Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1214

It's not common to let the envoy deflate!

The passers-by outside wanted to know what was going on.

However, the Guild of Dawn directly closed the gate completely, and no one wanted to enter or leave.

In the chamber of the Dawn Guild, He Gao knelt on the chipped floor, shaking like chaff.

His hands and feet were interrupted by members of the Dawn Guild, and several teeth were slapped off. The whole face was swollen like a pig's head, so miserable that it was not human.

Marin sat on the main seat of the chamber and looked down at He Gao coldly, "He Gao, I didn't expect it, you also have today!"

He Gao gritted his teeth, "Marin, this is the end of the matter. I don't want to quibble and beg for mercy anymore. I can only tell you that it is not I He Gao who wants to fuck you, but the special envoy that old witch wants to fuck you! Huh, that The old witch, who didn't even talk about affection, left me here to torture you, so don't blame me for being unjust!"

He was originally a second-to-five son. By this time, he would naturally no longer be loyal to Peris who abandoned him.

Marin shouted coldly: "Then you start from the beginning, how did the special envoy plan her!"

He Gao laughed, "Isn't this obvious? The envoy, the old witch, has long wanted to destroy the four guilds. She used Xufeng to weaken the strength of the other three guilds. Then, she will deal with you. The Dawn Guild did it, that is, you are stupid, you still can’t feel it! She asked me to kill Zhang Tieqiang, and then sent it to the Dawn Guild in the form of transporting supplies, and buried it under that tree! Humph, that’s also considered to be it. Luckily for you, you discovered this last night and moved the corpse ahead of time. Otherwise, your Dawn Guild would be gone now!"

Ma Lin frowned and said, "My Dawn Guild has been strengthening defenses and completely blockade these days. How did you bring in Zhang Tieqiang's affairs?".

Ma Lin is worthy of being the veteran president, even if his reaction is a little slow, he still has a clear logic.

The most critical point here is how He Gao transported the body of Zhang Tieqiang in and planted it under the scrutiny of all eyes.

Chapter 324

He Gao laughed and said, "Marin, you want to ask, did the old envoy, the old witch, have planted other secrets in your place?"

Marin said coldly: "Yes! Tell me the truth! Otherwise, I will let you taste the bitterness of the flesh."

He Gao grinned and said, "You’re right, there are indeed other hidden piles in the Dawn Guild. If it weren’t for the help of those hidden pile brothers, how could I bring a corpse in? Where is the heavily guarded Dawn Guild?"

"Tell me the names of these people!" Marin shouted in a deep voice.

He Gao said triumphantly: "You can let me tell you the list, but you can't kill me."

Marin said coldly: "Dreaming! From the moment you betrayed the Guild of Dawn, you are dead! If you don't say anything, I have a way to torture you!"

He Gao shrugged indifferently, "Torture to torture, torture me to death, don't even want to get that list, in the end, you will suffer!"

Marin said coldly, "Want to threaten me? I, Marin, have never been afraid of threats! I can find secret things one by one, but you must be punished by the sanctions you deserve! Come! He Gao!"


The members of the Dawn Guild were so angry that they all wanted to bite He Gao a piece of meat.

Suddenly, He Gao was surrounded and beaten in the middle, and several of them specifically greeted the deadly key.

"Enough! Stop it!" Marin said coldly, "Who was the fiercest hit? Stand up for me!"

The members looked at each other, and finally a few people stood up.

Ma Lin said coldly: "He Gao, take a good look, who are the people who recruited you to death, and see if there is any of your colleagues in it."

The muscles on He Gao's face twitched slightly, and there were a few in them, they were indeed the same as his.

In the past, they were all from the adults before the adults, and everyone else who called them kissed.

And now, they are the ones who kill.

He Gao said painfully, "Human heart... is really cruel."

Marin said in a deep voice: "He Gao, tell me the list. I can give you a pain and let you die decently. Otherwise, I will let Wendell take you to the interrogation room. At that time, you will face the boiling water. The whole body was sprinkled with salt, and the skin and flesh were cut off with a knife, until you died of breath."

He Gao's heart trembles suddenly.

Marin said in a deep voice, "Think about it, for an old witch who abandoned you, and for some secret piles who wish you were put to death now, is it worth your suffering?"

He Gao gritted his teeth, gasped for a while, and finally yelled: "I said! I said! I just want a happy one!"

As soon as the voice fell, some of the members standing in front of him fled outside without their lives.

Their speed was very fast, and everyone in the whole hall had no time to react.

Boom boom boom!

As soon as they ran to the door, they were directly blasted back by a powerful impact, and fell to the ground severely.

The other members of the Dawn Guild immediately rushed forward, binding up these hidden piles of self-exposure.

The person who prevented the hidden piles from escaping was Xu Feng.

However, Xu Feng did not come forward, but continued to hide outside the chamber.

This meeting was an internal matter within the Liming Guild, and Xu Feng would naturally not interfere.

Moreover, there are many people inside, if someone reveals that Xufeng is helping the Liming Guild, then Peris will definitely turn to Xufeng.

Therefore, at this time, it is necessary to do well without leaving a name.

As long as Marin and Wendell understand in their hearts.

And this time, even if Marin and Wendell were fools, they knew that Xufeng was secretly helping them.

Ma Lin looked around and said to He Gao in a deep voice, "Are there any more?"

He Gao shook his head desperately, "No, just these few."

Marin counted, there were as many as seven people.

Naturally, it includes the person who blocked the door saying that he was going to rebel.

Haha, Peris, the old witch, even the rhythmic person is ready!

The Dawn Guild was not destroyed this time, but it was not because of luck, but because there were experts behind to help!

Marin said in a deep voice: "Bring these people into the interrogation room and tortured them! In addition, all members of the Dawn Guild must not leave the guild's premises in the next few days, so that I can check and verify at any time!"


The members of the Dawn Guild naturally all support this decision.

After all the members of the Dawn Guild left, Ma Lin breathed a sigh of relief and said in a deep voice, "Master Xufeng, come in."

Xu Feng walked in with his hands behind his back and smiled, "Congratulations, Lord Malin, you have lost your injustice and turned the danger into a disaster."

Ma Lin frowned and pursed his mouth, then walked off the seat and walked to Xu Feng's face.

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