Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1157

Azog’s lair has been in business for more than 30 years. There is not only a super strong defense, but also a large number of troops, countless supplies, and the terrain is also very complicated. Even the China-Turkey Alliance, each country has a thousand. An elite soldier may not be able to knock down Azog's lair in a short time.

Therefore, Xufeng would not go to attack Azog's lair unhappily.

From the beginning, he had planned it-take Azog's nose around, then sit on the Griffin, flap his wings and leave.

Azog certainly couldn't think of this.

After having learned the lessons of burning outposts and fortresses twice, Azog felt that this time he must burn his lair.

Therefore, Azog ordered the wolf cavalry unit to pursue with all their strength, while he led the wolf guards straight into the path and hurried back to his lair.

In this way, even if the wolf cavalry can't stop the dwarf expedition, at least he and the wolf guards have returned to the old nest, and there is no fear that the old nest will be burned-Azog is really afraid of being burned, if even the old nest is If he was burned, Dark Lord Sauron would definitely chop him off and feed the wolf.

Azog's rush along the way is no easier than the Dwarf Expedition.

Don’t look at Azog riding a wolf. The dwarves walk on their legs, but the path Azog walked is the most dangerous and difficult to walk. The roads on this road are the most difficult to walk. It really saves half of the battle-tested. The orc chief was tossing about.

But after Xufeng and the others passed the first ridge, they found a cave and slept for five hours. When it was dark the next day, they simply ate some Yinyue Cai and recovered their physical fitness. Keep going.

Chapter 270 Unconditional Belief

In this way, after five days and four nights of trekking, Xu Feng led the dwarf expedition team to successfully climb the three highest ridges of the Misty Mountains.

Even regardless of the tactics, just talking about this kind of ridge crossing is an amazing achievement in itself. Everyone in the dwarf expedition team has the capital to brag about.

The dwarves have gradually adapted to this and the intensity of the march-this is actually a very important point. Most of these dwarves were fighters during the Battle of the Blue Mountains. They have a good foundation, but the battle of the Blue Mountains has passed. After a lot of time, their fighting will has been worn away a lot, otherwise, they won't fall into the goblin dungeon, and they will be bullied by the goblin.

Xufeng also took advantage of this opportunity to let the dwarves regain the feeling of fighting, and only in this way, when the next reward task is "The Hobbit 2: The Battle of Smaug", the dwarves can play their role. Some functions come.

In these five days, Xufeng designed two more ambushes, killing a total of 1,000 wolf cavalry. Counting the previous two, Xufeng killed at least 1,300 wolf cavalry.

The number of wolf cavalry under Azog is more than 3,000 in total. After all, the cost of training a wolf cavalry is very high.

But now, Xu Feng almost wiped out a third of Azog's elite with his own power.

When Azog received the battle report, his heart would bleed.

After killing so many wolf cavalry, the remaining wolf cavalry naturally did not dare to chase, and could only follow far behind.

In this way, Xufeng and the others are safer, and the dwarven expedition can finally sleep for eight hours, and can hunt prey and eat game along the way.

During this period, Xu Feng kept in touch with Lin Hai with his mind to determine Lin Hai's progress.

On the sixth day, Lin Hai reported through his thoughts that he had already entered the range of the green forest, and I believed that he would be able to see Ruidagast soon.

Xu Feng breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Lin Hai entered the green forest smoothly, there would be no danger for Lin Hai and the task would be completed quickly.

Xu Feng roughly recalled the map of Middle-earth, and then he called for Thorin.

Thorin frowned and walked over, "What's the matter, swordsman."

Xufeng picked up a branch and drew a few hastily on the ground, "Next, we have to go like this."

Thorin said in astonishment: "Wait, don't you continue to the south? Why go west? Everything is going well for us now, the wolf cavalry behind us dare not lean over!"

Xufeng smiled, "Yes, I know, but they dare not come over. That's their business. Let's not be influenced by them. We should just implement our plan step by step."

Thorin looked down at Xu Feng's sketch, frowned and said, "However, the half-orcs and the nest is in the south, and walking to the west cannot achieve our plan to destroy their nest."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Who told you that our plan is to destroy the orcs' nest?"

Thorin asked, "If not, then why should we go all the way south? We are already farther and farther away from the Lonely Mountain!"

After these few days, Thorin had convinced himself to accept the reality of not being able to enter the Lonely Mountain.

You can only enter the secret underground passage of the Gushan Palace on this day of Autumn. If you miss it once, you can only wait for the next year.

Although it's a long time, for Thorin, there is still hope.

Moreover, if this time the Orc’s lair can be destroyed and Azog killed, it will be a great achievement. By next year, there will be no stumbling block to hold them back.

Therefore, Thorin slowly accepted this reality, and became more and more looking forward to the realization of this reality.

But now, Xufeng suddenly adjusted the route, no longer heading south, but going to the west instead.

In this case, Thorin couldn't accept it, neither going to become a lone mountain nor destroying the half-orc lair.

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Sorin, our plan has never changed from the beginning to now."

Thorin was startled slightly, "Wait, you mean, go to Gushan?"

Xufeng nodded and said, "Yes."

Thorin shook his head, "No, it's impossible. Okay, even if you can spare a big circle and bring us back to Gushan safely, what about? The autumn solstice is coming soon. Go back in a big circle to the west, at least more than 30 days! We can't keep up with anything!"

Xu Feng said lightly: "Sorin, I can assure you that I can let you enter the underground passage of the Gushan Palace on the day of the autumn solstice."

Thorin said in astonishment: "You...how can you do it?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "You just need to take care of this. In short, if you believe me, then listen to me." Thorin said quickly: "Swordsman, I always believed in you, but you promised. Things are too weird—"

Xufeng smiled and said, "You don't have to bother to think about it. You just tell me whether you believe me or don't believe me."

Thorin gritted his teeth, "Of course I believe you! Swordsman, you saved us more than once! Without you, our dwarf expedition team would have been wiped out before leaving the territories of the human race! We are still dead! Talking and chatting with you here is all given by you! So, I trust you unconditionally!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "That's good, after turning the small valley ahead, go west."

"Yes! I'll notify them." Thorin leaned slightly towards Xufeng, and then hurriedly ran to the dwarf to convey the new order.

The dwarves were somewhat unacceptable at first, but since Thorin agreed, they could only follow along.

So, the dwarf expedition continued on the road, and after passing through the valley, it turned to the west and continued on.

It took several more hours for the wolf cavalry to come here cautiously.

The wolf lowered his head and sniffed the smell of the ground, and then looked westward.

"Why did they go west?" The captain of the wolf cavalry was puzzled.

According to the latest instructions sent by Azog’s ravens, these wolf cavalry will follow the dwarf expedition to go south until the dwarf expedition wants to attack the lair, they will form an encirclement with Azog’s team and put the dwarves Everyone in the expedition was surrounded.

But... Seeing that in another three or five days, you can reach the sphere of influence of the Orc Lair, but the dwarf expedition team suddenly changed its direction.

"Captain, what should I do? Isn't it chasing you?" A wolf cavalry asked nervously.

The captain frowned and thought about it, "Let's rest first-send a raven to deliver a letter to the master, and wait for the master's decision!"


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