Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1162

Xu Feng said with thoughts: "If you have feelings, you have to follow the feelings to verify-are the positions of the three big spiders close together or scattered in different positions?"

Lin Hai immediately responded: "Scattered in different locations, and on the three spider silk channels, it seems to be more convenient for them to catch prey."

Xu Feng said with thought: "With their strength, are they afraid that they won't be able to catch animals in the green forest rich in animal resources?"

Lin Hai was startled suddenly.

He suddenly realized that his thinking was wrong from the beginning.

Xu Feng was right. A terrifying monster like the Digger Spider, even Ruidagast didn't take it seriously. How could he worry that he could not find food!

But with that said, the behavior of the digging spider is even stranger!

What are they doing?

Before he could think about it, Xu Feng said with a thought: "I suspect that there are more than three big spiders in the ground, and there should be a fourth one."

"The fourth one?"

"Yes, and this fourth one should be inconvenient to move. It needs other spiders to find food nearby and send it to its mouth to eat." Xu Feng analyzed.

Lin Hai questioned: "But, we didn't find the trace of the fourth one."

Xufeng smiled faintly, "Didn't you just say that the entire Spiderweb Town is surrounded by the forest hut? Then it is very possible that the fourth spider is hiding in the forest hut."

"Hidden in the hut? What is the purpose of it...?" Lin Hai felt that his brain was about to explode.

He could feel that Xu Feng wanted to guide him to think step by step, but... it was really too difficult for him to think about this kind of thing by himself.

He reluctantly said: "Brother Xufeng, you should tell me your analysis directly, I really...cough cough, don't want to worry about this."

Xu Feng smiled helplessly, "Well, my analysis, the fourth big spider hidden in the forest hut should be a small spider."

"This!" Lin Hai said in horror: "Xufeng, are you a god? You can even infer this? The big spider is going to give birth to a small spider? Well! This possibility is too great! Three male spiders guarded A pregnant female spider, the female spider’s belly is too big to find food, so three male spiders help her forage, and also store a lot of food, waiting for the female spider to give birth to a large group of dense small spiders. After that, let the little spiders enjoy it! It turned out to be like this! My God! If these little spiders are born, then soon, the entire green forest will become a paradise for monsters! All the animals and plants here will be Suffered from the catastrophe! No way, we have to kill the big spider quickly! Xufeng, tell me what kind of tactics we should use to deal with these big spiders."

Xu Feng smiled and said: "The female spider actually doesn't need to be considered. She is pregnant with six birds, and she needs to take care of the male spider even to prey. It won't have too high combat effectiveness. You and Ruidagast only need to kill the three males outside. Spiders will do."

"However, I thought our strength, let alone three, is very difficult to deal with one." Lin Hai said embarrassedly.

Xu Feng smiled and said, "You two are both mages."

Lin Hai smiled bitterly and said, "That's fine."

Xu Feng smiled and said: "It's actually very simple. You only need to limit two ground digging spiders and work together to kill the other one."

Lin Hai asked, "How to limit the other two spiders?"

Xufeng said, "Will the skill be frozen?"

Lin Hai said, "This...Ridagast should be able to do it. He is a natural master."

Xufeng said: "Let Ruidagast freeze the two soft soil openings with extreme cold and low temperature, so that the ground digging spider will be trapped in his own hole in a short time and cannot get out. You The two have about a minute to deal with the remaining big spider."

"Hmm! This is a good way!" Lin Hai thought for a while, and then asked, "Then what's next? How do the two of us deal with that single big spider?"

Xufeng said: "The big spider should have the ability to spin and venom. These are all long-range skills. You can ask Radagast to attract the attack of the big spider and wait for him to combine the spinning skills and venom. After all the skills are used up, you can use Ridagasta’s staff to release a large fireball spell with shadow damage attributes-I have dealt with a few monster spiders before. Generally speaking, their weakness is in the abdomen. So you just need to aim at its abdomen and shoot."

Lin Hai was overjoyed, "This method is good! Let Lao Rui be a meat shield! Well, he should like this job, but I am afraid that my magic output power is not enough."

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Ridagast should be able to temporarily infuse you with the magic power of Rydagast's staff. You can infuse you with enough fire magic damage before he becomes a meat shield."

Lin Hai smiled and said, "Haha, that's it!"

"Yes, after you kill a spider, remember to ask Rydagast to replenish the skills of a frozen earth, and then single a big spider, so that when you fight three rounds, all three male spiders Killed by you."

"Understood." Lin Hai asked: "How about dealing with the last female spider? Is there anything to pay attention to?"

Xu Feng thought for a while, "Well, there is indeed something that needs attention. The female spider will not have much attack power, but you must completely remove her eggs."

Lin Hai asked: "How can it be completely eliminated?"

Xufeng said: "I still use fire to burn all the huts in Ruidagast."

"Burn Ruidagast's hut? My God, I'm afraid this will make Lao Rui feel bad." Lin Hai sighed.

"He is an archmage, he will know the danger of not cleaning out the monster eggs." Xufeng said.

"Yes, I will explain to him." Lin Hai said: "He should be back soon too. I will prepare first."

"Well, if you have anything, directly communicate with me, I will respond to you at any time." Xu Feng said.

At this time, things on Lin Hai's side were the most critical.

So Xufeng naturally had to go all out to help Lin Hai come up with ideas.

Lin Hai smiled and said, "Okay brother Xufeng, thank you so much this time."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Uncle Lin Hai, what are you always doing so politely? Besides, you can help our entire team if you can successfully complete the task."

Lin Hai quickly said, "I will do my best!"

"Good!" Xu Feng smiled: "We are waiting for your good news."

Chapter 276

Not long after interrupting the communication with Xufeng, Ruidagast slammed into the cave out of breath.

"So thirsty! So thirsty!" Ruidagast shouted hoarsely: "Bring me some honey water!"

Lin Hai hurriedly handed the honey water to Ruidagast.

At this time, Ruidagast had recovered his human form, and the whole person seemed a little weak.

After Gudong Gudong drank the honey water, Ridagast's face finally recovered a little blood.

"Too hateful! Too hateful!" Rida Gast put down the cup and said angrily: "The three nasty spiders actually treat my forest hut as a trap for hunting! I must kill it. They! Brother Lin Hai, have you thought of a good way?"

Lin Hai pretended to clear his throat, and said calmly: "Well, after this intelligence investigation, I have roughly a tactical idea."

When it's time to pretend, you have to pretend!

Otherwise, if the force is not high enough, others will look down on you!

Sure enough, Ruidagast looked at Lin Hai expectantly, "Brother Lin Hai, just say, how can we kill those three nasty big spiders?"

Lin Hai said slowly: "...Are you sure, there are only three big spiders?"

This is what Xufeng said to him. Now, he tells Ruidagast intact.

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