Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1195

This glass of wine is obviously from the same jar as the previous wine, but the taste is completely different.

It seems that the "hands and feet" have been removed!

And Xufeng didn't notice Cheng Fang's actions at all!

Cheng Fang smiled faintly: "The real drunk wine is okay, right?"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Sister Fang is really amazing."

Cheng Fang smiled and said: "I'm all small tricks, small tricks, compared to your true power, you can't get on the stage at all."

You can change the wine under Lao Tzu's eyelids, you are not a small trick, you are a deadly big trick.

Fortunately, we are still a cooperative relationship...

Otherwise, I won't come to your restaurant to drink!

Xu Feng murmured inwardly, but said with a smile: "Sister Fang, if we continue to compliment each other like this, I'm afraid we won't be able to finish talking until dawn."

Cheng Fang chuckled, "You are right, Brother Feng. So, when you come this time, are you thinking about giving me the answer?"

Chapter 307

Xufeng grinned, "Sister Fang, don't worry, didn't you say that you want to give me a month to consider? This kind of thing, but it's a big thing, of course I have to be more cautious, otherwise, it's right. Your disrespect, don't you think?"

Cheng Fang smiled faintly, "Okay, Brother Feng, I won't force you to do anything. I've said that for one month, then one month. Sister, I have to wait for you patiently."

Xufeng coughed dryly, "Sister Fang, although I can't give you the answer right now, I remember you once said that if I have trouble, I can come to you for help, right?"

Cheng Fang said with a smile, "Of course."

She was not afraid of Xufeng's request, he was afraid that Xufeng would not ask.

"What I need to do, just say it. If I can't do it, I can help you find someone stronger."

Xu Feng hurriedly waved his hand, "You don't need to fight so much. Actually, this is very simple, as long as you say a word from Sister Fang."

Cheng Fang asked suspiciously: "Oh? A word? What?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "I want to go to the Dawn Guild."

Cheng Fang suddenly became more puzzled, "Isn't it easy to go to the Dawn Guild? Why do you need my help?"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Simple is simple, but my current identity will be very sensitive to go directly to the Liming Guild."

Cheng Fang suddenly realized, "Oh, you don't want outsiders to know."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Not only do I not want outsiders to know, I also don't want Guild Liming to know."

Cheng Fang speculated with interest: "Oh? So, do you want to go to the Dawn Guild to do some damage?"

Xu Feng smiled helplessly, "That's it."

It's just that it wasn't about destroying the Dawn Guild, but to destroy the planting plan of the special envoy Peris. Moreover, Xu Feng clearly helped the Dawn Guild, but he could not let the people of the Dawn Guild know.

Alas, this can be considered a good deed without leaving a name.

Cheng Fang thought about it slightly, "There is a way, but you may have to wrong Brother Feng."

Xufeng said: "It's okay, I'm not afraid of being wronged."

Cheng Fang smiled and said: "Then it will be easy. I will send someone to the Guild Liming a few jars of wine, so I ask them to taste the new products. You put on the waiter's clothes and mix in the wine delivery team. With your skill, Naturally, you can stay there without knowing it and do what you want to do. Of course, in terms of time, you must manage it well and you can’t stay there for too long."

Xu Feng smiled and said: "This is a good way. It's just... Sister Fang, you're probably going to spend a lot of money. Just sending it to the Liming Guild house will cause others' suspicion."

Cheng Fang smiled and said: "Yes, it seems that I will give it to the four major guilds. Well, this is really a lot of money."

Xu Feng said quickly: "I will give out how many shadow energy points are needed."

Cheng Fang smiled and said: "A good jar of drunken wine costs 1,000 shadow power points. Wushuang is not a courtesy, so if you want to send it, each guild must send at least two jars. Then four guilds will be eight. Altar, that is, eight thousand shadow energy points."


It hurts!

Even if it is to help people do good things, they can't be bankrupt.

However, if you can stop Peris's conspiracy at the cost of 8,000 shadow power points, it is not a loss.

Just as Xufeng was about to open her mouth to speak, Cheng Fang smiled faintly: "Of course, since you have come to ask my sister for help, sister, I can't ask for your shadow power points. This 8000 shadow power points are for my sister. , Although it’s not small, but for you, my sister is willing to pay."

...It's really a good way to buy people's hearts.

First tell you the price, and then tell you, my sister is willing to pay-this is not a bright price to buy people's hearts, what is it?

Xu Feng smiled coldly in his heart, but made a look of gratitude on his face, "Thank you Sister Fang!"

Cheng Fang smiled and said: "Don't be polite with me, maybe soon, we will be in the same boat."

Xu Feng smiled, noncommittal.

Cheng Fang stood up and said, "Well, I have to go and arrange things quickly. Someone will come to serve you to change clothes later."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Sister Fang, don't you ask, what on earth did I go to the Liming Guild for?"

Cheng Fang smiled and said, "Don't ask, I'm only responsible for helping you, not interfering with you."

After speaking, Cheng Fang smiled at Xufeng, and then left the private room No. 1 in Tianzi.

It is so convincing.

Had it not been for Xu Feng's heart to tighten a string long ago, she would have been grateful to Cheng Fang now.

In fact, what Cheng Fang did was just to make Xufeng the puppet of the two-dimensional main god. Especially when Xufeng managed to get through the difficult plot of the first stage of the Lord of the Rings, then Cheng Fang wanted to catch Xufeng. Treasure.

After Cheng Fang left, Xufeng stayed in the room for a while, and then heard a soft knock on the door.

This must be someone sent by Cheng Fang.

Xu Feng cleared his throat and said in a low voice, "Come in."

A young female envoy walked in with a smile, and bowed to Xufeng when she entered the door.

"Master Xufeng, I was sent by Sister Fang to change your clothes. My name is Xiaoqian. This is not suitable for changing clothes. Master Xufeng, please come with me."

"Okay, it's hard work." Xu Feng said lightly.

Xiaoqian was startled slightly, then blushed and said, "Master Xufeng, you are really approachable. Xiaoqian thought that a big person like you wouldn't care about us little people at all."

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