Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1199

Xufeng breathed a sigh of relief, and then hurriedly buried the tree hole and planted new trees.

After waiting intact, Xufeng quickly returned along the corner.

As soon as I arrived at the entrance of the hall, I heard Malin's cold and proud voice coming from inside.

"Well, the new wine is good. I stayed. I will tell you the boss wife and say I thank her, but don't bother me again at this late hour in the future."

"Yes, yes." The leading waiter nodded and bowed quickly.

Marin stood up from his seat, "Okay, let's go, Wendell, send them out, and by the way, give each of them 100 shadow power points as a tip."

"Yes." Wendell responded with a bow.

"Thank you, Mr. President, and Mrs. General Manager!" The lead waiter bowed again and again.

While everyone was watching Ma Lin leave, Xu Feng silently slipped to the side of the waiters.

He has a crane shape, and his current level is no longer what it used to be, so no one noticed anything unusual.

After Marin left, Wendell turned to the leading waiter and said, "Come on, no one gets 100 shadow power points."

"Thank you, Mr. Wendell!" The leading waiter smiled and took out his identity token.

Wendell then transferred 100 shadow power points.

"Next one." Wendell waved his hand.

Xu Feng, who was standing at the back, suddenly grew big.

Thousands are counted, but Marin is so generous!

Give back the tip!

Isn't this going to be exposed?

Personal identity token, it can show the true identity!

Once Xufeng shows the token, he will immediately wear it!

All the previous efforts will be wasted!

Therefore, his own security token must never be shown to Wendell.

"Next!" Wendell paid out another 100 shadow power points.

There is only one in front of Xufeng now.

Xu Feng was very anxious, but at this time, he had no good solutions, so he could only take a gamble.

"Next!" Wendell beckoned at him sternly.

Xufeng walked calmly in front of Wendell.

Wendell habitually stretched out his hand to prepare to receive Xufeng’s security token, but Xufeng suddenly grabbed Wendell’s hand, leaned to Wendell’s ear, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Xufeng Feng asked me to say hello to you."

Windleton stood still in horror as if hit by a thunderbolt from a blue sky.

The leading waiter thought that it was Xufeng who offended Wendell, and hurriedly bowed to apologize: "I'm sorry, sorry, my lord! He and he are new here, maybe you are too excited to see the adults and don't understand the rules! After we go back, we will definitely be disciplined."

Wendell opened his mouth and wanted to ask the waiter who "offended" him a few words, but he soon realized that this was not the time for questioning.

Moreover, if you want to ask questions, you have to ask Xufeng.

Wendell calmed down and nodded slightly at the person who "offended" him.

Anyway, the other party has already reported himself to his family. With Xufeng's reputation, he will definitely not do anything unusually evil.

Wendell then said lightly: "Well, I won't give you the 100 shadow power points. Just treat it as a punishment for your offense. Now, you can all leave."

"Yes, yes!" the lead waiter nodded and said with a bow.

Xufeng nodded slightly to Wendell, then hunched over, followed the other waiters, and left the hall.

Wendell frowned and looked at Xufeng's back.

This figure is very strange, but the look in this person's eyes is surprisingly familiar.

It seems that these eyes do not belong to this ordinary body, or, this ordinary body does not belong to these eyes.

After thinking for a long time, Wendell didn't think of a reason.

What's even more difficult to understand is what it means for a person like the Xufeng School to say such an endless sentence to him.

say hello?

Shouldn't it?

Xufeng's current identity is in the best of times!

And Wendell was just a high-ranking member of the Dawn Guild.

Or in other words, Xu Feng figured it out and wanted to join the Dawn Guild?

This is even more impossible.

If it was a month ago, Wendell would still have the idea of ​​recruiting Xufeng to join the Dawn Guild. However, Xufeng has now completed the first stage of the story copy of the Lord of the Rings, and the future is limitless. How could he join the Dawn Guild? Up?

Forget it, let's find an opportunity tomorrow to meet Xufeng and ask him what he means.

Of course, this matter must be kept secret.

Well, no one can say anything about it before asking what is going on.

Wendell slowly withdrew his eyes, and coldly ordered the surrounding men: "Close the door and strengthen patrols. No errors are allowed."


Chapter 311

On the way back to Zui Xianju, the leading waiter has been cynical and cynical.

The object of ridicule is naturally the "fa brother" who failed to earn a tip.

But "Brother Fa" didn't say a word, bowed his head and walked behind the waiters, as if he was afraid to refute.

But in fact... Xufeng didn't take the lead waiter seriously.

What is Xufeng's identity?

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