Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1201

"Come on," Xiaoqian whispered softly: "Enjoy..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Xufeng clenched his iron fist and slammed Xiao Qian on the bridge of the nose with a fist, directly knocking Xiao Qian out of the barrel.

Xiao Qian didn't even have a chance to scream, she just fainted in the corner like a discarded puppet.

Xufeng smiled coldly, "Huh, I want to take a bath with Lao Tzu in a bucket? Lao Tzu thinks you are dirty."

After speaking, Xu Feng hummed a little tune, slowly washing off the makeup on her body.

Chapter 312 You Don't Have A Chance to Make a Mistake

After washing, Xu Feng put on the clothes comfortably, and then walked out of the secret room.

As for the Xiaoqian who wanted Xufeng to "enjoy", she still fainted in the secret room, unconscious.

Of course, Xu Feng couldn't leave Zuixianju right now.

After all, he still has two "witnesses."

This is why he seeks Ji Ming and Sui Long for a drink. If he leaves at this time, then some things are hard to say. Instead, he returns to the box and falls drunk on the table with them. The perfect proof of "not at the crime scene".

Therefore, Xu Feng was not anxious to leave Zuixianju, but went to the box.

As soon as he reached the door of the box on Tianzi No. 1, Cheng Fang walked over quietly.

"Brother Feng, are all things done?"

Xu Feng grinned and said, "Yes, Sister Fang, it's all done, but... there is an episode."

"Oh?" Cheng Fang Liu Ye raised his eyebrows slightly.

"That Xiaoqian who removed my makeup and makeup was knocked out in the secret room by me." Xufeng smiled embarrassedly, "She has to take a bath with me, but I have a cleanliness habit, so... I'm sorry."

Cheng Fang smiled faintly: "I don't blame you for this matter, I will take care of it."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Thank you Sister Fang, then, what? It's about to dawn. I have to go back to the box and sleep, so I won't talk to Sister Fang."

Cheng Fang smiled and said, "Okay, you go."

Xu Feng then pushed the door and walked into the box.

At this time, Ji Ming and Sui Long were still lying down on the wine table and sleeping.

Drunken Immortal Wine originally had great stamina, and there was a catalyst in the dishes, so they slept very hard all the time. They didn’t even know that Xufeng had ever gone out, and also went to do a major event and washed twice. bath.

Xu Feng grabbed the wine jar and took a sharp sip in her mouth. After his face was still red, he put down the wine jar, found a comfortable posture, lay on the table, and fell asleep.

At the same time.

Cheng Fang stepped into the secret room.

Xiaoqian fainted in the corner of the wall, naked, and has not woken up until now.

Cheng Fang said quietly, "Xu Feng, this kid, is really ruthless."

She touched Xiaoqian's shoulder, and Xiaoqian awakened suddenly.

"Xu...Sister Fang!" Xiaoqian struggled in astonishment, but found that her entire face was painful.

Xufeng's punch happened to hit the bridge of her nose, and it directly broke the bone of her nose.

Cheng Fang asked coldly: "Does it hurt?"

Xiaoqian nodded aggrievedly.

In fact, what was even more uncomfortable in her heart was that she used so many open and secret methods to seduce Xu Feng, and thought she was successful, but Xu Feng directly punched him!Broke her!

Could it be that she is really unattractive at all?

The lead waiter looked at her eyes, obviously like a hungry wolf!

She is very confident about her appearance, figure, and some extraordinary methods!

But it just couldn't attract Xu Feng!

"...The pain is right." Cheng Fang said coldly: "Know that it hurts, and you will remember that that man is not as simple as you think, so don't provoke him easily in the future. Your practice, It completely corrupted the goodwill that I had worked so hard to build."

Xiaoqian quickly said: "Sister Fang, I did this to get him to submit to us earlier. I'm sorry, I won't dare anymore."

Cheng Fang said coldly: "Do you know why I can become the special envoy of the two-dimensional main god?"

... cruel!

Xiaoqian trembled for a moment, and then said: "Sister Fang, you have a kind heart and a strong ability to do things..."

Cheng Fang smiled coldly, "No, it's because I never believed in any promises. You have such a beautiful face and such a proud figure, of course you will be proud of your beauty. Some men do Confused by your beauty, but a truly powerful man will never eat you. You made such a big mistake. I should have killed you. However, you still have some Skills, and for the sake of being loyal to me, I will spare your life."

Xiaoqian fell to the ground trembling, "Thank you Sister Fang! Thank you Sister Fang!"

Xiaoqian originally thought this was not a big deal, but she didn't expect that Cheng Fang had already murdered her!

Xufeng...I really can't mess with it casually!

Cheng Fang said coldly: "Capital crimes are unavoidable, but living crimes are inevitable. You are self-reliant. Therefore, I will punish you for losing this capital. Find some acid and sprinkle it on the bridge of your nose. It's impossible to do things with this face."

Xiaoqian exclaimed: "No! Don't! Sister Fang! I know it's wrong! Sister Fang! For the sake of me following you for so many years, please spare me this time!"

Cheng Fang said indifferently, "I have spared you. If you think your face is more important than life, then you can drink the acid."

Xiaoqian cried and said, "Sister Fang, I was wrong, I really know it was wrong."

Cheng Fang said coldly: "So, your logic is that if you know you are wrong, you don't have to accept punishment?"

"I will change, I will definitely change!"

"If you change it or not, it has nothing to do with the punishment this time." Cheng Fang said coldly: "I almost broke my business and want to not accept the punishment. Who do you think you are? If you don't want to do it yourself , Then I’ll find someone else to do it. In that case, I’m afraid it’s more than just disfigurement."

"...I, I understand." Xiaoqian tremblingly picked up a bottle of highly corrosive acid, struggling with pain for a while, then gritted her teeth and poured the acid on the bridge of her nose!

Immediately afterwards, she screamed and passed out on the floor.

The bridge of her nose was completely corroded by acid, and although it did not affect other organs, a woman without a nose, no matter how beautiful the other parts, can only make people feel scared.

Cheng Fang said coldly: "Very well, in this way, you won't have a chance to make mistakes again..."

More than three hours later.

Before the sky dawned, Ji Ming suddenly woke up.

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