Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1209

So Peris stretched out her Haobai arm, "Come on, brother, I will transfer the money to you now."

"Okay." Xufeng smiled and walked in front of Peris, reaching out and holding Peris's Qianqian fingers.

So cold.

This woman is almost as if she has no body temperature.

Xu Feng's heart couldn't help but shudder.

Peris condensed her mind and directly transferred one hundred thousand shadow energy points to Xufeng's shadow energy account.

Xufeng's total shadow can directly skyrocket to 110255 points!

110,000 shadow energy points!

This is the time that Xufeng has the most shadow power since becoming a survivor.

Peris asked with a faint smile, "Is it cool?"

Xu Feng took a breath, "It's so cool! This is the first time I have so many shadow power points!"

Peris rolled her eyes angrily, "My sister is asking you, holding my sister's hand, is it cool?"

"Ah!" Only then did Xu Feng react, and quickly released Peris's cold fingers.

To be honest, he didn't want to hold this old woman's hand at all.

Although she looks very young and enchanting.

This kind of youth and enchanting is just an illusion.

In fact, Peris's age can really be Xufeng's grandmother.

Although I felt a little nauseous in my heart, the 100,000 shadow energy points were still very fragrant.

However, these 100,000 shadow power points do not belong to Xufeng.

But it doesn't matter who it belongs to, as long as it doesn't belong to Peris anymore.

One hundred thousand shadow power points are not a lot for Peris, but it definitely cuts out a piece of her flesh.

Think about it, Xu Feng feels happy.

Xufeng smiled and said to Ma Lin: "Chairman Ma Lin, the shadow energy points have been credited. Can you agree to sign the search agreement now?"

Marin groaned slightly, "...okay!"

"Enough refreshing!"

Xufeng immediately drew up an agreement. Both parties read it and said there was no problem, and then signed it.

The agreement came into effect immediately, and Peris said faintly: "President Marin, I will take my castle soldiers to your Dawn Guild, and please abide by the agreement without interference."

Marin said coldly: "Don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who is treachery."

After that, Marin glanced at He Gao coldly, but He Gao was still triumphant, full of justice.

This is really shameless but invincible.

Peris slowly stood up from her seat, "It's been a long time since this special envoy went out to get some fresh air, so take this opportunity to go to the Dawn Guild for a round."

He Gao immediately shouted: "Come on, protect your envoy!"


Immediately, a team of guards rushed in and guarded Peris's side. Among them, there were Ji Ming and Sui Long.

"Let's go."

Under the protection of the guards, Peris stepped out of the side hall.

And Xufeng, Ma Lin and others also followed immediately.

Wendell took the opportunity to walk to Xufeng's side, lowered his voice and said, "Master Xufeng, last night..."

Xufeng gave him a "shut up" look, and then said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Be patient."

Wendell was startled.

It’s already burning eyebrows now, how patient is this?

When Wendell wanted to ask a few more words, Xufeng had already passed by his side and followed Peris's pace.

"Hey, want to ask for help?" He Gao walked up to Wendell strangely...

Wendell said coldly: "He Gao, you ungrateful thing, do you have the face to talk to me?"

He Gao grinned, "Wendall, I can't afford you, so I came to talk to you. You regard Dawn Guild as a big tree. This is nothing wrong with it, but the big tree of Dawn Guild is about to fall. If you are If you are smart, you should change to a big tree."

Chapter 320: The Great Crisis of the Dawn Guild

"Change the big tree?" Wendell smiled sarcastically: "The new big tree you mentioned is your envoy, right?"

He Gao smiled arrogantly, "Haha, Wendell, Wendell, what are you? You are also worthy of the high branch of the envoy? Let me tell you, I He Gao is the new tree, if you are willing to submit to me , I can protect your safety from being implicated."

Wendell sneered coldly, "Be a dog for a dog? What is your He Gao?"

He Gao sneered coldly, "Hmph, the dead duck has a hard mouth, okay, when I publish the evidence to the world, I will have to see what kind of expression on your face is. At that time, you will want to beg me again. , Then there is no chance."

Wendell said in a cold voice, "Don't worry, even if I get slashed alive, I won't bow to a disgusting person like you."

He Gao sneered and said, "Okay, I want to see, how long can you be hard-pressed."

The castle guards had already been assembled, and as soon as Peris and the others arrived, the guards marched out of the castle and marched towards the Dawn Guild.

Pedestrians on the road stopped to watch.

"Wow, it's the first time I saw a large-scale deployment of castle guards!"

"What's going on? Why is the chairman of the Dawn Guild here? Isn't he always at odds with your envoy?"

"Wow! Master Xufeng is here too! This shows that Master Xufeng has successfully completed the first stage of the plot of the Lord of the Rings?"

"This is no longer news. Many people have seen Master Xufeng come back with their own eyes last night."

"So many big guys gathered together, what are you going to do!"

"You don't know yet, I heard that Zhang Tieqiang found it."

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