Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1158

Chapter 271

Just when Xu Feng took the dwarf expedition team and turned to the west, Lin Hai finally reached the Green Forest.

This is not the first time he has come to the Green Forest, so as soon as he enters the Green Forest, he walks in the direction of Radagast's hut.

A little bird flew on top of his head and babbled at him.

Lin Hai didn't care at first, but soon he recognized that this bird was one of the two little kingfishers living in Rydagast's hat.

"Aha, it's you." Lin Hai said with a smile: "Are you calling...chatting, or are you calling chatting?"

The bird was still twittering, flapping its wings.

Lin Hai felt a little strange, and then found that the Green Forest was a little different from before.

The trees that were originally neatly arranged were hit by some brute force, and the ground was also messy, and it stretched towards Radagast's hut.

Lin Hai frowned and said, "Is Ruidagast in trouble?"

The bird flapped its wings harder.

Lin Hai quickly said: "Quick! Take me there!"

Lin Hai and Ruidagast are still friends!Even if it wasn't because of friends' feelings, Lin Hai would go to help Ruidagast, if something happened to Ruidagast, then the Griffin matter would be ruined!Lin Hai doesn't understand bird language and can't communicate with Griffin!

The bird turned his head and flew in the other direction, and Lin Hai hurriedly followed.

Along the way, Lin Hai saw the corpses of many tree spirits—their rhizomes were uprooted, and the tree bodies were all broken.

For dryads, they can live to be old, but once the rhizome is destroyed, they die completely.

Lin Hai has been in contact with the tree spirits. Although the tree spirit’s individual combat strength is not too strong, at best it is only at level 48 and 49, but the tree spirit’s defensive ability is still very strong, especially in groups. Team time.

Now, these dryads were all destroyed, indicating that the enemy Rydagast faced was not simple.

Lin Hai's mood is getting heavier.

He remembered the ticket he had given to Xufeng. The most critical part of Xufeng’s tactics was the Griffin. If he could not bring the Griffin to Xufeng on time... Then not only the Dwarf Expedition team will be over, they The Xuedi team will be over!

Lin Hai said urgently: "Little bird, hurry up!"

The little bird is like an arrow from the string, rushing through the forest, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"I rely on..." Lin Hai suddenly grew up.

I really can't see it!

This speed is too fast, right?

Who can keep up with this?

I'm afraid there is only Xufeng!

Lin Hai sighed helplessly, and could only rush forward by himself.

Fortunately, there were traces of fighting on the ground and traces of magic. Lin Hai could walk along these traces.

After passing through a pile of rocks and entering a valley, there are fewer traces of battle.

Lin Hai cautiously continued to find his way, and while looking for the way, he whispered: "Ridagast! Rhidagast——"

Suddenly, a fierce lion rushed out of the hiding place, and knocked down the unsuspecting Lin Hai with one paw. Bai Sensen's teeth pressed against Lin Hai's neck fiercely!

Just as Lin Hai was about to blast the lion away with his fireball technique, he heard a familiar voice from a distance, "Alexander, stop, right? Stop! It's his own!"

Immediately afterwards, a figure in a brown robe appeared in front of Lin Hai, as well as a familiar rabbit sled.

The lion immediately loosened his teeth and licked Lin Hai's neck carefully to apologize.

Lin Hai was so scared that his hairs stood up, and he dared not refuse the lion's apology.

"Alright, Aleksand, go away and go back to your own post." Brown-robed mage Radagast said unceremoniously.

The lion Alexandre rolled coquettishly on the ground like a cat, and then went back into the grass before.

Ruidagast smiled at Lin Hai: "Aha! Mr. Lin Hai! I didn't expect to see you here! I thought, cough cough, I thought you died in Fengyun Mountain! Wow, Great, you still brought mine—"

Before Ruidagast could finish speaking, Lin Hai quickly turned over from the grass. At the same time, with a thought, he hidden Ruidagast's staff in his inspiration inventory.

By the time he stood upright, the staff of Radagast was gone.

Radagast's mouth froze suddenly.

He clearly saw his staff just now, why did he disappear in the blink of an eye?

Is it because I am blinded?

Just as Ruidagast was about to inquire carefully, Lin Hai said first: "Ridagast, I miss you so much!"

Ruidagast said quickly: "Yes! I miss you too! But mine..."

Lin Hai said with a serious face: "The last time I was in Fengyun Ridge, I was chased by hundreds of orc scouts. That scene was really dangerous! But fortunately, I climbed the Fengyun Ridge and met King Elrond The personally led patrols saved their lives. What about you, how are you? You are now... why are you so embarrassed?"

Ruidagast was indeed a little embarrassed now.

He was holding an ebony staff in his hand. There was no magic sapphire on the staff, and the effect was naturally much weaker than that of Ryda Gast's staff.

Of course, this is not the place where he is most embarrassed. He was originally dressed casually, sloppy, and now his clothes are even more humiliated.

Moreover, his rabbit sled originally had twenty rabbits, but now only half is left.

Ruidagast said sadly: "That day, I led some orc scouts back to the green forest. After returning, my dryads and friends in the forest helped me kill all these orc scouts. I thought the matter had been resolved, but when I returned to my forest hut, I discovered that it was already occupied by a group of huge spiders!"

"A group of huge spiders?" Lin Hai was stunned.

Ruidagast nodded and said, "Yes, it's the kind of spiders that can spread the plague. The spiders that Ms. Xuedi killed before are only part of this batch of spiders. Although the Angmar Witch King has escaped, His monster spiders are still here. I want to drive them away, but... you know, I’m not good at fighting. I fought with those big spiders three times, oh no, to be precise. Two times, because the third time I had no chance at all. I was chased here to hide. Well, I fought those monster spiders twice and I was defeated by them. They are too strong, and I There is no staff to take advantage of—"

Lin Hai hurriedly changed the subject, "How many spiders are there?"

Chapter 272: Druid

Ruidagast thought for a while, "I think, there are probably three? Yes, there should be only three, but not necessarily, because they have been guarding the forest hut, I did not enter the house, so I don't know if there is any in my house."

"Three?" Lin Hai breathed a sigh of relief, "So, the two of us still have a chance to deal with them."

Ruidagast said in surprise: "Are we two? This... is too dangerous? How about looking for reinforcements or something? If Ms. Xuedi can come, that would be great. Of course, if it is repeated It would be even better if Master Di can come."

Lin Hai smiled, "They are busy, they can't come, and the only person who can help you at the moment is me."

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