Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1215

"Did you save us?" Marin asked in a low voice.

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Guess?"

Marin was a little annoyed. "If you save it, you will save it. What is there to guess? Is it possible that you are afraid that I will tell Wendell to the envoy that old witch?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "President Ma Lin, scolding the special envoy sister, but it's not right."

Marin said angrily: "I'm pooh! I just want to scold her! I really didn't expect her to be so sinister and cruel! If it wasn't for your help today, our Dawn Guild would have been wiped out!"

Xu Feng smiled, it was a default.

As a result, Peris's hidden stubbornness here has been cleared away. It is impossible for anyone to know about the dialogue between him and Marin and Wendell, so he doesn't need to avoid anything.

Secondly, this is the best opportunity to let Marin and Wendell know the truth, and it is also convenient for them to join the dark alliance, grow the dark alliance, and then unite and confront the old witch Peris.

Wendell said excitedly, "Master Xufeng! It really is you! So, the person who came to deliver the wine last night was really sent by you!"

"Send wine?" Ma Lin said in astonishment: "The person who gave the wine is from Xufeng? Isn't that from Zui Xianju? Isn't Zui Xianju also from Xu Feng?"

Xu Feng waved his hand quickly, "That's not it. I just asked Zui Xianju to help out on my own face. In fact, Zui Xianju didn't know anything about it. That person...cough cough , It’s just a message."

Wendell smiled and said: "It's a pity, it's a pity that I didn't understand it at the time! It was a waste of Master Xufeng's hard work."

Ma Lin also sighed: "Xu Feng, I am really ashamed. I always thought that you are a very unreliable young man, but now it seems that you are really amazing. My life is Marin. Apart from admiring Master Xueying, I only admire you! Please, be respected by me!"

With that, Ma Lin knelt on one knee towards Xufeng.

Xufeng was shocked and quickly reached out to help, but Marin used his strength and knelt on the ground...

Xu Feng said helplessly: "President Ma Lin, why are you doing this!"

Ma Lin said: "This is to redeem my sins before, and to thank Master Xufeng for saving all of us in the Dawn Guild! Master Xufeng! Please accept my sincerity!"

Chapter 325 Joining the Dark Alliance!

"Hurry up please! Hurry up please!"

Xu Feng hurriedly helped Ma Lin up.

Ma Lin said with a look of shame: "Master Xufeng, I didn’t realize how serious my previous mistakes were until today, but fortunately, it’s not too late to make up for it! In the future, Master Xufeng will need our Dawn Guild. Please speak up! Our Dawn Guild will definitely go through the fire and water, and will not hesitate."

Xu Feng smiled faintly: “It’s really great that President Marin can figure it out. The old witch Peris has already started planning actions. If we don’t unite, there will really be only the fate of being eaten away. Up."

Ma Lin nodded heavily, and said with lingering fear: "Thanks to Master Xufeng this time... By the way, Master Xu Feng, I really don't understand one thing..."

Xufeng smiled and said, "You want to ask, where is Zhang Tieqiang's body, right?"

Ma Lin said with a puzzled face: "Yeah, let alone I don't understand, I am afraid that the old witch Peris can't understand, and the bastard He Gao can't understand, where exactly is Zhang Tieqiang's body? What?"

Wendell on the side also said: "Yes, He Gaomingming planted us. We didn't notice it at all. He was so sure that he couldn't find the body that planted us in the end?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "The body is actually here."

Marlin's eyes widened suddenly, "What? Right here? In our Dawn Guild?"

Wendell said in surprise: "It's impossible, the castle guards searched all day! Our Dawn Guild they searched every corner, even the floor tiles were pried open, but they still didn't find the body! "

Xu Feng grinned, "To be precise, the corpse is with me, not in your Dawn Guild."

Ma Lin exclaimed: "This is impossible! Master Xufeng, how did you carry a corpse?"

Xu Feng didn't explain, but condensed his mind and took out the crystal cage.

As soon as the crystal cage appeared, Marlin immediately understood.

This kind of extraordinary container can hold living things, so naturally there is no problem with loading corpses.

Xufeng opened the crystal cage, Marin and Wendell looked at them, and then both frowned.

"So this guy is Zhang Tieqiang." Wendell sighed.

Marin frowned and said, "This guy's death is so miserable. He must have suffered extremely tragic torture before his death. Once his body is found in our Dawn Guild, then his previous torture will be counted. On our heads."

Wendell said cautiously: "Master Xufeng, this corpse...what are you going to do with it?"

Xu Feng said lightly: "I have my own way, unless you want this corpse."

Marin said quickly: "No, no! We don't want it, we don't want it!"

This corpse is very deadly!

If Peris knew that the corpse was still in the Dawn Guild, she would definitely make a comeback again, and by that time, the Dawn Guild would have nothing to do.

Xu Feng smiled faintly and put away the crystal cage.

"Well, it's not too early, let's take care of business, and then I have to leave quickly."

As he said, Xufeng stretched out his hand to Marin, "President Marin, give me your identity token."

"Okay!" Malin showed his identity token without hesitation.

Through this incident, he was completely convinced of Xufeng, not to mention that Xufeng was asking for his identity token, even if he asked for his life, he would not hesitate.

After getting Marin's identity token, Xufeng transferred the 100,000 shadow energy points in his shadow energy account to Marin's account.

Ma Lin was surprised, and quickly stopped, "Master Xufeng! How can this work!"

After Xu Feng transferred the shadow energy points, he smiled and returned the identity token to Marin.

Ma Lin quickly said: "No, no, I can't ask for these shadow power points! Master Xufeng, you saved our entire Dawn Guild. Without you, our Dawn Guild would have been over. These shadow power points should belong to you. !"

Wendell next to him also said: "Yes! Master Xufeng, we can't let you save us in vain! This is the right to our hard work!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "No, your Dawn Guild has suffered tremendous humiliation and actual loss this time. The entire Dawn Guild residence has been turned upside down. The mood of the members of the Dawn Guild needs to be calmed. There is an agreement in black and white. Everyone knows that you earned one hundred thousand shadow power points this time. If I take away one hundred thousand shadow power points, even a fool, I also know that there is a relationship of interest between us, Peris The old witch will immediately think that I am helping you secretly, and you will reward me with these 100,000 shadow power points. By then, we will not only enjoy the fruits of these 100,000 shadow power points, On the contrary, you will be affected by it. What's more, under the premise that the members of the Dawn Guild know that there are 100,000 shadow power points, if you don't assign them shadow power points, they will definitely feel a little dissatisfied."

Xufeng really wanted to take these 100,000 shadow power points, but Xufeng knew that he could not take it, and something would happen if he took it.

Ma Lin was stunned, and then said with emotion: "Master Xufeng, you still think thoroughly! It seems that our 100,000 shadow power points really can't be given to you. If we insist on giving it to you, not only It will hurt ourselves and hurt you. But besides this, how can we express our gratitude to you?"

Xufeng smiled, "There are many ways to express gratitude. If you want, you can join my dark alliance."

"Dark League?" Marin's eyes lit up.

Xu Feng then briefly introduced the "Dark League" to Ma Lin.

When Malin heard that the dark alliance was for fighting Peris, he didn't even think about it, and said directly: "Master Xufeng, don't say more, let's join!"

Wendell said: "Yes, we listen to you!"

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