Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1207

Wendell was slightly startled, as if he felt that Xufeng was actually helping them secretly.

Xu Feng grinned and said: "Captain He Gao is really righteous! I am the honorary captain, and I really admire the five-body shooting. I want to learn from Captain He Gao!"

He Gao's face suddenly stiffened.

His identity as the guard of the castle did not clarify with Marin and the others. He had always "exposed the report" as a senior member of the Dawn Guild.

But Xufeng only saw that he broke his status as a guard, and kindly called him "captain", this...

Wendell immediately reacted, "Hehe, I understand! It turns out that He Gao, you have a dual identity! You can be the captain of the castle, which means that when you were in my Dawn Guild, you were already a member of the castle! You are The special envoy was deliberately placed by our side!"

Special envoy Peris said faintly: "The word placement is really harsh. Captain He Gao was indeed a member of the castle, but he later left the castle and joined your Dawn Guild, but he did not expect that your Dawn Guild is so evil. , So he came back again, what's wrong with this?"

Marin sneered, "You can sing so well! But based on your words, there is no credibility at all!"

He Gao immediately said: "I have evidence! I saw you killed Zhang Tieqiang and buried him in the Dawn Guild! I can point out the burial location now!"

Marin shouted angrily: "He Gao! You bastard!"

He Gao raised his head and said, "He Gao, I will scold you whatever you want! But justice is justice! You have so much tortured Zhang Tieqiang and want to assassinate your envoy. I must stand up and speak for justice!"

"Okay!" Xu Feng clapped vigorously again, "Captain He Gao! When Zhang Tieqiang was tortured and killed, he would definitely appreciate what you have done for him now."

The muscles on He Gao's face twitched slightly.

At first glance, this sentence sounded nothing wrong, and even praised Gao's sense of justice.

But in fact, he did scold He Gao.

Your kid said that when Zhang Tieqiang was tortured, you were on the scene. You were so righteous, why didn't you stop it at that time?

Peris said in a cold voice, "Okay, don't let everyone stand alone. Is He Gao framing this matter? Or is there something shameful about the Liming Guild? I sent someone to search Liming Guild. It's-Master Marin, won't you stop me from searching?"

Ma Lin said in a deep voice: "My dignified Liming Guild, how can we be searched because a villain deliberately corrupted our reputation? Where does this put the face of our guild members?"

He Gao sneered and said, "Marin, I think you have a guilty conscience?"

Marin said angrily, "You are guilty!"

He Gao sneered: "Since there is no guilty conscience, let the envoy search it!"

Peris also took the opportunity to say in a cold voice: "President Marin, I suggest that you better let us search. If you don’t let us search, I’m afraid this matter will be overwhelming. I want to repay the missing castle guard Zhang Tieqiang. A fairness, then I can only use soldiers against the Dawn Guild!"

Peris had assembled all the guards and guards, and she could fight if she said to fight.

To deal with four guilds, Peris's forces are naturally strenuous, but when dealing with a Dawn Guild, Peris is still pretty sure.

She doesn't care whether she can search the Dawn Guild. All she wants is an excuse, an excuse to attack the Dawn Guild. In her opinion, the Dawn Guild will not allow the search, and the final result is the same.

Ma Lin was about to angrily refuse, when Xufeng stood up with a smile, "Special Envoy Sister, Ma Lin, in fact, I have a solution."

"Oh?" Peris raised her brows slightly and said with a faint smile: "Brother, what can you do?"

Xu Feng smiled and asked He Gao: "Captain He Gao, I have to ask you a word first-your evidence, is it reliable?"

He Gao raised his head and said, "Of course it is reliable!"

"One hundred percent?" Xu Feng asked.

He Gao said proudly: "Of course 100%!"

Xu Feng asked again: "There will definitely be no mistakes?"

He Gao couldn't help frowning and said, "Master Xufeng, what on earth do you want to ask? Is it possible to suspect me?"

Chapter 318 I am a fish!

Xu Feng smiled, "Captain He Gao, we are all justice, how can I doubt you? As long as you can ensure that the evidence is 100% correct, I know what to do."

He Gao said in a deep voice, "Master Xufeng, I'll say it again, if I don't have real evidence, I'm willing to die!"

"That's it!" Xu Feng gave He a high thumbs up.

I secretly said in my heart: Sun Thief, I will give you a bad death later, Grandpa!

Xufeng turned his head and said to Peris: "Sister, there is no problem with the evidence here. Now it is necessary to ask Chairman Marin to agree to the search."

Peris raised her brows, "Can you convince President Marin?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "I'll try it."

With that said, Xu Feng walked in front of Marin and Wendell.

"President Ma Lin." Xu Feng said hello politely.

Marin snorted coldly and ignored it.

Wendell hurriedly leaned toward Xufeng and said, "Don’t blame Master Xufeng, my old chairman is such a temper. Master Xufeng is a face-to-face character in our trading city. Please also Master Xufeng to be fair for our Dawn Guild. Let a villain frame our entire Dawn Guild."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Master Wendell, I can't do this thing. I'm afraid we can still speak with evidence. Now, Captain He Gao said that you killed Zhang Tieqiang and you were not allowed to search. It's obviously not good for you."

Wendell said distressedly: "Then there can't be people who say that we killed Zhang Tieqiang, we have to be searched? Then if someone said that you killed Zhang Tieqiang, would you let them search too?"

Xu Feng smiled, "Who dares?"

This sentence choked Wendell back.

Indeed, who would dare to spread rumors that Xufeng murdered?Somehow Xufeng is a life and death to seize power!

The fate of Ja Liming Guild was completely different from that of Ja Xufeng.

At any time, being strong is the greatest guarantee.

Wendell sighed in pain, "Master Xufeng, what should we do then?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "You promised to come down, you will be searched. If you find it, you will be convicted of murdering the envoy. You can imagine your fate, but if you don’t agree, you will be washed away forever. There is no suspicion of murder. Not only that, you will also be attacked by the entire castle force. Maybe the other three guilds will take the opportunity to divide you up. If this is the case, then calm down and think about it. It's better to agree."

"Dreaming!" Marin roared angrily.

Xu Feng was not angry at all, but said with a smile, "Of course, you can also ask for compensation. After all, this is fair."

Wendell frowned, "Compensation request?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Yes, if you are sure that you really did not kill Zhang Tieqiang, then let them search. If you can't find it, let them make up. Who told them to ruin your reputation."

Wendell was taken aback, and said to Marin quickly: "President, this method is feasible!"

Seeing that the search cannot be avoided, it would be better to give it a try.

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