Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1159

"But..." Rydagast shrugged, "I think I'd better wait for it to be safer."

I rely on!

See what this means, you think I can’t do it for me!

Lin Hai was angry and funny suddenly.

According to his good old personality before, he didn't say anything, and just waited with Rida Gast. After all, he didn't have much confidence in his own ability.

However, today is no better than in the past.

Xufeng handed him the most critical step of the entire tactic. Now the entire Dwarf Expedition and the Snow Emperor team are counting on him to take the Griffin back to the rescue as soon as possible!

How could he waste time in front of three spiders?

Moreover, he has been with Xufeng for so long. If he can't handle such a thing well, is he still a member of Xuedi Team?

Lin Hai immediately said in a deep voice, "You don't have to wait for them, the two of us can handle this."

"But..." Radagast was very worried.

Lin Hai said, "Ridargast, you are the archmage of the Holy White Council! If you spread it out and say that you can't even kill three ordinary monster spiders, then you can't be laughed out of your teeth?"

Ridagaster blushed, "I, I, I'm just not good at fighting."

Lin Hai said: "It doesn't matter if you are not good at fighting, I can stand in the front, but you have to help me."

Ruidagast asked: "Are you sure?"

Lin Hai nodded without hesitation, "Of course!"

Seeing that Lin Hai was confident, Ruidagast was relieved, "Well, I will listen to you!"

In fact, Lin Hai had no bottom in his heart.

This is the first time he has performed the task by himself, and he also needs to bring a little brother together.

Although Ruidagast's strength is stronger than him, but with Ruidagast's style of acting, being a little brother is considered to be a high praise for him.

Ruidagast asked expectantly: "So, what should we do in the first step?"

Lin Hai took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

At the beginning, his mind was full of squishy, ​​without a clue.

But after thinking for a while, he has a clue.

His clue is-he really is not that piece of material.

Captain command, it's really not everyone can be the commander, you have to have a brain.

After getting this "clutch", the rest will be easier to handle, that is, don't think and make decisions by yourself. The best way is to find someone who is really awesome and can really arrange reasonable tactics. command!

Really awesome, do people who can really command still need to consider?

Naturally it is Xufeng!

Although Lin Hai and Xufeng are not in the same place, Lin Hai can maintain communication with Xufeng!

He cleared his throat, and then said to the expectant Ridagasta: "Reidagast, I came from a long way, hungry and thirsty. Could you please get me something to eat and drink first, and wait until you are full. I'll tell you how to do it again."

"Yes, yes!" Rida Gast patted his forehead, "I forgot to entertain you first! Go, I'll take you back to the cave, and you will be there soon."

"it is good."

Lin Hai immediately followed Ruidagast to a cave somewhere in the valley, and various small animals also sent wild fruits and honey.

Lin Hai condensed his mind while eating and drinking calmly, and got in touch with Xu Feng.

"Xufeng, there is a little trouble here."

"What's wrong, Uncle Lin Hai?"

Lin Hai then reported to Xu Feng about the three giant poisonous spiders.

"I have promised Ruidagast to help him get rid of the three spiders, but...what should I do? What should I do first? What should I do later?" Lin Hai asked seriously.

Xufeng immediately replied with thoughts: "Uncle Lin Hai, you are doing the right thing. At this time, you have to act quickly and get rid of the poisonous spiders as soon as possible, and then you can let Ruidagast send the griffon to you. If you want to get rid of the three poisonous spiders, you must first know their specific conditions, including their level, main attack skills, and their daily habits, etc. These are all part of the intelligence part, as the saying goes, knowing yourself and knowing the enemy can win every battle. , You have to send a small animal to investigate, and then give me detailed information feedback, so that I can tailor tactics for you."

Lin Hai immediately said with thoughts: "Okay, I understand."

After interrupting the mental connection, Lin Hai cleared his throat, "As the saying goes, knowing oneself and the enemy can win all battles! Therefore, I have to collect the intelligence of the three spiders first to understand their strength, main attack skills, and their Daily habits and so on."

Ruidagast nodded admiringly, "That's right! That's right! But...how can I detect it? Last time I wanted to see what happened, but when I got close, I was spotted by a poisonous spider. ."

Lin Hai thought for a while, "I remember, you are a druid-type archmage, right?"

"Yes." Radagast nodded proudly, "Druid is a magic school that can transform into animals. I can transform into six, not seven animal forms, and a seventh animal form. It’s me."

Lin Hai said: "Then can you become a bird?"

Ruidagast said quickly: "Of course! I can also become a fish, not a mermaid, just a fish."

Lin Hai said, "Can you use magic to share what you see and hear with me?"

Ruidagast thought for a while, "I've never tried this, I only tried, sharing what other little animals saw and heard with myself."

Lin Hai said: "You are a great mage, you should be able to do it."

Radagast took a deep breath, "Okay, I'll try it!"

Speaking of Ruidagast, he concentrated his mind and tried to communicate with Lin Hai's.

And Lin Hai also concentrated his thoughts, trying hard to search for Radagast's thoughts.

Both of them are mages, so they soon found a "band" of the same idea, and Ruidagast immediately shared his vision and hearing with Lin Hai.

Lin Hai said: "Well, you can now become a bird, and then fly over to investigate."

Reda Gast nodded, and then silently chanted a mantra. Then, he jumped into the air and turned into a brown heron.

Chapter 273

Lin Hai was startled slightly, "You have become...a...duck?"

Ruidagast shouted angrily: "This is not a duck, this is a heron, a bird that can float on water!"

Lin Hai said: "Ducks also think they are birds that can float on water."

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