Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1221

Gong Yang said in a low voice, "Doesn't anyone want Xufeng to have a drink?"

Xuedi said faintly: "Well, about the Dawn Guild, let's discuss it here first. For now, our focus is still on our second stage story copy."

"Why no one cares about me..." Duke Yang said with aggrieved expression.

Xuedi continued: "I have accepted the rewards for the second stage. Before proceeding to the second stage, let's allocate the rewards for the first stage."

Upon hearing the reward, all the players opened their eyes.

Xuedi said faintly: "Everyone did a good job in the first stage, and the participation of each team member was also very high. Everyone got a plane gem with no attributes. In addition, everyone got a dwarf box. , And a chance for a system lottery."

After speaking, the Snow Emperor distributed the plane gems with no attributes to everyone.

After Xufeng received the plane gems, he condensed his mind, and the plane gems immediately turned red.

The red plane gem is the gem of strength, and it is also the attribute Xufeng needs most.

After installing the red plane gem, Xufeng opened the dwarf treasure chest.

A longbow shining with golden light immediately appeared in front of Xufeng, Xufeng was a little disappointed. After all, the longbow was a weapon that didn't make much sense to him.

Sweeping with spiritual vision, the data of Longbow also appeared in front of Xufeng's eyes.

Extraordinary Item: Swift Strike Longbow.

Item level: level 45.

Item attributes: +30 strength, +25 agility.

Item special effects: There is a certain chance to shoot through the enemy's armor.

……It's that simple?

Xu Feng smiled helplessly.

Speaking of it, this is a good weapon for ordinary survivors, but for Xu Feng, it is not even a chicken rib, it can only be regarded as rubbish.

And just such "junk", if it is put on the auction floor, it can sell for at least two or three thousand shadow power points.

The treasure chests opened by the other team members are also very ordinary, basically there is nothing to use.

Lin Hai sighed faintly, "After this round, we don't seem to have improved much!"

Xu Feng took out the two plane gems he had obtained from special envoy Peris and said, "I also have a blue plane gem and a yellow plane gem here. Who wants it?"

Gong Yang hurriedly said, "Is it free?"

Xu Feng smiled lightly: "Of course not, but I don't want your shadow power points, just give me the equipment you opened out of the box."

Lin Hai said in astonishment, "Brother Xufeng! What we drive is garbage! We can only sell one or two thousand shadow power points at most! And plane gems can sell at least five thousand shadow power points! You... It won't be too bad!"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "It's okay, just lose if you lose. Anyway, we are all our own."

If they gave the plane gems directly to Lin Hai and the hammer, they would definitely not want it. If they exchanged equipment, they would have nothing to say.

Lin Hai said embarrassedly, "But..."

The hammer on the side directly stuffed the "garbage" equipment in his hand to Xu Feng, and directly took a yellow plane gem.

As Xufeng's "little wife", she wouldn't be polite to her family...

Xufeng smiled and said, "Uncle Lin Hai, if you don't want it, you will be snatched away by Duke Yang."

Lin Hai quickly gave Xu Feng the "garbage" equipment in his hand, and Xu Feng also gave Lin Hai the blue plane gem.

Chapter 331

After the rewards were distributed, Xuedi began to introduce the tasks of the second stage in detail.

"In the first stage of the plot, we completed it perfectly. Everyone deserves praise, especially the people who used to be dragged down before. This time the performance is also remarkable."

Gong Yang straightened his waist immediately, ready to accept the praise.

But Xuedi turned his head, "I won't say more if there is any extra words. I hope everyone will continue to maintain this momentum during the second phase. Our reward task for the second phase is to help the Dwarf Expedition to enter the Palace of the Lonely Mountain. , And to ensure that Bilbo and Thorin survive, defeat the dragon Smaug."

Gong Yang asked again: "Just defeated? Not killed? Wouldn't it be simple?"

Xuedi faintly said: "The difficulty of the second stage is higher than that of the first stage. The average level of the half-orcs we faced in the first stage was only about 48, and in the second stage, our enemy’s The average level is about 50. If it is an elite-level enemy, it is even higher. The dragon Smaug’s level should be around 65-you think defeating a 65-level opponent is a very good thing. Simple things?"

Gong Yang shrank his tongue again, "Level 65? Can we be friends with Smaug?"

Emperor Xue said coldly: "No, our task is to defeat Smaug and drive him out of the Gushan Palace. This is also in preparation for the third stage of the Battle of the Five Armies."

The Hammer sighed, "It seems that we have to work hard to improve ourselves, otherwise, Smaug will be able to turn us into ashes with a breath of dragon's anger."

Gong Yang hurriedly said, "Sister Xuedi is big, or...Shall we take a break first?"

Xuedi said faintly: "Even if we are taking a break, it is difficult to improve ourselves in the trading city. We still have to enter the second stage of the plot and get a promotion from Middle-earth-the previous story of our first stage. Here, isn’t it just that way?"

Xu Feng also nodded immediately and said, "Yes, with our current strength, if we want to improve, we can only improve on the plane of Middle-earth."

The hammer immediately stood up and said: "Then what are we waiting for, let's start the second phase now!"

Xuedi said faintly: "Don't worry, there is an auction this afternoon. We have to go and see it. Although each of us has one or two more awesome equipment, just rely on it. One or two pieces of equipment is not enough. We have to make up for our shortcomings as much as possible."

Everyone nodded.

Xuedi glanced at Xufeng, and then said: "I know that some people have a lot of things, so when the auction is over, I will give you some time to rest. When it's midnight, we will gather at the teleportation array— —By then, I hope all of you will be prepared."

"it is good!"

"Well, if there are no other questions, let's go to the auction house now."

The Xuedi team immediately left the private room of the tavern and went straight to the auction house.

After arriving at the auction site, naturally they received a super grand reception, and the surrounding survivors all greeted Chao Xufeng and others respectfully.

Xu Feng always maintained an indifferent attitude, so as not to entangle these survivors endlessly.

After Xufeng walked into the VIP channel, a survivor whispered: "Cut, what's the air? He doesn't care about it! After they enter the second stage of the Lord of the Rings, I'm afraid it will be too late to cry!"

"That's, maybe, the entire army below them will be wiped out! Hmph, no one can be lucky forever!" Another survivalist also said sarcastically.

At this time, someone exclaimed: "Hey, Master Xufeng, are you back again?"

The two cynical survivors immediately plopped and fell to the ground.

"Master Xufeng! I was talking nonsense just now! Damn it! I was wrong!"

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