Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1224

Mi Xiu nodded and said, "Well, let's put it this way, this is what I do when I am idle and bored. The blue one is a frozen pill, which can produce a ten-meter square ice ring at the moment it is thrown on the ground. Freeze the enemy in place for three seconds and cannot move. The white pill is a blinding pill that can produce a very strong light at the moment it is thrown. Any enemy who sees this light with the naked eye will burn the retina. I won’t see anything for at least three seconds."

Xu Feng said in surprise: "These two gadgets are good! How many are there?"

Mi Xiu smiled and said, "Because it is still in the testing stage and there is no mass production, there are only ten of each type."

"Ten are okay." Xufeng took the box over, "Give me these ten first. Such a good thing, remember to mass-produce it."

Mi Xiu quickly said: "It's actually easy to mass-produce, that is, you have to get me some materials for Middle-earth, especially my alchemy task, must help me complete, so that I can have enough. Materials and experience to develop new pill products."

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Okay, don't worry, I will complete your alchemy mission. Oh, yes, there is one more thing, my Xiaobai is too young, I still have to put it here for you temporarily.

Xiao Bai next to him yelled twice, expressing his desire to go with Xufeng.

Xufeng stretched out his hand and stroked Xiaobai's furry head, and said with a smile: "You are still too young, wait for you to grow up."

The little white wolf whimpered reluctantly.

Xufeng briefly chatted with Mi Xiu, then got up and left the alchemy laboratory and headed to the Arcane Manor.

After seeing Qiluo, Xufeng told Qiluo about the second phase tonight.

Qi Luo said in astonishment: "So fast? I thought you would take a few more days off."

Xufeng smiled and said: "It was supposed to take a break, but after passing the Dawn Guild, although Peris will not take further action against me, she must have doubted me, so I must speed up myself. I can only improve my strength. Besides, apart from Peris’s opponent, I have to be careful with Xiang Rong who is hiding in the dark, and Cheng Fang from Drunken Xianju. Therefore, during this time, I cannot rest."

Qi Luo sighed faintly, "That said, you have a heavy burden on your shoulders, so you must pay more attention to your safety."

Xufeng's heart warmed, "I will, sister Qiluo, oh yes, is there any mentoring task for me to do?"

Keiro thought for a while, "I don't want you to work too hard."

Xufeng smiled and said, "It's okay, I'll do the task for Sister Qiluo willingly and not at all hard."

Qi Luo smiled, "Well, I really have a task for you to do for me. If you can go to the woodland kingdom of the elves, help me go to their library to find a book about the movement of stars."

Xu Feng asked: "What is the title of the book?"

Qi Luo shook his head, "The title of the book is Elvish, so I don't know what the title should be. However, the cover of the book is wrapped in red dragon skin and is decorated with seven Big Dipper gems."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Then it will be easy, I will help you get the book."

Qi Luo thought for a while, and shook his head again, "Forget it, that Dragon Book should be a very valuable thing in the Woodland Kingdom, it won't be so easy to get, and even if I get it, I don't understand it. Wizard text."

Xufeng smiled and said: "It's simple, I will help you get the book, and then help you translate it."

Qi Luo's eyes widened in astonishment, "Xufeng, can you read the elves?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Yes, I have taken smart pills."

Qi Luo said in surprise: "That's great! If you can really help me translate the Dragon Book, then it won't take long before I can break through the master level and be promoted to the master level!"

If Qiluo can be promoted to a master-level enchanter, it will naturally help Xufeng to be even greater!

Xu Feng said immediately: "Sister Qi Luo, don't worry, I will definitely help you handle this."

Qi Luo smiled and said: "Afeng, if it is difficult, don't force it. Anyway, in the trading city, I am already the only arcane enchanting master, and your safety is the most important thing."

Xufeng smiled and said, "I know it in my heart."

Qi Luo smiled and said, "That's good."

Then, Qi Luo exhorted Xu Feng a few more words, and reluctantly sent Xu Feng out of the Arcane Manor.

Chapter 334

After leaving the Arcane Manor, Xu Feng went straight to the castle.

This was his last stop before entering the second stage, and the most dangerous one.

He knew that Peris had already begun to doubt him, but at this time, the more doubtful, the less he could back down, otherwise, the doubt would become certain.

Therefore, not only did Xufeng go to see Peris, but also dignified and swaggered.

When Xufeng came to the gate of the castle, the guards immediately saluted him.

"Hello, Master Xufeng!"

"Master Xufeng, you are here!"

Xufeng nodded in response, "Hehe, hello everyone, I am going to the second stage of the Lord of the Rings, so before I leave, I will meet with my special envoy sister first."

"Wow, is Master Xufeng going to the second stage so soon? Don't you need to take a break?"

"Ah! For us, the second stage of the Lord of the Rings is simply difficult to go to the sky! But for Master Xufeng, the second stage of the Lord of the Rings is just for fun!"

The guards all gave out exclamation sounds.

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Can't say that, the second stage of the Lord of the Rings is still very difficult."

"No matter how difficult it is, Master Xufeng can't be troubled!"

"Master Xu Feng will definitely win!"

The guards all scrambled to compliment.

Xufeng laughed, accepting all the compliments to the guards.

Of course, Xufeng doesn’t take these guards’ compliments seriously in his heart. The difficulty of the Lord of the Ring’s reward task is clearest only when he is on the scene. Xufeng accepts these compliments on the surface, It's just a deliberate arrogant gesture.

The more arrogant she is, the less she will be afraid of Peris.

And the more cautious you behave, the more Peris will pay attention to him.

After entering the castle, Xufeng came across Ji Ming and Sui Long who were patrolling in the inner courtyard.

Ji Ming and Sui Long naturally praised and complimented Xufeng, and Xufeng complimented them in turn.

After a few simple chats, Xufeng bid farewell to Ji Ming and Sui Long, and then entered the Pian Ting.

"Sister Special Envoy, here I am!"

Xufeng walked into the side hall with a smile, and at the same time sensed the murderous look in the corner.

Peris lay reclining on the sofa and said with a faint smile: "Brother Feng, are you here? I heard that you earned a lot of power points at the auction this time."

Xu Feng smiled, "Yes! Ma Lin is now rich and powerful, and he has shadow energy points in his hand, and he has all my goods to be rounded up."

Xu Feng's words were frank and frank, without any concealment.

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