Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1208

Marin also reacted and said loudly to Peris: "Special Envoy, I can agree to your search, but I also have a condition."

Peris nodded and said: "My brother Feng is right. Since I am going to search your Dawn Guild, if I don't promise something, it's really unreasonable. President Marin, if you have any conditions, just mention it. "

Anyway, no matter what you mention, you will all be finished today.

Peris thought coldly.

Ma Lin said in a deep voice: "If there is really Zhang Tieqiang in our Dawn Guild, we will leave it to your disposal. If you want to kill you, you will have to smash it, listen and respect, but if you don't have it, you must restore our reputation loss and calm it down. Our anger!"

Peris asked: "What exactly do you want?"

Ma Lin groaned slightly, "I want you to publicly apologize to me and to the entire Dawn Guild. In addition, I want you to compensate for the loss of reputation of my Dawn Guild, 1,000 shadow power points per person!"

This condition is really tough.

Not to mention, asking a special envoy to apologize publicly is the point of reputation compensation, which is also ridiculously high.

There are probably more than 300 members in the Dawn Guild, and if you consider 300 people, it is a full 300,000 shadow power points!

Such a number, even for Peris, is a number that requires a fist!

Of course, she took it out.

Moreover, she was also sure that Dawn Guild could not be compensated, because Zhang Tieqiang's body was buried in the secret place of Dawn Guild by He Gao.

As soon as Peris was about to open her mouth to agree, she saw Xufeng waved her hand, "Just apologize for this kind of thing. After all, my special envoy sister was also a victim of this incident. She was just anxious to find her guard Zhang Tieqiang. The price of 1,000 movie power points per person is also too high. This is not to say that my sister cannot afford it, but that this kind of asking price is really a hostile offer."

Ma Lin said coldly, "Master Xufeng, you really have an extraordinary relationship with the envoy."

Xufeng smiled and said: "I am the younger brother of the special envoy. Everything I have now is bestowed by the special envoy's sister. Of course I have to speak for my sister."

Peris nodded in satisfaction.

Wendell was completely confused by Xufeng.

He originally thought that Xufeng was helping them secretly, but now... he couldn't understand Xufeng's operation at all.

In fact, he couldn't understand it, just because he was stupid.

On the surface, Xu Feng was helping Peris to bargain, but in fact he was still helping Malin.

Because Xu Feng knew best in his heart that Zhang Tieqiang’s body was no longer there. At this time, when Peris could be weakened, it would be meaningless to apologize, but for 300,000 shadow power points, Peris could There are too many excuses and delays, and in the future will become more and more serious against the Dawn Guild.

Therefore, requiring 300,000 shadow power points will not only make the Dawn Guild exasperate, but will make the Dawn Guild nothing.

At this time, we must be pragmatic!pragmatic!Be pragmatic!

Only if you can really peel off a layer of Peris!

Xufeng smiled and said: "My condition is that my sister doesn't have to apologize, plus one hundred thousand shadow power points."

Ma Lin said angrily: "Master Xufeng, what do you think of me as Dawn Guild? Is our reputation worth one hundred thousand shadow power points?"

Xufeng said: "It may be worthless."

Marin choked badly.

Xufeng was right.

At this point, he really doesn't have much room for bargaining.

I am a fish...

Marin sighed, "Two hundred thousand shadow power points!"

Xu Feng grinned, "No, one hundred thousand shadow power points, plus Captain He Gao will be handed over to you if he can't find evidence in the Dawn Guild."

Chapter 319

He Gao was suddenly excited.

He wanted to refute Xufeng, but, considering that he had just made a vowed guarantee, there must be evidence in the Dawn Guild, so he couldn't refute Xufeng.

At this time, he understood why Xufeng had to ask him three times in a row if he could be sure, because Xufeng had planned to use him as a bargaining chip.


Isn't it Xufeng?Let's wait and see.

He Gao smiled contemptuously.

He cleared his throat and said in a just and awe-inspiring manner: "No problem, if you can't find evidence, then I framed the Dawn Guild, and I am willing to let the Dawn Guild punish at will!"

Now, even if he doesn't have confidence in his heart, he still has to show confidence.

After all, he wants to show it to Peris.

What's more, his confidence is still sufficient.

Before going to bed last night, he deliberately confirmed that Zhang Tieqiang's body was still buried there. But early this morning, Marin and Wendell were summoned to the castle. Even if they were aware of it, they would never find it. In a secret place where the corpse is hidden.

He Gao felt that this time, the guarantee was foolproof.

Peris smiled and nodded, "President Marin, I don’t know if this condition can satisfy you? I am already very sincere. If you refuse even such a sincere condition, then I There is even more reason to doubt that you are hiding something and dare not show it to others."

Marin exchanged glances with Wendell.

They know that being searched for no reason is really a very humiliating thing, but things have already developed to this point. If they insist on not giving in, they can only make things worse.

Marin was about to agree helplessly, Xu Feng stood up again with a faint smile and said: "I know that President Marin is worried, so let's make a statement for you, clear, clear, white and black. In addition, don’t worry about my special envoy sister not giving you one hundred thousand shadow power points. I also asked the special envoy sister to put one hundred thousand shadow power points on me. I am a person who cherishes his reputation. Being this middleman will ensure fairness and justice, and no one will suffer."

Marin was startled slightly.

He actually didn't expect this step, he was ready to agree to Peris's rude condition.

But since Xufeng said so... Ma Lin went down the ass.

"Well, if this is the case, then I think, I will probably agree." Marin pretended to reluctantly said.

Xufeng grinned and said back to Perisi: "Sister, I will help you. If there is no evidence, you don't need to apologize, and you don't need to give 300,000 shadow power points. You just have to sign an agreement first. The phantom power points are stored in my place. Of course, the ugly words must be said before. If Captain He Gao fails to find evidence, then the 100,000 shadow power points can only be given to the Liming Guild, and Captain He Gao also It has to be left to others."

Peris smiled faintly, "Very fair."

Although he had to put out one hundred thousand shadow power points to put in Xufeng's place, Peris was not worried at all.

Because she couldn't imagine the chance of a comeback for Marin.

In her opinion, these things Xu Feng is doing now are nothing but bitter tricks to make Marin and the others obediently obedient, and the 100,000 shadow energy points will return to her in the end.

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