Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1198

He knows that there are some secrets that people of his level cannot watch.

After half an hour, they arrived at the resident of the Dawn Guild.

The gate of the Dawn Guild is very grand, the city wall is also very high, and it is full of induction barriers that only Lingshi can see.

The induction barrier is a protective cover driven by an energy stone. This kind of protective cover cannot protect the enemy from intrusion. However, once a stranger approaches, the energy stone corresponding to the induction barrier will flash an alarm.

This is a facility not found in other guilds.

This is why the Dawn Guild has always been very independent.

Marin, the chairman of the Dawn Guild, was guarding everything around him very early.

After all, Marin is regarded as Xueying's loyal comrade-in-arms, and Xueying's enemies here are also regarded as Marin's enemies.

It is precisely because of such a strict defense strategy that Xu Feng could not easily sneak into the Dawn Guild.

Otherwise, Xu Feng would not have to go in such a big circle.


The guard of the Dawn Guild at the door stood out with a spear, glaring at Xufeng and the others.

The leading waiter smiled and said: "Good evening, two adults, we are drunk immortal wine. We have brewed a batch of fine wine in Zuixianju. I would like to invite President Marin and everyone to taste it."

One of the captains of the guard frowned and shouted: "Tasting? Don't look at it. What time is it? How can the wine be delivered at 12 o'clock in the evening?"

The lead waiter is obviously well-informed. In the face of such a difficult scene, he just smiled and said respectfully: "Oh, such an adult, our new wine this time is the moonlight version of the drunk fairy. Drinking in the middle of the night can improve the state of the person to the best level. You should know that doing certain things in the middle of the night will consume a lot of physical energy, but drinking our moonlight version of the wine will be able to grow vigorous , Ten or twenty times are no problem."

The captain of the guard was startled, "Aren't you spring...wine?"

The leading waiter said quickly: "No, no, no irritation, it's completely for body care. Or, do you have a taste for the chairman?"

The captain of the guard quickly said, "No, no, I don’t have to taste it... Well, since you are from Zuixianju, we have always had a good relationship with Zuixianju. Okay, I’ll go and tell you. But as for the president to see you, that’s not my business."

"Thank you!" The lead waiter nodded repeatedly.

Xufeng stood by without saying a word.

His makeup was completely a passerby, and the guards did not pay attention to him.

After a while, the captain of the guard went and returned, "Okay, you can go in, but for safety, you have to carry the wine to the hall first, and Master Wendell will check for poison first-this is Routine procedures may delay some time. Don’t blame you.”

The leading waiter hurriedly smiled and said, "It should be, it should be."

The captain of the guard waved his hand and motioned for his men to let them in.

The lead waiter led the waiters into the dawn guild, Xu Feng naturally lowered his head, bowed his waist and followed in.

"Come with me."

A guard beckoned at them, and the waiters hurriedly followed.

Xufeng also followed two steps. After turning a corner, Xufeng deliberately fell behind and flashed into an unmanned corner.

After waiting for a while, Xufeng activated his vision system in the shadows and quickly scanned the entire courtyard.

The castle guard named "Zhang Tieqiang" must be dead.

There is no doubt about this.

After all, the dead can’t speak or excuse.

The key is, where is this Zhang Tieqiang's body?

It won’t be long before Peris will check the Dawn Guild on the grounds of receiving a reliable tip. In order to prove her innocence, the Dawn Guild will naturally ask Peris to do the check. At that time, Peris’s people will find If Zhang Tieqiang's corpse was taken away, it would be regarded as convicted of the Liming Guild.

Therefore, we must steal Zhang Tieqiang's corpse for the Dawn Guild quietly before Peris.

While scanning with his spiritual vision, Xufeng walked along the corner to the depths of the Dawn Guild.

The place where the body was buried must be a place off the beaten track, otherwise the Dawn Guild would find it by itself.

Therefore, Xufeng specifically searched for those corners.

Chapter 310: Familiar Eyes

The resident of the Dawn Guild is very large. Xufeng searched along the courtyard wall for a while, but found no abnormalities.

Time is passing by every minute and every second, and if you can't find it anymore, things will become tricky.

Xu Feng settled down and continued to calmly search for the inaccessible edge.

Finally, in the corner of the southernmost courtyard wall, Xu Feng's spiritual vision system found a trace of anomaly.

Where is a new tree planted?

Planting trees is normal, but it is a bit abnormal to plant trees in such a remote corner and only plant one.

Obviously, the tree was planted to conceal the fact that pits were dug and buried.

There are spies of special envoy Peris in the Dawn Guild, and I am afraid there is more than one.

Xufeng quickly rushed to the new tree, gathered a little strength, grabbed the thick trunk of the bowl and lifted it up, and the whole new tree was pulled up by Xufeng.

The entire tree hole was immediately exposed.

Xu Feng glanced at it with spiritual vision, and she saw a corpse wearing a castle guard armor.

The corpse has begun to rot, and the hands and feet have been broken, the teeth have all been knocked out, the tongue has been pulled out, and the eyeballs have been plucked out-there is almost no whole piece of meat up and down the whole body. It can be seen that the body that was abused before this life is complete.

Xu Feng frowned slightly, then reached out and pulled the dead body out of the tree hole.

It’s impossible to take a corpse such a big body out of the Guild of Dawn without showing off, but you can’t just let the people of the Guild of Dawn know that, otherwise, according to Marlin’s personality, I would not go directly to Peris It is impossible to settle accounts.

And this is a mess.

The final result was a fight between the two sides, which ultimately affected Xufeng's strategic timing.

When Xu Feng had a clever move, he immediately gathered his mind and took out the crystal cage.

The crystal cage can contain any extraordinary objects, even living ones.

Although this hapless castle guard is dead, he is still a survivor after all, and in theory should be able to be placed in a crystal cage.

Xu Feng quickly opened the crystal cage, threw the corpse into it, and then closed the crystal lid.

Condensing his mind, the crystal cage was put into his spiritual table inventory.

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