Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1172

There has never been any hatred between them, but they just want to quarrel.

Now, Xuedi suddenly stopped quarreling with her, but wanted to bless her with Xufeng, which made her very uncomfortable.

Xuedi said faintly: "Just treat it as I succumbed, shouldn't you be happy?"

"I'm not happy!" Iron Hammer said with red eyes: "The Snow Emperor in my heart has always been a strange woman! It has always been the most respected example in my heart! I don't want you to yield to me, and I don't want to enjoy Xufeng alone! If Xufeng is a thing, then the good thing should be shared by the two of us! You don’t want me and I don’t!"

Xuedi was silent for a while, and said faintly: "Xufeng is not a thing."

The hammer was startled, then burst into laughter, "Yes, Xufeng is not a thing. But no matter what he is, I will share with you."

Xuedi sighed, "Well, then, in this way, the two of us will really become his big and small wives."

The hammer pouted, "Isn't it cheaper for him?"

Xuedi thought for a while, "Or, find a chance to beat him to get out of air?"

"That's a good idea!" Hammer said with a smile: "But...neither of us can beat him together."

Xuedi said helplessly: "Yes, then forget it."

"Acknowledge, accept your fate?" Hammer said: "Just let him call us big wife and little wife?"

Xuedi said, "Then what can you do to change this?"

The Hammer thought for a while, "...Forget it. Even you have accepted your fate. I have no need to struggle."

Xuedi said: "Otherwise, how about I let him call you the eldest wife?"

"No!" The Hammer said quickly: "I'm not a big wife! I'm a little wife!"

Xuedi nodded and said, "It seems that you still respect me with Hammer."

The Hammer said: "Old wives generally describe people who are old and pearly, while younger wives generally describe young and beautiful."

"Wow!" Xuedi drew out the sword of Boromir with a sigh, "It seems that today I must clean up the family tradition."

The hammer also showed her mysterious iron forging hammer, "Haha, I wanted to fight you a long time ago! Come on!"

"Look at the sword!"

The two women clinked and fought.

Since they went out to chat alone, Xu Feng has been paying attention to the trends here and there.

Seeing the two women talking, suddenly they started fighting, and Xu Feng's heart was hanging in his throat.

He hastily bit the bullet and rushed over, holding one in his hand, "Don't fight, don't fight, I feel distressed if you two break it, let's hit me!"

Xuedi said: "This is what you said! Hammer, come on!"


The two women greeted them together...

"Damn! Really! Murdered my husband!"

"To shut up!"

Chapter 285 Everyone is ready to fight!

"What... the situation..." Gandalf looked at the melee in the distance in astonishment.

Even though he was the sub-God Mai Ya, even if he was knowledgeable, he couldn't understand how suddenly, the Big Three of Xuedi team fought.

White Beard Bahrain walked to Gandalf's side, "What's going on? Has the Xuedi team been fighting?"

"It should be... not," Gandalf said unconfidently.

After all, judging from the actions of Xuedi and Iron Hammer, these two women are no longer jokes.

But Xu Feng dodges in embarrassment, and the one who is beaten has no chance to make a move.

Of course, the actual situation is that Xufeng didn't even want to make a move.

Opposite one is his eldest wife and the other is his little wife. During this period of time, he has taken the advantages of the eldest wife and the little wife from head to toe, and now it is okay to let them be angry.

Besides, he could also feel that Emperor Xue and Iron Hammer didn't really want to kill him, they just wanted to see him embarrassed.

This is a family affair!

However, in the eyes of outsiders, that's not the case.

After all, who is Xufeng?

That's someone who can kill hundreds of wolf cavalry with one sword!

Now he was beaten to dismay!

Bahrain whispered: "I think I should re-evaluate the ranking of Middle-earth world strength now-Lord Diedi was able to be in the top ten. After this incident, I am afraid that I will fall out of the top 20.

Gandalf asked in surprise: "Middle-earth still has a power list? Why don't I know?"

Bahrain chuckled, "My own ranking may not be authoritative enough, but I can live a long time, and I have enough knowledge, so I think my ranking should be about the same, maybe occasionally. Several rankings are controversial, but the impact is not significant."

Controversial, it is naturally affirmative. For example, the position of the first strength should be the Dark Lord Sauron in theory, but the list of the Middle-earth Alliance will not place the Demon Sauron first. Queen Galadriel is generally ranked first.

Of course, some people would rank Smaug first.

Therefore, there must be some controversy.

Gandalf asked, "Oh? Who is the number one in your list?"

Bahrain smiled and said, "Does that still need to be said? Naturally it is our king of dwarves, Thorin!"

Gandalf coughed heavily, almost choking on the Shire tobacco inhaled into his lungs.

This list is too outrageous!

Even if Thorin is brave, he can't rank first!

There are ten human heroes on Thorin, and ten heroes of elves on it!There is also the Saint White Council on it!

Above the Holy White Council, there are the Dark Lords of Galadriel Smaug!

Bahrain smiled and said, "How about? This list is okay? Would you like to listen to the next few rankings?"

Gandalf coughed heavily, "No, I'll watch the Snow Emperor Team Civil War, or this one looks more interesting."

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