Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1222

"Master Xufeng! You forgive us! We will never dare again next time!"

All the survivors around burst into laughter.

The two guys shivered for a long time, and didn’t see Xufeng punishing them, so they couldn’t help but bravely raised their heads to watch

Where is Xufeng?

It's just the surrounding survivors teasing them!

The two men blushed and got up, and amidst the laughter, they got out of the crowd.

Naturally, Xu Feng didn't know this episode.

Even if he knew it, he had no interest in managing it.

Under the world, there are more people who are envious and jealous of the strong. If Xufeng went to talk to these people one by one, what energy would he have to improve himself?

Therefore, Xu Feng didn't care about such trivial things like this.

The real strong will never stop because of a word from the weak.

As soon as Xu Feng walked into the exclusive VIP box of the Xuedi team, he saw a bunch of energetic survivors walking towards him.

The leader was Marin, the president of the Dawn Guild, and the members of the Dawn Guild followed.

"Master Xufeng!"

Ma Lin smiled and greeted Xu Feng on the initiative.

"Oh, it turned out to be President Marin." Xufeng deliberately kept a distance from Marin.

Although their private relationship is already very good, but in places like auction houses, after all, there is a mixture of fish and dragons. If the performance is too intimate, Peris will definitely be aware of it.

Ma Lin was startled slightly, and then he understood. He quickly straightened his face as before, "Well, hum."

Xu Feng smiled and said, "President Ma Lin is really a rare guest."

Ma Lin smiled proudly, "Well, I have suddenly added 100,000 shadow power points in my hand recently. It is a waste to put it away. It is better to spend it out, don't you?"

Xufeng laughed, "President Marin is too right. Then, I hope President Marin can buy the equipment he likes."

Ma Lin nodded slightly, and then proudly passed by Xu Feng.

In fact, he still has a lot to say to Xufeng, but it is better to keep a distance in this place.

After Xufeng and the others came to their private room, Iron Hammer frowned and said, "Marin, the old man! His shadow power points are clearly earned by Xufeng! Look at what he pulled, even a little grateful. No."

Xu Feng smiled faintly, and said nothing.

Soon, the auction will officially begin, and the auctioneer will be able to introduce all kinds of goods freely.

During this period, Hammer and others took several shots and replaced some basic equipment for themselves.

Everyone knew that the Xuedi team wanted to buy, so no one dared to raise the price at the risk of offending Xufeng.

Even Duke Yang made two shots again and bought two pieces of equipment with good life attributes, and Xuedi also bought one.

But Xu Feng never made a move.

It's not that Huaying can get points, but there is really no improvement in his equipment.

Chapter 332

Of course, the Xuedi team was not the one who made the most shots in this auction.

The one who shot the most is naturally the Dawn Guild.

Basically it's useful, and the Dawn Guild will bid.

Malin suddenly gained 100,000 shadow power points in his hand, and he naturally wanted to convert these 100,000 shadow power points into the combat effectiveness of the Dawn Guild.

However, the big head is still behind.

At the end of the auction, Xufeng's products appeared on the big screen.

This is the link that almost all survivors pay the most attention, because the things that Xufeng sells are the things that survivors most urgently need, such as healing pills, antidote pills, etc., of course, and equipment from high-level planes. .

When Zhou Zizai had just revealed the first piece of equipment, which was the "junk" equipment in Xufeng's eyes-the Swift Strike Longbow, Zhou Zizai hadn't quoted the reserve price, and the buzzer buzzed. .

Zhou Zi was startled and asked a little annoyed: "Excuse me, which VIP touched the quotation device?"

Malin's cold and proud voice came from the VIP box, "It's me."

Zhou Zizai hurriedly smiled respectfully, "Oh, it turned out to be President Marin, that's okay, presumably President Marin accidentally touched the quoter, then I will shoot again—"

Ma Lin said coldly and proudly: "No need."

"Huh?" Zhou Zi was puzzled.

Does President Marin understand the rules of auction?

How can you force buying without waiting for a low price?

Just listen to Marin said coldly and proudly: "What is your reserve price?"

Zhou Zizai said quickly: "The starting price is 1,000 shadow power points, and at least 100 shadow power points are added each time."

Ma Lin proudly said: "Such a good equipment, plus one hundred and one hundred, is really a waste of time, so let me quote a reserve price, if someone exceeds my reserve price, I will take this equipment, if no one If it exceeds my reserve price, then this equipment will belong to me."

"This..." Zhou Zi was a little undecided for a while. He had been an auctioneer for so long, and this was the first time he encountered this situation.

However, to be an auctioneer, his mind is naturally very flexible.

Zhou Zizai then smiled respectfully, "Well, since President Marin wants to make a bid, let President Marin's price be the base price! I don't know what the base price is offered by President Ma Lin?"

Ma Lin proudly said: "Ten thousand."

"What?!" Zhou Zizai was stunned immediately.

The survivors at the scene suddenly felt like a frying pan.

The level 45 swift strike longbow is really good equipment, but it is not good enough to be worth 10,000 shadow energy points. Even if you look at Xufeng’s face, you can increase the price at most. 6000 shadow energy points.

But Marin directly offered a reserve price of 10,000 shadow power points!

This is going to be fried!

Xu Feng couldn't help but smile helplessly in the box, "This Marin..."

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