Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1161

Rydagast screamed, flapping his wings desperately in the air.

At first his body fell straight down, but soon, he stabilized his flying posture by the force of the updraft.

"Aha! What am I talking about!" Rida Gast shouted in the air: "I can fly! I really can fly! I have become a bird, not a duck!"

Lin Hai heaved a long sigh of relief, "Thank God, you are finally flying. Alright, go to the forest hut and check it out. I can share your vision and hearing to get first-hand information."

"Good!" Radagast immediately flapped his wings and flew in the direction of the forest hut.

Chapter 274: But... Very Strange

After ten minutes, Radagast finally flew to the forest hut.

He found a big tree nearby and fell on a thick branch.

The branches of the big tree creaked and creaked, seemingly unable to bear the weight of Radagast.

Rydagast quickly moved his bird's paw on the branch, as close as possible to the trunk.

The branches trembled and barely held on.

Rida Gast breathed a sigh of relief and focused on investigating the condition of the hut.

The surrounding area of ​​the forest hut has been entangled by thick spider webs. From above, the whole scene is like a maze separated by spider webs. The forest hut is the center of the spider silk maze.

In the maze, there are also some tall and short spider silk cocoons.

These cocoons have different shapes, some are very big, some are very small, some are still shaking, and some are completely silent.

"Oh my God! I can feel that there are traces of animal life in those spider silk cocoons!" Ruidagast whispered, "The big spider should have caught the small animals nearby and treated them as Food is in reserve! This is really damning! I must kill all these spiders! I must kill them all!"

His body trembled because of being too excited, and the branch he was standing on trembled.

Because of the shared perception, Lin Hai can naturally hear the voice of Ruida Gast, Lin Hai quickly said: "Lao Rui! Don't get excited! Don't get excited! Investigate first, then let's find something useful! Find those three! Where is the big spider?"

Radagast looked around with his bird's eyes, "...Strange, I didn't see the poisonous spiders? Have they left here?"

Lin Hai said in a deep voice, "Probably not. I think some spider cocoons are still very fresh. They should be just made."

As soon as the voice fell, I saw a little rabbit jumping towards the forest hut.

"Ah, that's Veroni!" Ridagast said in a low voice, "She probably didn't know that I was not in the wood hut! Goodness! She is walking towards the spider to the maze! I have to remind her! "

Just as Ruidagast was about to flap his wings and fly high, suddenly, on the ground at the entrance of the maze, the soil turned for a while. Then, a large spider more than two meters long exposed half of its body, and instantly spit out a sticky Of spider silk.

"Be careful!" Radagast was anxious, and couldn't help at all.

The little rabbit named Veroni was frightened suddenly, and before he could react, he was directly wrapped in a cocoon by the thick spider silk.

The big spider immediately placed the cocoon on the cobweb wall, and then went back to his cave contentedly, and by the way covered the soil outside the cave.

"Damn it! I'm going to save Veronese!" Radagast said eagerly.

"Calm down! Old Rui! Calm down!" Lin Hai said quickly: "We are all big and big people, don't do impulsive things!"

Ruidagast said: "Lin Hai, you have to think of a solution quickly!"

Lin Hai said: "I'm thinking about it, don't worry, continue to observe."

Rida Gast calmed down and continued to observe the situation near the forest hut.

Sure enough, he saw two piles of loose soil in the other two spider silk tunnels leading to the forest hut.

Obviously, there must be a big spider digging under the two loose soil piles.

Radagast watched again, and found nothing new.

Lin Hai immediately said: "I understand the situation, come back."

"Okay." Ridagas opened his wings and jumped directly from the branch. Then with the force of the updraft, he waved his wings desperately, and then barely flew up.

When he tried to fly back, Lin Hai interrupted the sharing of perception with him, then concentrated his mind and contacted Xufeng.

"...This is probably the situation. The three big spiders are guarding by the forest hut, and they are all in ambush underground."

"What's their level?" Xu Feng asked with thought.

This is very important. If you don't even know the level of the big spider and attack rashly, it is tantamount to seeking a dead end.

Lin Hai immediately responded: "I only saw one of them, and the other two never showed up. When that one came out of the ground, I took advantage of the opportunity of sharing perception with Ridagast and scanned it with my vision. After a while, I saw that the relative level of that big spider is 52."

"Level 52..." Xu Feng responded with thoughts: "Well, according to this speculation, other spiders should also be of this grade."

Lin Hai said with thoughts: "This is very simple. We can deal with more than two hundred and 53-level wolf cavalry, and the 52-level spider is naturally not a problem... Wait, I suddenly realized that you are not here. Here."

If Xu Feng was there, let alone three 52 big spiders, even thirty or three hundred, it would be easy to deal with.

But Xu Feng is not here, these three spiders are very troublesome.

Xu Feng responded with thoughts: "This kind of ground-digging spiders are monsters with special skills, and they are directly under the Angmar Witch King. The status of the Angmar Witch King is much higher than that of Azog. So. , Don’t see that these spiders are only level 52, but their combat effectiveness may have reached level 55 or even higher."

"Well, it's no wonder that even Ruidagast will be run around by these big spiders." Lin Hai nodded in agreement.

"Are you sure there are only three big spiders?" Xu Feng asked with thought.

Lin Hai hesitated, "It should be, because there are three piles of soft soil on the ground."

Xufeng said with thought: "You just said that these three spiders like to wrap small animals in cocoons?"


"This should be a way for them to store food, but... it's weird."

"Strange?" Lin Hai asked in amazement: "Why is it strange? Why didn't I see anything?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly, and replied with thoughts: "Generally speaking, most animals have the instinct to store food, but such large-scale storage of food is either in winter. I am afraid that I cannot find food to eat. Prepare for something to come."

Lin Hai suddenly realized, "Oh! It's not yet autumn. It's the season when food is abundant. It stands to reason that the spiders do not need to prepare food at all! This is indeed very strange! Very strange! They store cocoons. There are a lot of them! Moreover, they deliberately selected the forest huts of Rhidagast, the purpose is to use the lagging information of the little animals in the green forest to make these little animals fall into the trap! What are they doing?".

Xu Feng thought for a while and continued to ask, "Are you sure, there are really only three ground digging spiders?"

This is the third time that Xu Feng asked this question. Lin Hai thought he was sure at first, but now he is not so sure.

Chapter 275 Xu Feng's Analysis

Xu Feng said with thoughts: "If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Uncle Lin Hai, in this case, don't miss every detail."

Lin Hai thought for a while, "If it is from the soft soil on the ground, there are indeed only three, but I have an intuition in my heart, I also think this matter is probably not that simple."

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