Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1211

Marin took a deep breath and glanced at Envoy Peris slightly.

The special envoy Peris was not nervous at all, but a little proud, as if she had expected such an episode a long time ago.

It stands to reason that the envoy should be angry at this situation, but she did not.

This shows that if the Dawn Guild rises, it will be in the arms of the special envoy!

Although Malin has a straightforward personality, he is not too stupid.

He quickly calmed himself down, and at the same time shouted coldly to the members of the Dawn Guild who were blocking the door: "Let them all! This is my order! The castle army is here to search for evidence. You blocked the door like this, and kept saying It's the opposite, do you really want to put the Dawn Guild to death?"

Wendell also stood up and shouted: "Keep out! Keep out!"

Seeing that the chairman and the general manager had said so, the members of the Dawn Guild could only walk in grief and indignation.

The guy who started talking about rebellion before, his eyes twitched, and said coldly: "Huh, what is the guild leader! What is the director! It's so embarrassing! It's really embarrassing to stay in such a guild!"

All members of the Dawn Guild bowed their heads and said nothing.

The humiliation in their hearts was triggered by this person.

Xufeng paid attention to this person a little bit. Peris must have more than one hidden stake in the Dawn Guild, this guy is probably.

When all the members of the Dawn Guild bowed their heads and let go, Ji Ming and Sui Long walked to the gate and kicked the door of the Dawn Guild open with one foot.

He Gao led the way, and Peris immediately walked in proudly.

After entering the Dawn Guild, Peris said faintly: "I can’t remember when the last time I came to the Dawn Guild. I didn’t expect that this time I came here for a search. I really don’t want to find it. What, because in that case, I have to condemn you, President Marin."

Marin said coldly: "Why do you want to add to the crime? If you really find your so-called evidence, it is also the pot of my Marin alone. It has nothing to do with other members of the Dawn Guild. I hope you Can let them go."

Peris smiled faintly: "I have my own measures."

Her purpose this time is to completely obliterate the Dawn Guild!

Most of the members of the Dawn Guild are hard bones. If let go, a new guild will inevitably be built against the castle.

Therefore, as long as the charges of the Dawn Guild are confirmed, Peris will never be soft.

Marin also sank inwardly.

He also knows Peris, and Peris says "self-provision", which means that she will never give up.

Marin sighed in pain.

He felt that it was too late to say anything now.

He Gao said loudly, "Your Special Envoy, Zhang Tieqiang's body is buried under a new tree in the backyard!"

Peris nodded, "Okay, then let's go take a look."

"I'll lead the way!" He Gao was triumphant, his face full of justice.

Xufeng calmly followed.

Sure enough, the place He Gao took them to was the new tree he found yesterday.

He Gao pointed to the new soil in the tree pit and said, "I have seen it, this tree has just been planted, and it is clearly a backyard, abandoned for a long time, usually no one comes at all, you say, Marin Why is he planting trees here?"

Marin said angrily: "This is not the tree I planted at all! I don't even know about it."

He Gao sneered, "Of course you would say that! This tree is planted in the backyard of your Dawn Guild, it can't be planted by someone else!"

Peris said impatiently: "Come here, dig out the tree hole."


Ji Ming and Sui Long immediately put down their weapons, picked up the shovel first, and dug them one by one.

This kind of work is a great opportunity to perform in front of the special envoy, and they certainly don't want to miss it.

All the people present held their breath.

The hearts of the Dawn Guild were all entangled, while the people in the castle were waiting to see the joke.

The soil in the new tree pit is already very soft. After digging down for five minutes, the depth of the tree pit is one and a half meters high.

Ji Ming raised his head and said to Peris: "Your envoy, I haven't found anything."

Special envoy Peris's brows suddenly frowned slightly, and a hint of unpleasant premonition haunted her.

He Gao widened his eyes and said, "Wait...it shouldn't be, I remember...cough cough, keep digging!"


Ji Ming and Sui Long could only pick up their shovel and continue to dig.

Ten minutes passed, another ten minutes passed, and another ten minutes passed.

Around the new tree, a huge tree pit ten meters square and five meters deep has been dug!

The more you dig down, the harder the soil!

Ji Ming and Sui Long are already tired and almost unable to straighten their waists!

They wanted to take the opportunity to show it, who knows... this is just a coolie!

"This, shouldn't this?" He Gao also panicked at this time.

Peris's face became extremely ugly, "He Gao, don't you say that you are 100% sure? Where is Zhang Tieqiang? Where is the corpse?"

If the body is not found, there is no legal crime.

If the people from the Dawn Guild had done something before, even without conviction, Peris would have an excuse to attack the Dawn Guild.

However, the Dawn Guild held back the provoked anger and did not resist.

So now, if Zhang Tieqiang's corpse cannot be found, then Peris's loss can be great.

He Gao looked flustered and said, "It may be that I remembered it wrong, maybe it was the tree—"

Ji Ming sighed, "Big Brother He Gao, have you...have you been on the right track! Just say this one, another one, just say that all the ground here in the Dawn Guild has problems!"

He Gao gritted his teeth, "That's right! The entire Dawn Guild has problems! Zhang Tieqiang's body must be in the Dawn Guild, and his body can't run away! I suggest that all places in the Dawn Guild, inside and out, are all Search carefully!"

Marin roared angrily: "He Gao! You are too good to go!"

He Gao said bitterly: "I can use my life as a guarantee, Zhang Tieqiang's body must be here!"

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