Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1150

Xufeng smiled and said: "I said, I can do it, then I can do it, you don't have to ask more about it, just trust me."

Thorin gritted his teeth, "After so many things, the hard truth tells me, trust you, there can be nothing wrong! Dwarves, all go south! Let's destroy the orcs' nest!"


The dwarves immediately turned around and rushed toward the south.

On the ridge in the distance, Azog, the leader of the orcs, was riding on his huge white wolf, coldly looking down at the movement of the dwarf expedition.

When the dwarf expedition adjusted its direction and began to run wildly to the south, his brow bone without eyebrows tightened.

Chapter 263: Think it through yourself!

"Are the dwarves eating grass and eating silly?"

A half-orc adjutant riding a gray wolf grinned and said, "They flee to the south!"

Azog slapped his hand back, knocking the half-orc adjutant from the wolf.

The orc adjutant covered his face in astonishment, wondering why Azog slapped him.

Azog didn't explain anything, but said with a sullen face, "Quickly shrink the encirclement and pursue them with all their strength. We must destroy them all when they cross the third ridge in the south."

The adjutant said in surprise: "Pursue? Which force?"

Now, the half-orcs are divided into five units. In addition to a wolf cavalry unit on each ridge, there is also a half-orc soldier unit on the canyon. In addition, Azog himself also carries a small number of troops. , But the super powerful Wolf Guard.

Therefore, when Azog said to shrink the encirclement and pursue the dwarven expedition team, the adjutant subconsciously asked, and pursued with that force.

Azog glanced at the adjutant coldly, "Except for the troops in the valley, all other troops are involved in the pursuit."

"Does your wolf guard participate in the pursuit?" the adjutant asked shiveringly.

Azog said coldly: "Yes!"

As he said, Azog pulled the reins of the wolf, and the white wolf roared and jumped out quickly.

The twenty wolf guards behind Azog immediately followed.

Looking at Azog when Juechen was leaving, the adjutant shook his head and said: "It's crazy, crazy, all crazy. The dwarves run to our lair, and Azog used all his forces to chase twenty people. It's crazy. "

You know, although the wolf cavalry's mobility is very strong, it will suffer a great loss if they travel long distances.

It is a very risky thing to mobilize all the wolf cavalry units to form this encirclement, and now it is necessary to let the wolf cavalry chase after it. This is really overkill.

However, since the owner has issued such an order, he is responsible for passing the order.

In a short while, all the wolf cavalry units received this instruction, so the three thousand wolf cavalry rushed out from behind the ridge and madly pursued the dwarf expedition team.

Soon, in less than half an hour, the vanguard of the wolf cavalry had already appeared three kilometers behind the dwarf expedition.

Thorin roared loudly: "All speed up! We must not let the wolf cavalry catch up!"

Xu Feng said in a deep voice: "Don't stop, run to the dense forest ahead!"


The lungs of the dwarves are going to explode, but at this time, no one dares to stop.

Relatively speaking, Bilbo is a lot easier than the dwarves.

Most of the dwarves are sturdy and carry heavy weapons. This is obviously a great burden for long-distance running. Although Bilbo is not strong enough, his big shaggy feet are born to run. Born.

Therefore, all the dwarves would be tired and become fools after running all the way, but Bilbo was not a big deal, but kept cheering and encouraging the dwarves.

When the dwarves finally rushed into the dense forest, the vanguard of the wolf cavalry was already five hundred meters away.

After entering the dense forest, the dwarves collapsed to the ground, trying to rest.

Xu Feng shouted in a deep voice: "Don't even sit! Stand up quickly and continue walking!"

White Beard Bahrain said, "Master Diego, we need to rest!"

Xufeng shouted: "Walking is rest. I'm almost resting. I have to continue running."

Groyin said in pain: "I can't stand running like this! I would rather fight the wolf cavalry hard than run anymore! Even if I die by the wolf cavalry knife, I am a hero! But if I were If I run away, am I not a place to escape?"

"Yes! That's right!"

"We won't run away!"

"I'll do it with them!"

The dwarves shouted.

Even Thorin nodded out of breath—he didn't want to run anymore.

Xu Feng said coldly: "Do you want to be heroes? Well, I can fulfill you, but before that, I want to explain things to you first! Now that you are killed here, no one can remember you! You! Do you know why? Because the bloodline of the dwarves of the Gushan Mountain is severed here!"

As soon as the words came out, all the dwarves closed their mouths.

Xu Feng continued to shout coldly: "It's very simple to want to be a hero, but your behavior is not a true heroic behavior! You are running now, not to run away, but to implement the tactics I set for you! Only! Perform the tactics that I have set for you, and then you will have the opportunity to return to the Gushan Palace and continue your Gushan bloodline! Do you want to kill for a while or fight for your children and grandchildren? !"

Xufeng roared loudly: "I only give you three seconds! If you think clearly, get up and continue walking, if you give up, then treat me as if I didn't say anything!"

Thorin gritted his teeth, struggling to support his body, and walked towards the deep forest without a word.

The dwarves also stood up very consciously, relying on willpower to follow Thorin.

His legs are completely numb, and his lungs are almost out of breath, but Xufeng's words caused a great shock in their hearts. They are not fighting for themselves, but for the entire Lonely Mountain Dwarf. The tribes fight!

Seeing that the dwarves continued to move forward, Xu Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

He turned his head and ordered: "Xue Di, you and Uncle Lin Hai escort them, Yang Gong, hammer and me, we stay here to ambush and intercept a wave."

Gong Yang hurriedly said, "I also want to escort."

Xufeng said coldly: "You will escort you in the next round."

Gong Yang exclaimed again: "What, there is the next round?"

Xuedi nodded to Xufeng, "Be careful."

"Yeah." Xu Feng also nodded slightly towards Emperor Xue.

Xuedi immediately led Uncle Lin Hai to catch up with the dwarves.

They must have someone to protect Bilbo and Thorin. This is the most critical part of their reward mission.

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