Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1160

Ruidagast waved his wings and roared loudly: "I am not a duck, I am a heron! I can fly! I can fly!"

As he said, Radagast jumped into the sky suddenly, and then... fell to the ground.

Lin Hai quickly asked with concern: "Are you okay? Has the duck paw broken? Is the duck neck okay? Duck blood... eh? With that, why am I a little hungry again?"

Ruidagast hurriedly avoided Lin Hai, "Don't make trouble! I haven't changed into a heron for a long time, and for a while I forgot how to fly. Well, flying requires skill, I remember, it should be like this first, then Like this, then again—"

Rydagast made a series of dazzling moves, then flopped twice, and finally fell to the ground.

Lin Hai sighed helplessly, "Lao Rui, you are wasting your time, otherwise, let's forget it."

"Don't don't!" Ruidagast said quickly: "Don't forget! I'm also one of the great wizards of the Holy White Council! How can I just forget it? Give me another chance! Give me another chance! I have one chance!"

Lin Hai said helplessly, "All right, but you have to hurry up."

Ruidagast flapped his wings two more times, but still couldn’t fly. He said quickly: “I think the cave is too low. It’s affecting my flight. Let’s go out and go to the top of the mountain. Throw it down from the top of the mountain and I will definitely be able to fly."

"I will throw you off the top of the mountain..." Lin Hai suddenly felt dumbfounded.

Rydagast said seriously, "Yes! Throw it down to me, I have enough updraft to fly."

Lin Hai smiled helplessly: "You druid, what's the use of becoming a bird? You have to rely on others to throw you from the top of the mountain to fly! I seriously suspect that you are not a bird at all, that is duck."

Ruidagast argued angrily: "I am a bird, I am a bird!"

Lin Hai said helplessly: "Well, you are a bird, you are a bird, come on, I will take you to the top of the mountain, and then throw it down for you. Alas, no one believes this!"

Ruidagast said quickly: "You'd better not say it!"

As the great mage of the Holy White Council, after he was transformed, he actually needed to be hugged and thrown down. It would be a shame to say it.

"Good job! Don't tell me!" Lin Hai shook his head straight.

When he hugged Ridagasta's duck form, it was not right, it was a bird form. When he hugged Ridagasta's bird form, Lin Hai said in a deep voice, "I know why I can't fly."

Rida Gast asked, "Why?"

"You are too heavy."


"Although your form has become a heron, but your weight has not changed with it, your transformation this time is not very successful." Lin Hai said.

Ruidagast said stiffly: "It doesn't matter. My weight is standard weight. I eat plant crude fiber every day, and I drink honey water. There is nothing more in Middle-earth than my diet. Healthy people."

"Okay, just keep your mouth hard." Lin Hai walked out of the cave holding the heavy Ridagast, and then climbed to the top of the mountain out of breath.

Rydagast said, "Well, right here, throw me down from here."

"Are you sure?" Lin Hai asked.

"Sure, sure!" Ruidagast urged impatiently: "Hurry up, don't mother-in-law."

"Good." Lin Hai threw Ruidagast down like a shot put.

Ruidagast yelled in panic: "I haven't spread my wings yet! I haven't...Ah!"


Rydagast fell heavily to the ground.

Fortunately, the top of this mountain is not too high, otherwise, he will become the first druid mage to become a bird and be thrown to death.

Lin Hai quickly ran down, "Lao Rui! Are you okay?"

"Quickly...help me up..." Radagast said weakly.

Lin Hai quickly picked up Ruidagast, "Are you still here?"

Radagast shook the bird's head.

Lin Hai said in admiration: "It's amazing, it's all like this, you still don't give up."

Ruidagast was about to cry, "Why don't I give up, I can't afford it!"

Lin Hai smiled and said: "Come on, try again. I made a mistake just now. I should wait for you to spread my wings and throw it down for you. This time it's done."

Ruidagast said helplessly: "Well, then, then try again."

Therefore, Lin Hai held Ruidagast to the top of the mountain.

This time, the two of them were fully prepared. Lin Hai lifted Ruidagast high above his head against the wind, and Ruidagast also spread his wings.

"Are you ready?" Lin Hai asked.

"Ready...wait! Wait!"

Lin Hai almost threw Ruidagast out, and when he heard "wait", he immediately retracted.

"What's wrong?" Lin Hai asked.

Reda Gast said: "You run up."

"Run-up..." Lin Hai was about to collapse. He didn't expect that the most difficult part of the intelligence investigation was to help Ruidagast's bird shape take off.

Ruidagast said seriously: "Yes, a run-up, so you can get more updraft."

"I understand the truth." Lin Hai said dumbfoundedly: "I just want to make a fuss about you."

"What do you mean by vomiting?" Radagast asked.

"That's...you don't understand after I said, you still think about how to fly." Lin Hai smiled.

"I can fly, really." Radagast emphasized.

Lin Hai said helplessly: "Fine, you will, you will, get ready, I will start to run, and when I run to the cliff, I will throw you out."

"it is good."

"Are you ready?"


"Then I will start."

"Ok, wait..."

"It's getting started!" Lin Hai automatically ignored Ruidagast's words, accelerated his run-up, and when he ran to the cliff, he directly threw Ruidagast out.

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