Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1173

Xuedi and the hammer cooperated so skillfully that they almost hit Xufeng several times.

Xu Feng resorted to a crane-shaped figure, and then barely passed between the two women.

The hammer said angrily: "If you have the ability, don't use the body technique!"

Xu Feng smiled helplessly: "Then you can just tell me to stand here and fight you two?"

The hammer said immediately: "Yes! You stand there, let us hit you twice to calm down!"

Xu Feng said helplessly: "Hit me twice, will you be able to calm down?"

The hammer said: "Yes!"

"Okay." Xu Feng didn't hide at all, and stood still, "Come on."

When it was really time to fight, the hammer was persuaded instead.

"Xue Di, you are a big one, you go first."

"No, you are young, you go first."

"It's better you go first, you go first."

On the contrary, the two women gave in.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Why don't you go together."

Xuedi paused, "Forget it, I won't hit it, you can hit it with a hammer."

"Then, then I won't fight anymore." Hammer said with a twisted expression.

How are they both willing?

Xuedi whispered: "Go back to the team, the dwarves are staring at us. If they ask, they say we are practicing new tactics."

The hammer nodded immediately and said, "Okay!"

The two women walked back to the team side by side.

"Hello? I'm leaving now?" Xufeng chased after him, "Play a little longer!"

"Go away! I hate it!"

"Hammer, ignore him."

The two women are united.

Xu Feng suddenly looked depressed, "I rely on... to count you as cruel, and wait for you to fall into my hands alone next time."

After the three returned to the team, the Dwarf Expedition continued on.

After another two hours or so, the sky dimmed.

Thorin turned around and said to Xufeng, "Swordsman, let's find a place to camp and take a break."

Xufeng nodded and said: "Yes. But remember to arrange a vigil, you and I and Bilbo, the three of us are on duty in the first half of the night, and Kilifili and Gandalf are here to watch the second half of the night.

Thorin nodded and said, "Okay."

The dwarf expedition stopped immediately, ate some wild fruits and game, and fell asleep.

During this period of time, they have been in a state of rapid marching, and they have very little time to rest.

Thorin found a big tree and climbed to it to watch the night.

Xufeng and Bilbo hid behind a rock to watch the night.

Taking advantage of this time, Xufeng continued to strengthen Bilbo's body skills. Although Bilbo was not good at fighting, his ability to run was basically two-thirds of Xufeng's.

After all, as a hobbit, Bilbo is racially gifted.

After two hours of continuous training, Xufeng let Bilbo take a break, and then while Bilbo was resting his physical strength, he continued to tell Bilbo various practical experiences.

With these actual combat experience, Bilbo will no longer be dragged down into the abyss by the goblin soldier who is clearly able to defeat the goblin soldier.

Just as Bilbo listened with gusto, Xu Feng suddenly stopped speaking.

Bilbo blinked. "What's the matter?"

Xufeng listened carefully, and said in a deep voice, "Go, wake them up and prepare to fight."

Bilbo was taken aback, "Fight, with whom?"

Xufeng said in a deep voice, "Don't ask more, go quickly."


Knowing the importance of the matter, Bilbo hurried to the camp and awakened the sleeping dwarves one by one.

At this time, in the distant darkness, a stern wolf howling sounded.

A large number of Orc troops are rushing towards the Dwarf Expedition.

"Damn it! These half-orcs actually launched a night attack on us! It seems that they are not miserable enough to abandon their death!"

Thorin jumped off the tree branch, revealed the battle axe in his hand and said, "All are ready to fight!"


Chapter 286 Tomorrow's Hope

Xufeng, Xuedi and others all stood at the forefront of the formation.

In the dim moonlight, they saw the densely packed wolf cavalry at the foot of the mountain.

Xu Feng roughly estimated that there were at least a thousand of these wolf cavalry.

This shows that all the wolf cavalry have assembled together.

Such a large-scale collection would definitely be impossible without Azog's order.

So this also means that these wolf cavalry are only the first troops, and the real half-orcs are still behind.

Furthermore, Azog, the leader of the Orcs, will inevitably be on the battlefield.

Before, Azog had been led by the nose by Xufeng. Azog thought that the dwarf expedition team would burn his lair, but Xufeng took a vain shot and walked directly to the west.

However, Azog's reaction was really fast. In only one day's effort, he fully reacted, and assembled his troops to pursue the Dwarf Expedition Team.

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