Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1219

Xiao Hua took a sharp breath.

Zui Xianju once supported him to rebel against Xueying, but he did not grasp the opportunity, which caused Zui Xianju to give up on him.

If Zui Xianju supports Xu Feng...

I really can't imagine this situation.

Peris said: "So it's very unlikely that Xufeng is a saboteur, but the other four are more capable. We have already mentioned Zui Xianju, that is, if Zui Xianju wants to act If it does, then there is no need for Xufeng to take action. She can send a waiter over and destroy our plan."

"This possibility is also very small, but it is not impossible."

Peris continued: "The third possibility is that Marin and Wendell discovered the problem the night before and disposed of Zhang Tieqiang's body in time. Although Marin and Wendell are not so careful people, However, we cannot fail to consider this factor."

Xiao Hua nodded slightly.

"The fourth possibility is that He Gao betrayed us." Peris said in a deep voice: "He Gao has been in the Dawn Guild for 7 years. It is difficult to guarantee whether he has been assimilated by the Dawn Guild. This time we will target Liming. Guild, he turned back at critical times and caused us heavy losses. We cannot rule out the existence of this possibility."

Xiao Hua pondered for a moment, "Well, this possibility does exist, then, what is the fifth possibility?"

Peris sighed, "Xiao Hua, we still have a potential enemy, will you forget it?"

Xiao Hua was startled slightly, "You mean, the former lord...Xiang Rong?"

Peris nodded and said, "Yes, Xiang Rong is in the trading city, and hidden in the dark. We think we have monitored everything, but it is very possible that everything we did was also taken by Xiang Rong. Monitoring."

Xiao Hua frowned and said, "You mean, this Xiang Rong is helping the Liming Guild? Could it be that Xiang Rong is in the Liming Guild?"

Peris shook her head and said, "No, it's too early to draw such a conclusion. Moreover, Xiang Rong may not be helping the Liming Guild. He probably wants to muddy the water in the trading city, weaken our strength and make us suspicion each other. So that the fisherman can benefit."

Xiao Hua pondered for a long time, "...you are right, it is indeed possible. Alas, this incident caught us by surprise, and our opponent was too cunning, even a little useful clue. Did not leave us. Then... what shall we do next?"

Peris said in a deep voice, "We shouldn't act rashly during this period."

"The Dawn Guild is not fighting anymore?" Xiao Hua asked in surprise...

Peris said: "Someone is making trouble from it. No matter what we do, he will be destroyed secretly. Instead of being weakened by him, we should wait a while. After you can recover your body, we will destroy the Dawn Guild and the other three. The guild is a very easy thing."

Xiao Hua nodded and said: "You are right, then do what you said!"

Chapter 329: Arrogant Capital

When Peris and Xiao Hua were in desperation, Xu Feng sat in the Arcane Manor happily, enjoying a sumptuous dinner.

As for whether Peris would doubt him, Xu Feng was not worried.

He knew that even if he really didn't do anything, Peris would doubt him, but as long as there was no evidence, Peris would not dare to tear his face with him.

The more magnanimous the performance, the less problematic.

Seeing Xufeng gorging himself, Qi Luo said with a smile: "Eat slowly, eat slowly, don't choke."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Sister Qiluo, don't you know, I haven't eaten anything for more than a day! I just watched where a group of castle guards were digging."

Qiluo said angrily: "You! I heard about my affairs today, and you were mingling with you, how dangerous! If there is a corpse in the Dawn Guild, then there will be a fight. No matter which way you help, it is not appropriate."

Xu Feng grinned and said, "Don't worry, you can't fight."

Qi Luo was startled, "Why are you...wait, this matter doesn't have anything to do with you, right?"

Naturally, Xufeng would not conceal Qi Luo, and immediately told Qi Luo the whole story.

After Qiluo listened, she inhaled air-conditioning again and again, "Too dangerous, too dangerous! A Feng, you have to promise to be a teacher, and try not to do such dangerous things in the future! If there is a problem with one link, you will be dead. what."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Don't worry, sister Qiluo, I mean, I will try to be careful in the future."

Qi Luo nodded, and then said: "However, you helped Marin that stubborn old man this time. Marin must be grateful to you. He didn't give you all the 100,000 shadow power points?"

Xufeng shook his head, "It's not that he didn't give it, but I didn't want it."

Qi Luo asked, "Why not?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Peris is definitely suspicious of me now. If I take these 100,000 shadow power points, Peris will understand it immediately. Therefore, I can't ask for anything with these 100,000 shadow power points. "

Qi Luo frowned and said, "But, in this way, don't you mean a loss?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Sister Qiluo, how could I lose money? The biggest loser should be the old witch Peris. This time, her plan went bankrupt. She still can't figure out who did it. Yes, in the next month, she will definitely not dare to move! Moreover, her face is also lost this time, and she has lost one hundred thousand shadow energy points! The tactics that can weaken her and block her, this is me The biggest gain."

Qiluo nodded with satisfaction, "You can see through the essence of things and don't stick to the external shadow power points. Well, this shows that you are indeed a person who does great things. As a teacher, you can have an apprentice like you. I am very pleased-come, eat more elbow meat in mouth sauce."

As he said, Qi Luo clamped a big elbow to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng said quickly: "I can't eat sister Qiluo, I really can't eat."

Qiluo smiled and said, "It's okay. If you can't eat, eat slowly. I haven't seen you for a long time as a teacher. I am very happy to see you today. Don't rush to go and chat with the teacher."


Xufeng drank a cup of Xingyue tea, and Xiaoqiluo laughed and chatted.

After the sun was completely set and it was dark outside, Qi Luo sighed, "Well, it's getting late, you should go back to rest soon."

Xu Feng quickly stood up and said, "Good Sister Qiluo, oh yes, the task of the teacher..."

The alchemy task of arcane enchanting is to obtain a piece of wizard crystal.

This task is not very difficult, and Xu Feng did it without too much effort.

This elven crystal containing the energy of the wind ring is still very useful. At the end of the first stage, Xufeng relied on the speed effect of the wind elven crystal to shuttle back and forth in the orc army. .

If it were someone else, Xu Feng would never hand over the Spirit Crystal of the Wind, but Sister Qi Luo was different.

Xufeng happily took out the Wind Spirit Crystal and handed it to Qi Luo's hand.

Qiluo took the Wind Spirit Crystal, took a brief look, and threw it to the arcane puppet that was waiting on the side.

"Well, remember to come early for breakfast tomorrow."


Xu Feng told an individual, then turned and left the Arcane Manor.

After returning to the residence, he simply rinsed and then fell asleep comfortably.

Although he didn't earn one hundred thousand shadow power points this time, it destroyed Peris's conspiracy, and Xu Feng was still very happy.

In this way, Peris didn't dare to act rashly anymore, and Xufeng would have enough time to develop her strength.

As long as the plot of "The Lord of the Rings" is opened up, neither Peris nor the lord, Xiao Hua, will be his opponent.

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