Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1194

Xu Feng put down the wine glass and slowly took a mouthful of food, then said faintly: "Not high, not high, it's only at level 45."

Ji Ming and Sui Long hissed at the same time.

A month ago, Xu Feng's personal level was just 30!

At that time, Ji Ming was level 35 and Sui Long was level 32.

Today, one month later, Jiming is at level 38, Suilong is at level 35, and Xufeng is at level 45.

This is just the difference in personal level. If the difference in factors such as equipment, personal awareness, and experience are included, then the real gap between Suilong and Xufeng may be around level 20!

This also means that if Xufeng wants to kill them, one move can solve the battle!

At this moment, in the minds of Ji Ming and Sui Long, four characters appeared at the same time: horror!

Chapter 306: Fong's Little Trick

"Come on, drink and drink!" Xu Feng took the initiative to toast.

Ji Ming and Sui Long also picked up the wine glasses cautiously, for fear of a drop of the wine.

Of course, Drunken Immortal Wine cannot be wasted, but they are so cautious, and they are even more afraid of Xufeng's strength.

In the past, I thought it was reasonable to call my younger brother Feng and the third younger brother. Now, the difference in strength is so big. Although it can be called younger brother Feng and younger third brother, but he feels very imaginary.

After drinking this glass of wine, the drunkenness on Xufeng's face became obvious.

And Ji Ming and Sui Long just became drunk.

Xu Feng couldn't help feeling a little anxious in his heart-he came to Zui Xianju, just to get rid of Ji Ming and Sui Long as soon as possible, and then do what he planned, but if he drinks like this, I am afraid that he will be drunk first. .

This makes him a little strange.

It stands to reason that with his strength and amount of alcohol, even if he drank it the next day, he wouldn't be drunk.

Why can't help being drunk today?

Moreover, what makes him even more strange is that a smart woman such as Cheng Fang should know the purpose of his trip, why not use her hands and feet to let Ji Ming and Sui Long get drunk first?

Ji Ming said in a low voice, "Brother Feng, when I saw you come out of your special envoy's room before, I seemed to be a little unhappy. What's the problem? Tell me and let the brothers share your worries?

... Now I'm going to test me.

Xu Feng smiled coldly, and said with a drunken face: "Cough, in fact, it's not a big deal, it's still... hiccups, let's not say!"

Ji Ming quickly filled Xufeng's wine glass, "Let's talk about it, although our brother is not strong enough, but we have been working as errands in the castle, what if I can help you?"

Sui Long also held the wine glass and said, "Yes, yes! Tell me about Brother Feng."

Xufeng drank the wine in the cup, then wiped his mouth and said with a smile: "Actually, it's not a big deal. Didn't it mean that a guard was missing before? The envoy wanted me to find it, but, I disliked finding someone this kind of thing is not in line with my current status, so I deliberately increased the asking price. I thought that the envoy sister would agree to it all at once, but the worst thing was to repay me the price, but I didn’t expect that the envoy sister actually said no I am."

Ji Ming laughed, "It turned out to be like this."

Sui Long smiled and said: "On the surface, Brother Feng, you have lost an opportunity to earn movie power points. In fact, you are unhappy because your envoy rejected you."

Ji Ming said with a smile: "It's no wonder you went and came back, looking for our brothers to drink! It turns out that Brother Feng, you are troubled by love!"

Xu Feng blushed and said, "Don't talk nonsense, I don't have one, I am not!"

"Come here, let's talk less about those useless, drink and drink!" Ji Ming raised the glass with a grin.

The three of them ate and drank. After a while, all three jars of wine were drunk, and most of the dishes on the table were eaten.

Xu Feng became more awake as he drank, but his face was full of drunkenness. It seemed that in the next second, he would directly fall to the table and fall asleep.

As for Ji Ming and Sui Long, although there was no drunkenness on their faces, the stamina of Zuixianjiu was very powerful, especially after eating vegetables, Jiu Jin suddenly volatilized.

Seeing that the time was about to come, Xufeng pretended to be drunk and shook his glass, "Come on, two brothers... let's drink..."

After speaking, he lay his head on the wine table and fell asleep.

"Hahaha! Brother Feng! Brother Feng! You wake up! We, we haven't finished drinking yet!"

Sui Long walked over staggeringly and touched Xufeng, but Xufeng didn't respond.

"Really drunk." Sui Long smiled.

"Isn't the wine intoxicating? Everyone is drunk." Ji Ming burped, "I, I are too drunk."

"me too."

"Come on, eat a bite and press down."

"it is good."

The two of them ate a few mouthfuls of food, and soon fell drunk on the wine table.

At this time, the door of the box opened and Cheng Fang stepped in and closed the door at will.

"Brother Feng." Cheng Fang said softly.

Although Xufeng looked very drunk and was full of alcohol, his consciousness was indeed very clear.

From when Cheng Fang entered the door to when Cheng Fang called him, he knew very well.

However, he thought about it for a while, and he thought it would be better to respond after seeing the situation.

Cheng Fang smiled faintly: "Feng brother, don't be so cautious. Your two brothers are completely drunk. At least before dawn, they will never be able to wake up.

When Xufeng heard this, he got up from the table and said with a wry smile: "Sister Fang, what kind of routine are you playing! You know I want to get rid of them, so how come I almost die of drunkenness? ."

Cheng Fang hid his mouth and smiled, "You, you! The two of them, but the people on the other side of the castle do not drink too much alcohol. If they get drunk as soon as they come up, they will definitely be suspicious when they look back. So, I didn’t do tricks in their wine, but did some tricks in their dishes, and it was just a little catalyst. Of course, I did tricks in your wine, so you can watch I get up very drunk, but in fact he is very sober."

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Sister Fang, you are so careful as a hair!"

Careful to the point of horror!

In the future, this woman will definitely become his powerful opponent!

Fortunately, not yet!

Cheng Fang smiled and said: "Brother Feng, you really can talk. I am afraid that any woman in front of you will have no resistance, right? By the way, I haven't congratulated you on passing the first stage of the Lord of the Rings plot. Come on. The wine is from my sister."

With that said, Cheng Fang took out a new cup like a trick, filled himself with a cup, and drank it all in one go.

"Thank you Sister Fang." Xu Feng smiled helplessly, and drank the "hands and feet" in his glass.

After drinking, Xu Feng took a breath.

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