Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1210

"Zhang Tieqiang? Is that the castle guard who disappeared a few days ago?"

"Yes, there are rumors that the missing castle guard was in the Dawn Guild and was brutally killed!"

"What? There is such a thing? I didn't expect that President Ma Lin, who usually looks upright and upright, turned out to be such a person!"

"Hmph, this time the Dawn Guild is also miserable. As long as the special envoy finds evidence, the entire Dawn Guild will be forcibly disbanded, and Marin and Wendell will probably be put to death directly!

"Tsk tsk, the dawn guild is over this time, no one can save them!"

There are many gloaters in the crowd.

They usually don't have any deep hatred with the Dawn Guild, but they are more excited than the other when they see the big event on the Dawn Guild stall.

Everyone likes to see others unlucky, especially those who are better than themselves.

With Marin's strength, he can naturally hear the comments of these people on the street.

However, he couldn't help it.

He can fight against any enemy, but he can't fight rumors.

Many people say gold, accumulate and destroy bones.

The power of the rumors is really too great. If the Dawn Guild cannot be proved innocent this time, then the Dawn Guild will really be over.

Xufeng had warned him before, but he didn't take it seriously.

He felt that Peris didn't dare to attack their Dawn Guild directly. If Peris really did that, the entire trading city would unite and resist Peris.

But only now did he realize how stupid he was.

Peris only used a small trick to leave the Dawn Guild in a state of isolation and helplessness.

Moreover, Peris firmly occupies the commanding heights of morality, and even holds the right to speak in her hands.

Now that the truth of the matter has not been ascertained, people have already convicted the Dawn Guild in their hearts.

This method is really too insidious, too hateful, and more difficult to prevent than a sword and a gun!

I knew it would be the situation today, and I really should have had a good talk with Xufeng.


Xufeng is now also on Peris's side.

The reason why He Gao dared to say that the Liming Guild had evidence so surely was that He Gao had planted the crime evidence somewhere in the Liming Guild.

In that case... The Dawn Guild would really be over.

The thought of this made Marlin's fist clenched.

He has been on the battlefield for half his life, but facing this scene today, he really doesn't know how to deal with it.

Wendell whispered to Marin: "I will grow up, be patient."

"Huh?" Marin looked at Wendell blankly.

He didn't know why Wendell was so calm in the face of such a thing.

Wendell took a deep breath, lowered his voice and said, "It might not be as serious as we thought."

Marin gave a wry smile, "Wendall, you don't have to comfort me."

"This is not comfort." Wendell thought for a while, and finally sighed and said: "Well, this is comfort, but, Lord President, please believe me and be patient."

Wendell believed in Xufeng, because Xufeng said to be patient, so he dared to tell Marin to be patient.

"...Well, it can only do this now." Ma Lin sighed quietly, "I didn't expect that Guild Dawn would encounter such a big crisis in an instant..."

The castle guards marched vigorously.

There are more and more pedestrians on the road.

It would have taken half an hour to reach the Dawn Guild's site, but it took an entire hour to finally arrive.

This is not because the castle guards are too slow, but because there are too many people on the street.

Most of the people came to see the excitement, of course, a small number of people came to see the special envoy Peris.

After all, the envoy Peris was too enchanting.

When Peris arrived at the gate of the Dawn Guild, a guard rushed over and saluted Peris and said: "Your Envoy, we have surrounded the Dawn Guild this morning, without any belongings. , Went in and out of the Dawn Guild."

"Very good." Peris nodded in satisfaction, then turned to Marin and said: "President Marin, can you please let your subordinates leave?"

The members of the Dawn Guild guarding the door shouted in unison: "We would rather die than surrender!"

Peris sneered and said, "Why, President Marin, are you going to tear up the agreement between us?"

Marin gritted his teeth and shouted loudly: "Get out of the way! Let the envoy go in and search!"

A member of the Dawn Guild shouted in grief and indignation: "My guildmaster! Can't let them in! They are all people of wolf-hearted people, and they will definitely plant us during the search! At that time, we will even be I can't tell if I have a mouth!"

Why didn't Marin know this?

However, if the search is not allowed, it is a guilty conscience!

Now that the situation is so passive, he really can't do anything!!

"Let's reverse it!" Another member of the Dawn Guild flashed out the weapon.

The castle guards showed their weapons in an instant, and the whole scene was almost on the verge of losing control!

Chapter 321

Once the scene is out of control at this time, the consequences will be unimaginable.

For a moment, Marin also rushed to the top with enthusiasm, really wanting to roar, and directly took the lead.

However, he quickly calmed down.

Now the entire Dawn Guild has been surrounded by regiments. If it really rises up, it's just trying to not be wronged for a while. However, the more than 300 people in the Dawn Guild will be slaughtered by thousands of castle guards. Exhausted!

Be patient!

Be more patient!

In such a passive time, you must not treat the lives of more than 300 brothers as a trifling matter just to make yourself happy for a while!

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