin immediately took a breath of air-conditioning, "I see! What you mean is, we don't go to the lonely mountain, but to destroy Azog's lair!"

Thorin frowned.

Obviously, the analysis of "Diedi" is very reasonable. Azog knew that they wanted to go to Gushan, so it was impossible to reach Gushan when there was an encirclement.

If you break out to the south, not only will you be relatively safer, but it will also be possible to destroy Azog's lair, which makes the dwarves of the Lone Mountain proud.

But, in this way, wouldn't it be a good opportunity to enter the Gushan Palace?

Time is already very tight. Even if they can really destroy the orcs in the south, it is impossible to go to the Gushan Palace from the far south.

Thorin sighed in a daze, "I'm not reconciled. If we miss this opportunity, we will have to wait another year...Who knows what will happen next year at this time?"

Xufeng said in a deep voice, "Sorin, believe me, I will bring all of you to Gushan before the autumn solstice."

Thorin said in surprise: "How is this possible? Didn't you let us break through to the south?"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Yes, but this will not affect our journey to Gushan."

Thorin shook his head vigorously, "It's impossible! Even if we pass through the gorge smoothly, under the chase of the orcs, it will be difficult for us to reach the lone mountain on time, not to mention, we have to break through to the south, time It's too late!"

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