Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1153

Of course, the strength of these wolf cavalry is much stronger than the three-legged cat robbers encountered before. Lightning magic cannot cause much damage to them, but at the very least, they can be paralyzed by electric currents to slow down and reduce. The effect of defense.

However, Uncle Lin Hai's lightning magic skills should have been matched to Xuedi's Boromir Sword, but they didn't.

The Snow Emperor blasted the ground heavily, and the shock wave caused by the Sword of Borromir only rushed the dozens of wolf cavalry in the front row and fell into the pile of half-orcs.

what happened?

Chapter 266 Do you want to try again?

Xuedi looked suspiciously in the direction of Uncle Lin Hai.

Uncle Lin Hai, sweating profusely, said eagerly: "I'm sorry! There is something wrong with the Ruidagast Staff, it seems...bad contact!"

Uncle Lin Hai's thoughts had already been injected into Ruidagast's staff, and the result was only a slight shake, and the halo of the magic sapphire at the top of the staff went out.

After the halo of the magic sapphire disappeared, the Ruidagast staff completely failed, and the effect of the staff naturally could not be poured into the Snow Emperor's Boromir Sword.

Xufeng sat on the rock and laughed, "...Uncle Lin Hai, did you cut this staff from Pin Xixi?"

Uncle Lin Hai blushed and shook the magic sapphire back and forth with his hands, "It will be done soon! It will be done soon! It's okay, it's okay, just a little bit of bad contact."

Not to mention, after him, the magic sapphire lights up again.

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Sure enough, I bought it from Pin Xixi!"

Lin Hai wiped the sweat from his forehead, "I'm ready!"

At this time, the wolf cavalry had been surrounded by the Xuedi group.

The captain of the second wolf cavalry was furious and furious. He originally wanted to rush over at once, but he was stopped by a masked woman.

He was in the first row and was the furthest hit.

This makes his face very dull!

Those wolf cavalry who had not been impacted by the sword of Borromir had a chance to rush past Xuedi, but when they saw that their captains were all blown away, they naturally couldn't ignore it.

If anyone dared to leave the captain and rush to the forefront alone, then don't even think about mixing in this team.

Therefore, the wolf cavalry changed their strategy and surrounded the Xue Di Tuan Tuan.

The captain of the wolf cavalry roared fiercely: "What are you guys doing in a daze! Kill me! Kill!"

The wolf cavalry immediately moved towards the Snow Emperor.

Xuedi calmly challenged, the sword of Boromir in his hand blocked the attack of the wolf cavalry like clouds and flowing water.

These wolf cavalry are the elite of the half-orcs.

It takes three years to train a wolf under the crotch of a wolf cavalry.

It takes five years to train wolf cavalry. During these five years, there have been countless selections and tests. Only the most powerful half-orcs can finally become wolf cavalry.

But as far as the wolf cavalry is, the strength is not bad.

If calculated by the level of the survivor, the strength of the wolf cavalry is almost at the level of 54.

However, more than two hundred such wolf cavalry soldiers could not hurt Xuedi a bit!

Although Xuedi's personal level is only 40, but with her experience, awareness, skills, and the most important thing is her equipment and weapons, her actual strength is at least 50 or above.

As the front row of the meat shield, Xuedi didn't worry about the impact of these orcs and wolf cavalry.

After several rounds of confrontation, the special effects of the defensive value of the sword of Boromir have accumulated to thousands of points, and the armor value of the snow emperor can almost be immune to all attacks of the wolf cavalry!

As long as the battle does not stop, as long as the wolf cavalry cannot drop the Snow Emperor all at once, then the Snow Emperor will be invincible.

The Sword of Boromir may not be able to give play to its advantages when facing the strong. However, in the face of enemies with a large number of wolf cavalry but without real killers, the Sword of Boromir is simply a super artifact. .

The more Snow Emperor fought, the easier he fought, and the more he fought.

Uncle Lin Hai in the distance was a little anxious, "Sister Xuedi, hurry up and come down from the sky!"

Xuedi said: "That is a thunder blow!"

"Ah yes yes, thunder strike!" Lin Haishu said: "Let's cooperate again!"

"I won't lose the chain this time?" Xuedi asked.

Lin Hai quickly promised: "Of course not!"

"Okay!" Xuedi shot back the surrounding wolf cavalry with a sword, and then suddenly jumped high.

The wolf cavalry immediately threw their sharp spears at the Snow Emperor, and suddenly, hundreds of spears flew towards the Snow Emperor. The scene looked spectacular!

The Xuedi didn’t care at all. The armor value on her body was about to reach more than five thousand. Even if all these spears hit her, at best it would only lose three or four thousand of her armor value, and it would not break her. Prevention, it is impossible to hurt her.

The Snow Emperor raised the Boromir Sword high in the air. At the same time, Uncle Lin Hai’s Ruidagast Staff finally had no problems. The sky was densely covered with thunderclouds and dozens of rough and dazzling lightnings. Slashing across the air, all the electric power was poured into the sword of Borromir!

The Snow Emperor roared, brandishing the charged Boromir sword, and blasted to the ground fiercely!

Suddenly, electricity and light splashed, and rocks burst!

The half-orcs and wolf cavalry present, including the wolves under their crotch, count as one, all of them were hit by lightning special effects!

The wolf cavalry grinned in pain, and they were all in a state of paralysis.

However, this paralyzed state only lasted for a short period of two seconds. After two seconds, the special effects of lightning gradually disappeared, and the wolf cavalry could resume activities.

The injuries they received were not serious, and the fighting condition remained above 90%.

According to this algorithm, Xuedi and Lin Hai would need at least 10 times before these wolf cavalry could completely lose their fighting ability and collapse on the ground.

As for Uncle Lin Hai, such a wide range of magic consumes his mental energy extremely. Even if he fights his life, he can only use it 3 times at most, and he needs to take a good rest and adjust.

After the thunder strike, the wolf cavalry regrouped and continued to besiege Xuedi under the leadership of their captain.

The Snow Emperor has the sword of Boromir, although she is not afraid of the siege of these wolf cavalry, but if it continues like this, it is estimated that she will not be able to destroy the wolf cavalry until dawn.

Naturally, this group of wolf cavalry could not kill her.

If it's normal, it's nothing more than grinding time like this, but it's not working now.

There are more wolf cavalry chasing here. If after the wolf cavalry are all gathered, one person throws a spear at the snow emperor, then no matter how thick the snow emperor’s armor is, it will be instantly broken. .

Seeing Xuedi fighting alone among the wolf cavalry, Uncle Lin Hai couldn't help sighing, "No way, I won't be able to reach Ruidagast's magical power after all. I add up with Xuedi. It’s not enough to see the damage. If you want to hold the enemy, we two can cooperate, but if you want to destroy them, you still have to go."

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Actually, your cooperation is already very good. In terms of damage, I can make up for it-Uncle Lin Hai, do you want to try again?"

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