Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1152

ten minutes later.

The dwarves have completely left the dense forest, and the second wave of wolf cavalry has just reached the outer forest.

No. 2 Wolf Cavalry Captain's rough and rough opponent roared: "You group of eateries, we are too slow, it is estimated that the dwarves have been killed! Others eat meat, we can't even drink the soup!"

All the wolf cavalry underneath dared not pant loudly.

In fact, they have ran at their full strength. All the wolves under their hips were exhausted and foamed at the mouth. However, the starting position of the No. 1 wolf team was originally better than them, and it was natural to find the Dwarf Expedition faster than them. It's normal.

The captain of the No. 2 wolf cavalry rushed into the dense forest cursingly, and as soon as he entered the dense forest, he was directly dumbfounded.

In the dense forest, corpses become mountains!

All of them belong to Wolf Cavalry Team One!

The black blood ran across the ground, and even the wolf paws of the wolf under his crotch were submerged!

The other wolf cavalry also rushed in at this time, and they were also shocked by the hellish scene before them.

"……team leader……"

After a long time, a wolf cavalry tentatively said: "Captain, what, what shall we do?"

The muscles on the face of the No. 2 wolf cavalry captain twitched slightly, and gritted his teeth and said: "Chasing! The fighting scene here is so tragic, those dwarves must be no better! They must be seriously injured! Then we just need to catch up, it's equivalent to It's for nothing!"

The other wolf cavalry were suddenly full of eyes!

It is true that the current scene is really terrifying them, but when they think that the dwarves on the opposite side may have been left with a breath, these wolf cavalry are a little unbearable!


"Catch up with those damn dwarves!"

"Kill them all!"

The second wolf cavalry team stepped on their companions, bones and blood, and quickly passed through the dense forest, continuing to chase the dwarf team.

At this time, Xufeng and the others were at least 20 kilometers away from the first ridge. Even if the dwarves ran with all their strength, they would not be able to reach the first ridge in a short time.

You must buy more time for the dwarves!

Xufeng looked around. There were no trees around, but there was a pile of rocks. When the Dwarf Expedition passed here just now, the speed was affected by the pile of rocks.

It's also suitable for ambush.

Xufeng immediately said to Emperor Xue: "Xuedi, you and Uncle Lin Hai stay here with me, Yang Gongzai, Iron Hammer, you two have a shift, just protect the dwarf expedition team."

"Okay." The hammer nodded.

Gong Yang breathed a sigh of relief, "It's great, I don't need to be a shield anymore."

Xufeng said coldly: "Duke Yang, you are ready again, next time you ambush, it will be you, when the time comes, you must behave well!"

Gong Yang said in horror: "No, brother!"

Xufeng frowned and said: "Don't be mother-in-law, hurry up, if you don't keep up with the Dwarf Expedition, then stay and be the second round of the meat shield!"

Duke Yang immediately turned around and ran without saying a word.

The hammer nodded at Xufeng, stuck his tongue out at Xuedi, and then went after the dwarf team.

Xuedi asked faintly: "Xufeng, don't you need to take turns?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Return? I have enemy fencing in my hand. Killing those wolf cavalry is as easy as cutting melons and vegetables. I haven't got enough of the last one."

Lin Hai laughed and said: "Then this one, you are still not cool enough! Because the cooperation between me and Xuedi can also cause great damage!"

Before, when Archmage Ruidagast was there, he poured the power of natural magic into Xuedi's weapon, which increased Xuedi's attack several times, and then killed the enemy in seconds.

Now, even though Ruidagast is not there, Ruidagast's staff is still there, so Lin Hai is also looking forward to a magical cooperation with Xuedi.

Xuedi said faintly: "This is a good idea, so Xufeng, don't take action for the time being, let me cooperate with Uncle Lin Hai, just so you can rest next to you."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Well, then I will be watching your performance by the side."

It would be better to take this opportunity to hone teamwork.

So, Xu Feng sat on the rock on one side and waited quietly.

Lin Hai stood behind Xufeng, because he was remote, the farther he stood, the less likely he was to be attacked by the enemy. Moreover, with Xufeng as a barrier in front of him, he could use Ruida with confidence and boldness. Gast's magic attacked.

Xuedi stood among the rocks, holding the sword of Borromir, staring coldly at the direction of the woods.

After a while, a group of vicious wolf cavalry chased out from the direction of the woods.

This is the second wolf cavalry team.

Said it is a small team, but in fact, this team has at least two hundred orc cavalry.

Coupled with the more than two hundred wolves under their hips, the whole team looks mighty and terrifying.

But Xu Feng had only three people.

If Xu Feng did not participate in the war, it would be two people.

Two men fighting a two-hundred wolf cavalry team is simply desperate.

However, Xuedi stood calmly on the spot, coldly watching the wolf cavalry rush towards her.

The second wolf cavalry captain was overjoyed, and while raising the machete in his hand, he shouted loudly: "Brothers! Didn't you see! The dwarves are over! They can rely on these humans to block a block! Let's rush over in one breath." , Catch up with the dwarves!"

"Yes!" The wolf cavalry were all ecstatic.

Xuedi said coldly: "Hehe, it seems that these guys don't put me in the eyes at all, then all right, then I will show you the strength of our Xuedi team."

With that, the Snow Emperor slowly revealed the Sword of Borromir.

At the same time, Uncle Lin Hai also began to condense his thoughts on the Ruidagast Staff, a force of natural lightning condensing at the blue gem of the Ruidagast Staff.

The wolf cavalry rushed to the snow emperor, every wolf cavalry wanted to kill the snow emperor.

Xuedi smiled coldly, leaped high, and with a thunder strike, he fell from the air, and slammed the wolf cavalry in front!

At this time, Lin Hai’s magical lightning should have been poured into the Snow Emperor’s Sword of Borromir. In that case, the Sword of Borromir could have the power of high-voltage current and directly penetrate all the half-orc wolves present. Cavalry and wolf!

The electrical conductivity of lightning is super!

As long as you hit one, it will definitely affect a group!

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