Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1212

Just when the two sides were in a stalemate, Xu Feng smiled and stood up, "I support you, Captain He Gao, you were a senior in the Dawn Guild before. No one is more familiar with the Dawn Guild than you, so you should take the lead in searching. Search it."

Chapter 322 Kill Him!

After a while, all eyes were on He Gao.

The people in the Dawn Guild glared at them, and they all tickled their teeth with hatred.

Some of the castle guards also looked at He Gao with extremely contemptuous eyes.

No one likes this kind of youngsters, leading the way.

He Gao also knew at this time that he would take the lead in searching the Dawn Guild, which would inevitably arouse great anger, but at this point, he could no longer take care of that much.

The reputation is stinking, he must find Zhang Tieqiang's body!

Can't find Zhang Tieqiang's corpse, special envoy Peris will never spare him!

He Gao said loudly: "You, you! Bring a team to search the residence of the Dawn Guild. Don't let go of every room and every corner! You, you, take the other two teams to search the treasure house of the Dawn Guild. , The chamber, the rest of the people continue to dig in the backyard!"


All of a sudden, the entire castle troops were busy.

Although the people in the Dawn Guild were angry, since President Marin and General Wendell remained calm, they all endured it.

This search can be described as the most severe search.

Every horn of the Dawn Guild was carefully searched by the castle army, and the ground that could be dug was at least one foot deep.

At the beginning, Marin was a little uncomfortable, but as time went by, Marin became more and more calm.

No matter how stupid he was, He Gao was completely panicked.

People like He Gao are pure villains, and they are crazy when they have aspirations.

Before entering the Dawn Guild, He Gao was still showing off his might, why is he panicking now?

Quite simply, He Gao couldn't find the so-called evidence, so he started a random search.

The bigger his battle, the more he can't find it.

Then, Marin naturally relaxed.

He watched the dignified castle guards coldly, not at all impatient.

Of course, he was also thinking that He Gaomingming had already planted the corpse to the Liming Guild, and that Tieqiang's corpse should also be in the pit of the new tree, but how could the corpse disappear?

The dead can't walk, it must be someone who secretly rescued their Dawn Guild, and did not leave a trace.

who can that be?

Marin thought about people who could be called "friends", but did not come up with a clue.

It seems that after this matter is over, we still have to sum up with Wendell. Maybe Wendell will have any clues.

Marin glanced at Wendell, who also smiled at Marin.

Now that this matter has developed, they are no longer worried at all. On the contrary, He Gao and special envoy Peris are under great pressure.

Xufeng still looked as if it had nothing to do with him. He also asked the people from the Dawn Guild to find a chair for him, and sat in the chair to take a nap.

After all, I drank too much last night and had to rest.

The search was carried out from morning to noon, and from noon to afternoon. Seeing that the setting sun was about to fall, He Gao still did not find any clues about Zhang Tieqiang.

Marin didn't want to wait any longer, he cleared his throat and said, "My envoy, I think this farce should be over, right?"

Special envoy Peris's expression was calm, but her heart was raging to the extreme!

Destroying the Dawn Guild was her first step in supporting Xiao Hua's comeback!

She is fully prepared!

For this preparation, she did not hesitate to expose He Gao who had been lurking in the Dawn Guild!

But now, she brought all the castle soldiers to search the Dawn Guild, but after searching for a whole day, she found nothing!

Peris resisted her anger, and said in a deep voice, "He Gao, what evidence do you say?"

He Gao wiped the sweat from his forehead, "It must be here, it must be here, I swear! Special Envoy, give me some more time! I will definitely find out!"

Wendell sneered: "According to what you mean, you plan to dig up our Dawn Guild every day? Bullying people are not bullying like this, right?"

Peris also knows that if this matter continues, it will only be difficult to clean up in the end.

In the case of no evidence, if she moved the Dawn Guild, the other three guilds would definitely help the Dawn Guild to deal with her, and all three guilds would realize that today Peris could attack the Dawn Guild without even having an excuse. , Then they will definitely attack them without any excuses in the future.

Peris quickly weighed it up and decided to abandon the car to take care of her.

She is very decisive in her work, and if there is a problem, she will stop the loss in time.

She coldly said to He Gao: "I have given you too much time, but I found that you are wasting my time at all-guards, let's go."


After a tiring day, the castle guards were relieved and quickly assembled and prepared to leave.

Xufeng opened his eyes from the bench, "Huh? Are you leaving? Did you find it? Congratulations to Captain He Gao! Captain He Xi He Gao! From now on, Captain He Gao will be the celebrity in front of the envoy!"

He Gao wanted to die.

He thumped and knelt in front of the envoy, "Envoy, you can't just leave! There must be something wrong with it! Yes! It must be Marin who received the wind in advance, so they moved the corpse! Otherwise, How could the corpse disappear for no reason! I obviously put him in the new tree—"

He Gao suddenly realized that he was in a hurry and said he had missed his mouth.

Xu Feng said in horror: "Captain He Gao, where did you put Zhang Tieqiang's body?"

Marin said coldly: "He Gao! Do you dare to say that you are not framing him?"

Peris's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

This was the first time she couldn't help being so angry.

He Gao, this pig!

Simply stupid than pigs!

The relationship between him and the castle is self-evident, and now he is talking about his handling of the corpse. Doesn't it mean telling everyone that it was the envoy Peris who instructed him to kill Zhang Tieqiang and then bury the body and plant it?

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