Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1213

Peris said in a cold voice, "I almost made you a sinister villain cheated! Come here, kill him for me!"


Ji Ming and Sui Long rushed over directly, Sui Long pressed He Gao, Ji Ming stabbed He Gao in the throat with a knife!

The two of them had long seen He Gao not pleasing to the eye!

It's not because of He Gao's behavior to lead the party, but because He Gao caused them to dig a day!

Moreover, once a villain like He Gao returns to the castle and becomes the captain, will they have a good life for their brothers in the future?

Therefore, when Peris said he was going to execute He Gao, Ji Ming and Sui Long reacted fastest!

Upcoming is a killer move!


With a sound of metal chattering, Ji Ming and Sui Long were beaten out at the same time...

The knife in Ji Ming's hand was also shaken off, and his mouth was numb, and his entire arm was unconscious, and Sui Long also had a pained expression on his face, and he could not struggle on the ground for a long time.

It was not someone else who shot them, but their third brother, Xu Feng.

Chapter 323 This is to kill him!

Everyone present was shocked.

Even He Gao didn't expect that Xu Feng, who had rescued him at the most critical moment, turned out to be a stranger.

He Gao burst into tears and said: "Brother Xufeng! Brother Xufeng! Thank you! Thank you for saving me!"

Xufeng ignored He Gao, but said apologetically to Ji Ming and Sui Long: "Two brothers, I'm sorry, I was eager to stop them just now, are the two brothers okay?"

How dare Ji Ming and Sui Long say nothing?

Even if something happens, you have to smile and say it's okay!

The sharp-eyed guard saw the weapon in Xufeng's hand and suddenly exclaimed: "It's the enemy fencing! The artifact-level weapon of the Middle-earth world plane, even in the plane of our Survivors, can be considered half. God-level weapon!"

"Master Xufeng... so amazing!"

It's really not acceptable to refuse.

Although the strengths of Ji Ming and Sui Long are not the strongest among the castle guards, they have at least reached the middle-class level.

However, the two of them were repelled by one move!

If Xufeng really wanted to kill them, he could take a step forward and kill them both!

The strength of Xu Feng is evident!

Peris also moved her brows slightly, fearful.

Although her strength is still stronger than that of Xufeng, the speed of Xufeng's progress is really fast...

If this continues, it will take less than a month, and Peris will not be able to win Xufeng by fighting alone.

Xu Feng smiled harmlessly, "Sister, Captain He Gao can't kill."

Peris snorted coldly, "Hmph, this guy is obviously against the Dawn Guild, but he deliberately planted and framed him, so that I almost turned my face with President Marin! Such a big mistake, shouldn't he deserve to die? ?"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Damn it, damn it, but, sister, we still have an agreement, in black and white, the names of you and Chairman Marin are signed on it. There is a clause in it that if He Gao finds no evidence. , Then he will leave it to President Marin... Hey, originally this article was written to make President Marlin rest assured, but who would have thought that things would become like this, Captain He Gao , It’s not that I said you, I asked you three times, can you be 100% sure that there is evidence, you are all conclusive, even a little impatient, but look, if it becomes like this, then we can only treat you Give it to President Marin."

"No! Don't!" He Gao was so scared that his soul flew away.

At this time, he would rather be happy by Peris than fall into Marin's hands.

He is twenty-five!It's a leading party!

And also took the lead in searching the Dawn Guild!

If it falls into Marin's hands, he must be slashed alive!

Where is Xufeng saving him!

Xu Feng is going to kill him!

Peris frowned slightly.

To be honest, she wanted He Gao to die, because only a dead person could shut his mouth and talk nonsense forever.

But now, she has lost control of this matter.

What's even more hateful is that He Gao, the bastard, also caused her to lose 100,000 shadow power points!

Peris took a deep breath, "Well, since there is an agreement, then let's follow the agreement-let's go."

The castle guards immediately escorted Peris away.

He Gao yelled: "Your Special Envoy! Don't leave me! I'm here to give you my life! You can't just leave me alone!"

Xufeng yelled: "Sister special envoy, I will not go back with you. I have to hand over your 100,000 shadow power points to the Liming Guild. Alas, you said this was a trouble. The shadow power points were to make President Marin feel relieved to sign, but the result was...but fortunately, 300,000 shadow power points were not signed at that time. If you signed 300,000 shadow power points, you would lose a lot! "

Every word in it seems to be directed towards Peris, but in fact, every word is like a knife, cutting out Peris's meat!

Peris resisted her anger, and then smiled sweetly at Xufeng, "Yes, thank you, my dear brother."

Xufeng smiled and said: "You are welcome, this time I am lucky, if Captain He Gao is allowed to come, it will be really troublesome."

Peris snorted coldly, turned around and left the Dawn Guild with the castle guards.

"Wow! It's coming out!"

The people watching the excitement outside are still there, and everyone is looking forward to hearing the news that the Dawn Guild has been destroyed.

However, the castle guards kept their faces cold and violently drove them away.

"Make way for your envoy!"

"Who dares to stand in the way, be careful that our swords and guns do not have eyes!"

After a while, passersby gave way to a passage.

Peris's face was cold, and she hurried towards the castle.

Needless to say, everyone can understand that the envoy is deflated this time.

This also means that they failed to find decent evidence from the Dawn Guild.

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