Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1220

Of course, Xufeng had to postpone the meeting of Xuedi Team because of the incident of the Liming Guild, but Xuedi naturally understood that the meeting was postponed to the next afternoon.

Xufeng stayed asleep until he woke up naturally the next morning. After washing, he headed to the Arcane Manor in vigor.

As usual, a large number of people who came to ask for enchantment gathered outside the Arcane Manor.

Ever since Xufeng entered the plot of the Lord of the Rings, Master Qiluo had no intention of enchanting others, so more and more people lined up outside.

Nowadays, everyone knows that Xufeng is back, so he came to line up early.

After all, Xu Feng is also an enchanter, although he is only an intermediate technical level, but he can also be on his own.

With the presence of two enchanters, the hope of the survivors of enchanting is naturally greater.

"Hello, Master Xufeng!"

"Master Xufeng, it's been a long time since I saw you, you are a bit handsome and handsome again!"

"Master Xufeng, I admire you very much, please enchant it!"

Xu Feng walked through the crowd with a cold face, and said faintly: "No enchantment today."

All the survivors present were shocked.

"Why, why?" someone boldly asked.

Xu Feng said coldly: "There is no reason, I just don't want to enchant."

After speaking, Xu Feng stepped into the Arcane Manor.

"...Damn, it's so arrogant! Just like his master Qiluo!"

"Oh! People have arrogant capital!"

"Master Qiluo doesn't enchant it, nor does Xufeng enchant it, so what are we waiting for?"

"I thought there was an enchanter in the trading city, so we won't have to be angry with Master Qiluo in the future. Unexpectedly, we will be angry with the second wave now!"

"Then what shall we do now? Just like this?"

"Nonsense, is it possible that you still want to rush in and have a theory with Master Qiluo and Master Xufeng? Humph, if you dare to argue with Master Qiluo, I will treat you as a man, if you dare to rush in and follow Master Xufeng's theory, I can only laugh at you for being a fool.".

The survivors laughed loudly, laughing and dispersing.

Today is out of play. I can only ask for enchantment when Master Qiluo and Master Xufeng are in a good mood.

Chapter 330

"Sister Qi Luo, I'm here!"

As soon as Xu Feng entered the Arcane Manor, he greeted loudly.

Qi Luo walked out of the crystal secret room with a tired face, and said lightly: "Well, dumb is ready for breakfast, go to the restaurant to eat."

Xufeng said in surprise: "Sister Qiluo, why are you so haggard?"

Qi Luo smiled and said, "Oh nothing."

She took out the crystal containing the energy of the wind and handed it to Xu Feng.

Xufeng said in surprise, "Isn't this the item I gave you yesterday?"

Qi Luo smiled and said, "Yes, but it's not the same anymore."

Xu Feng took a closer look, and sure enough, most of the energy in his previous wind energy crystal had been used up, but now, the wind energy in the crystal was full.

Holding it in your hand, you can feel an abundance of wind energy.

"Sister Qiluo, you..." Xufeng held the wind energy crystal, "You used arcane energy to refill the wizard crystal?"

This requires a lot of mental energy!

No wonder Sister Qiluo's face is so ugly, it turns out that Sister Qiluo has been working on this all night.

Qi Luo smiled faintly, "Well, although it consumes a lot of energy, for me, it can be regarded as a kind of higher arcane research. Moreover, through this research, my mastery of arcane transformation, It has deepened a little bit, so, speaking of it, I should thank you. As for the charged crystal, you can continue to hold it and use it. As long as you don’t use it up, take it back to me and I will have Ways to charge you up."

Xufeng said gratefully, "Thank you, Sister Qiluo."

Qiluo gave Xufeng an angry look, "My family still says thank you? Go to dinner soon, it won't be good if the food is cold."

"Yes!" Xu Feng immediately collected the energy crystal of the wind and happily went to breakfast.

After eating breakfast, Qiluo went back to the room to rest, and Xufeng also seized the rare time, ran to the study and began to read more profound arcane knowledge.

All morning, Xu Feng was reading in the study.

He is now an intermediate enchanter, and he needs to absorb a lot of knowledge and enchanting practice before he has a chance to be promoted to a senior enchanter.

However, the knowledge of books is getting more and more profound. Before Xufeng could read two books in one morning, but now he can only read two pages in one morning.

However, this is considered a great improvement.

A lot of things are fast but not achieved, and the foundation must be laid.

In this regard, Xu Feng is not in a hurry.

After eating dinner at noon and briefly chatting with Qi Luo, Xu Feng went to the Survivor's Bar.

When he came to the private room specially prepared for their Xuedi team in the bar, all members of the Xuedi team had already arrived.

This meeting should have been held yesterday afternoon, but because of the "Dawn Guild" incident, it was postponed to the present.

After Xufeng entered the door, he said apologetically, "Sorry everyone, I'm late."

Gong Yang laughed again and shouted: "We have been waiting for you for a long time! In order to compensate us, you invite us to drink a bar! Everyone said, OK!"

None of the teammates present responded to him.

Uncle Lin Hai smiled and said: "Xu Feng, come, sit here, I specially help you reserve a place."

Emperor Xue said lightly: "Is everything about the Dawn Guild dealt with?"

"Yeah." Xu Feng smiled and nodded.

Hammer opened his eyes curiously and asked, "I heard that you took the 100,000 shadow power points of the old woman from the special envoy, is it true?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "I just acted as an intermediary. The envoy did not find the body in the Dawn Guild, so I gave the 100,000 shadow power points to Chairman Marin."

The hammer slapped his tongue, "Wow, 100,000 shadow power points! What a cheap Marin old man!"

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