Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1202

He and Sui Long said they had come to drink with Xufeng, but they had to report everything Xufeng made to the special envoy Peris!

Therefore, he dare not sleep!

He quickly opened his eyes and looked around and found that everyone in the box was there. Sui Long was snoring, and Xu Feng was also snoring. The two of them thought about each other.

Ji Ming got up cautiously, walked to Xu Feng's side, and gently pushed Xufeng, "Feng Xiao, Feng Xiao, be careful to catch cold when you sleep like this."

Xufeng hummed twice, ignoring Jiming...

Ji Ming smelled the obvious smell of wine on Xufeng again, and he was completely relieved.

He returned to Sui Long and kicked Sui Long in the leg.

Chapter 313 Urgent Call!

Sui Long suddenly exclaimed and jumped up, ready to fight.

Ji Ming frowned and said, "It's me, look at your unpromising appearance."

Sui Long breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a grumbling expression: "Brother, I am having a good dream, why are you kicking me!"

"Dream a sweet dream?" Ji Ming frowned, and said to Xufeng, "Have you forgotten what we are here for? I have seen it now, it's your turn to see it for a while."

Sui Long was sober in an instant, and quickly said, "Big brother, hard work! Hard work! Okay, big brother, you can sleep for a while, let me watch."

Ji Ming said: "You must not fall asleep!"

Sui Long patted his chest and said, "Understand, you can rest assured, Brother."

"Yeah." Ji Ming nodded, and fell asleep on the table again.

In fact, he didn't watch all night at all, but Sui Long didn't know.

Sui Long was just kicked awake by Ji Ming. Ji Ming said that he watched for the night, so Sui Long naturally believed it.

Ji Ming just played a trick and wanted to sleep more, but at the same time it also gave Xufeng a perfect proof that he was not at the "crime scene", proving that Xufeng never left them from beginning to end. Sight.

After Jiming fell asleep, Sui Long yawned and tried not to let himself fall asleep.

Although he is also very sleepy, he is a well-trained castle guard after all, this little difficulty still can't stand him.

I don't know how long it took until it finally dawned.

The waiters in Zui Xianju got up early and started cleaning the corridor yard.

The sound outside the box also became noisy.

Two waiters opened the door talking and laughing and walked into the box. When they saw Sui Long was glaring at them with bloodshot eyes, the two waiters immediately bowed and apologized and retreated.

Xufeng raised his head sleepily, frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

Sui Long said quickly: "Brother Feng, who is not in the way, I am watching the night for you, so please sleep with your eldest brother."

Xu Feng pretended to be surprised and asked, "Brother Sui Long, you didn't sleep all night?"

Sui Long grinned, "No, Big Brother also guarded for a while."

In fact, he only kept it for a while.

But let him say that, as if he was watching the night most of the time.

Of course, Jiming is not a good bird. Jiming didn't have a night watch. The two of them were completely unconscious throughout the first half of the night.

Xufeng rubbed his temples, "Hey, the two brothers have worked so hard. Last night...we drank too much."

At this time, Ji Ming also woke up.

"Brother Feng, you couldn't drink enough yesterday! Faster than our brothers are drunk!" Ji Ming said with a haha ​​smile.

Xu Feng said helplessly: "Don't mention it, yesterday I was pretending to have something in my heart, so I drank anxiously and got drunk quickly. The next day, we will have another appointment the other day."

Ji Ming and Sui Long looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

"no problem!"

"Brother Feng, you also came back from the plane of Middle-earth just now, and your body is a bit tired. This time it doesn't count. When you recuperate, we will drink again!"

"Then it's settled!" Xufeng stood up swayingly, preparing to leave.

Ji Ming said quickly: "Feng brother, where are you going?"

Xu Feng said helplessly: "It's true that I have to go to my master to order a bite. I just returned from Middle-earth, not to see the master, but to run out to drink, let the master know that I will definitely be angry."

Ji Ming smiled and said: "You go to see Master Qiluo like this, doesn't it mean you don't confess yourself?"

Sui Long also quickly said: "Yes, Brother Feng, look at you, your face is still red, your mouth is full of alcohol, and there are wine stains on your body. At this time, I see Master Qi Luo. Isn’t that disrespectful to her? ?"

Xu Feng pretended to hesitate, "But, just don't go, isn't it not so good?"

Ji Ming said with a smile: "Brother Feng, don't blame me for being a big brother. If you say that Master Qiluo blames you because you don't go, then she treats you that way, and you don't need to take it. She takes it seriously."

Sui Long also said: "Yes, Brother Feng, what status are you now? Your envoy treats you as the future lord of the city! When do you want to meet Master Qiluo, isn't it up to you to decide? Qiluo If the master is angry for this, then she is careful."

Xu Feng snorted coldly.

This is sowing discord!

Want to use this way to separate my relationship with Qi Luo sister?

As an apprentice, I should have visited the master for the first time. How could I feel that the master did not take the apprentice seriously because the master blamed it?

This is a basic polite question!

Of course, Xu Feng didn't show it on his face, but nodded heavily, "Big brother and second brother, you are too right! With my current status, I really don't need to care about other people's feelings! What happened to the master, Lao Tzu? Now drunk, let her wait to go!"

Xufeng said in his heart at the same time: "Sister Qiluo, no wonder, no wonder, I just said that to coax them."

Ji Ming said with a smile: "That's right! Come on, let's have another drink."

Xu Feng said quickly: "Big Brother! Can't drink anymore, I just woke up!"

Sui Long smiled and said, "Feng brother, don't you understand this? This is called soul wine!"

"Returning soul wine?"

"Right!" Sui Long explained: "We drank alcohol all night, and the hangover is bound to have a headache. When we wake up the next morning and drink a little more alcohol, the hangover will disappear."

"Oh! It turned out to be like this." Xu Feng nodded with enlightenment.

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