Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1154

Lin Hai was startled slightly, "You mean...the three of us cooperate?".

Xufeng smiled and said, "Try it?"

Lin Hai grinned excitedly: "Of course I want to try!"

Chapter 267: This Is Not The Point

Lin Hai concentrated his thoughts and poured his spiritual power into the Ruidagast staff, and the magic sapphire on the staff immediately burst out with dazzling brilliance.

"Kill him! Kill the mage!" The captain of the wolf cavalry was afraid that he would be electrocuted again. When he saw Lin Hai holding up the staff, he immediately ordered his men to shift firepower.

Part of the wolf cavalry charged towards Lin Hai, and the other part of the wolf cavalry a little further away threw spears towards Lin Hai.

Lin Hai's spirit was slightly distracted.

Xu Feng said lightly: "Uncle Lin Hai, just concentrate, I am here."

Lin Hai immediately concentrated, completely ignoring the wolf cavalry spear thrown over.

Xu Feng showed two swords like a trick.

The left hand is the sword of Triton, the right hand is the enemy fencing.

As soon as the enemy fought out, all the wolves present cowered.

The wolf cavalry also felt an inexplicable oppressive force.

When those spears were shot over, Xufeng swung the sword of Triton and the enemy's fencing. The two swords formed two blade vortexes. Before the wolf cavalry could see clearly, all the spears were rebounded. .

Those wolf cavalry who rushed towards Xufeng and Linhai were shot by spears. More than a dozen wolf cavalry were shot to death. The remaining dozens of wolf cavalry were more or less stabbed by spears. .

The wolf cavalry who followed behind and wanted to pick up the leak naturally did not dare to rush forward.

The captain of the wolf cavalry was also really taken aback. He originally thought that among these people, the masked woman was the most difficult to deal with, but now it seems that he was very wrong.

Just when he was stunned, Xuedi jumped up directly, holding the sword of Boromir in his hand high!

Ruidagast's staff once again summoned a huge thundercloud storm, dozens of rough and dazzling lightning smashed across the sky, and the power of the lightning was completely poured into the Snow Emperor's Boromir Sword!

The Snow Emperor roared, with the effect of thunderbolt, with a thunderous strike, like a meteor and meteor, it smashed to the center of the wolf cavalry!

Suddenly, the lights are everywhere!

The wolf cavalry and their wolves were all hit by the paralysis effect of lightning!

The current spreads around them!

"Jump out!" Xu Feng shouted at the Xuedi loudly.

Xuedi immediately jumped again and jumped out of the circle of wolf cavalry.

At this time, the paralyzing current effect on the wolf cavalry body had one second left.

After a second, the paralyzing current effect will disappear, and they will gradually recover.

However, at this moment, Xufeng cut in like a beam of light. The Triton sword in his hand and the enemy's fencing sword used a whirlwind. The two swords were like the blades of a meat grinder, killing wildly. Harvesting crazy!

In just one second, Xu Feng chopped off the heads of a hundred wolf cavalry!

There are mutilated corpses all over the rocks, and the black blood of half-orcs is in the cracks in the rocks!

The wolf cavalry captain was completely terrified.

Only then did he realize that the horror that the previous wolf cavalry squad was annihilated was not a fierce fight with the dwarf expedition, but was harvested by this terrifying guy in front of him!

This guy is the scariest person!

The captain of the wolf cavalry suddenly realized that the destruction of the previous outpost and fortress and the failure of the ambush in the Mengshui Marsh were all related to this person!

This is the most taboo person of Master Azog!

The captain of the wolf cavalry immediately turned the wolf's head and shouted loudly: "Run! Run! Go back and report to the owner——"

Before he finished his words, Xu Feng pierced his heart with a sword.

The remaining wolf cavalry were all frightened and their legs weakened.

They thought they would be able to make merits, but they did not expect to take the old path of the No. 1 Wolf Riding Squad...

Run away.

There is no other way.

Anyway, before the captain died, he also let everyone escape.

The remaining wolf cavalry began to flee as if waking up from a dream.

And at this time, Uncle Lin Hai, who had been prepared for a long time, raised the Ruidagast Staff, and summoned a huge ice cloud in the sky. Then, the magic blizzard slammed on those who were preparing to do their best. On the escaped wolf cavalry.

The wolf cavalry suddenly felt a biting chill, and then their movement speed became extremely slow.

But at this time, Xu Feng slashed with another whirlwind. Among the remaining wolf cavalry, one was counted as one, and all of them fell to the ground.

Xufeng looked around and made sure that there was no more life left, and then grinned, "Okay, done."

Lin Hai said excitedly: "It seems that the cooperation of the three of us is the most effective! The two hundred wolf cavalry were killed by us in a blink of an eye. The fellow Azog saw the corpse all over the floor, he must be It will be mad."

Xuedi said lightly: "Actually, we didn't cooperate very well this time. In the end, it was all due to Xufeng's high damage output, so that we could be so smooth, otherwise..."

Lin Hai nodded heavily, "Yes, I understand it. I think our Xuedi team relies on Xufeng. As long as there is Xufeng, it will be fine. We are working hard to improve now. In order to be able to cooperate with Shang Xufeng's combat power."

Xuedi was silent for a moment, "I don't want to admit this, but I have to admit it."

Xufeng laughed, "Come on, you two praise me like this, it makes me a little embarrassed."

Xuedi gave him a white look, "You still have some embarrassment."

Xufeng smiled and said, "This place shouldn't stay for long, we should leave, otherwise, it will become a wheel fight."

"Okay, let's chase the dwarves." Lin Hai turned around to leave.

Xufeng said, "Uncle Lin Hai——"

"What?" Lin Hai asked.

"I have to trouble you with something." Xu Feng smiled embarrassedly.

Lin Hai quickly said, "Look at what you said, what do you mean to trouble me? If you have anything, just order it!"

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