Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1225

Peris sneered and said, "Those shadow power points are all mine."

Xu Feng sighed, "Yes, Marlin's 100,000 shadow power points are all your sister, if it weren't for He Gao's bastard, how could Marin be so arrogant? I really doubt it now. He Gao’s bastard is Marlin’s. Fortunately, I bargained 300,000 shadow power points to 100,000 for my sister at the time. Otherwise, my sister’s loss would be very serious. I set up such a big one. Credit, how does my sister plan to reward me?"

Peris said angrily: "What? Do you want me to reward you?"

Xufeng said aggrievedly: "I'm loyal to my sister. Didn't my sister think about rewarding me?"

Peris sneered coldly, "That's what you said. Compared to He Gao, you are really much better than him. He Gao caused me losses, but you tried your best to help me recover the losses. From a perspective, I do want to thank you. Then you can tell me, what reward do you want?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "It's very simple. I only need my sister to smile at me. When my sister smiles to me, I can go through fire and water for my sister!"

Xu Feng said in his heart: "That's strange!"

Peris chuckled, "Brother, you really can make sister happy."

Xufeng laughed and said: "It is an honor for my younger brother to make my sister happy. Sister, don’t be upset about the dawn guild. It’s just a small dawn guild. It’s easy to overwhelm them. I just need to bring the castle. The troops can attack the Dawn Guild."

Peris sighed faintly, "What you said is simple. Guild Dawn has always been a stubborn stubble. You have also seen Guild Dawn residence. If it is a storm, it will not last for ten and a half months. It can’t be defeated. But in these ten days and a half months, the variables have been too great. We still have Xiang Rong, an enemy hiding in the dark. Besides, if the castle troops are seriously damaged, the other three guilds I will also take the opportunity to move around."

Xufeng pretended to be suddenly enlightened, "Well, what do I say, I said, how could Marin buy my goods at any cost? It turned out to be preparing to defend my sister! Alas, I knew that. I shouldn’t sell all my goods to Marin. Sister, do you think I should go to the Guild of Dawn to get the goods back? It’s just... I have already spent more than 10,000 on the power points Marlin gave me. …If you want to get back the merchandise from Marin, I'm afraid that the old man will sit on the floor and raise the price, and ask me for ten thousand shadow power points."

The implication is that, Peris, you want me to return the goods that I sold, so you can prepare another 20,000 shadow power points for me.

Peris smiled and said: "...Forget it, anyway, I have no plans to tear my face with the Guild of Dawn recently, so let the old Marin be arrogant for a few more days...but you, my dear brother, you recently What do you plan to do?"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Sister, I am here this time to tell you about this. Tonight, I will follow the Xuedi team into the second stage of the plot of the Lord of the Rings."

Peris said in surprise: "Oh? So fast?"

Xu Feng grinned and said: "Yes, I am idle and I am idle, hit the iron while it is hot."

Peris laughed and said: "Well, what I said is that your Xuedi team performed very well in the first stage of the plot. Taking advantage of this enthusiasm, I hope to get through the entire Lord of the Rings plot in one breath."

Xufeng sighed deliberately: "Hey, my teammates are too weak. I really can't help them."

Peris smiled and said: "Come slowly, if you really can't get through the second stage, then save your life first, withdraw to the plane of survival, and consider the long-term plan!"

Xu Feng quickly thanked Dade and said, "Yes, thanks for your sister's advice."

In my heart, he said secretly: "You old demon, it is easy to withdraw, but Laozi's personal level will be weakened a lot!"

Peris smiled and said, "Oh, brother, if you can, I hope you can do another task for me."

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Of course it's okay! I'm here this time to help my sister's worries."

Peris covered her mouth and smiled, "Really my good brother."

Xufeng smiled and asked, "So, what is your mission, sister?"

Peris said with a faint smile: "It's very simple, I want a mouthful of dragon's breath fire."

Chapter 335

"The fire of dragon's breath?" Xu Feng was slightly startled.

There is only one dragon in Middle-earth, and that is the dragon, Smaug, that Morgoth himself cultivated.

Only the fire of Smaug can be called the fire of dragon's breath.

Peris smiled faintly, "Yes, it is Smaug's dragon's breath fire. To complete this task of mine, you have to wake Smaug, and then let him spray a dragon's breath fire at you, and put the dragon Collect the breath of fire and give it to me."

Xu Feng smiled wryly, "Sister, this task...it's really not ordinary difficult."

Peris smiled and said, "Brother, I believe you, it will be done."

Xu Feng smiled bitterly: "Sister, even if I can stand in front of Smaug, I can't collect the dragon's breath fire for you with my bare hands."

Peris smiled and said, "Don't worry about this. I have a special fire box here. When Smaug breathes fire, you only need to take out the fire box and let the dragon's breath fire ignite the grease in the fire box. It's okay."

With that said, Peris took out a device like an oil lamp.

Xu Feng looked at the device and couldn't help smiling bitterly: "Sister, this thing is so small, and the area of ​​the dragon's breath fire is so large, then I have to stand in the dragon's breath fire to complete the task?"

Peris smiled and said, "Brother, I believe your ingenuity can make a difference."

Xufeng sighed, "Well, I will try my best, but sister, if I can complete this task, you must give me a good reward! If you still give me two yellow and blue plane gems , Then I will not do it."

Peris smiled and said: "Well, as long as you can help me get the fire of dragon's breath, don't worry, I will definitely give you two red plane gems this time."

Xu Feng grinned and said, "Really!"

Peris sneered: "When did my sister lie to you?"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Well, I must help my sister get the fire of dragon's breath!"


Lao Tzu is not going to endure the fire of dragon's breath directly!

I can make you some magic fire casually!

Anyway, Lao Tzu also guessed that you took these mission items to help your old friend Xiao Hua reshape his body.

If Xiao Hua reshaped his body as he wished, would there be a good life for Lao Tzu?

Humph, get you some knockoffs, how did Xiao Hua recover his body when I saw it!

Xu Feng cursed in his heart, but his face was full of sincerity.

He took the tinder box that Peris had handed over and put it in his inspiration inventory.

Peris nodded with satisfaction, "Brother, I am here waiting for the good news of your triumphant return."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Thank you sister, then I will go."

Peris smiled and said, "Go."

Xufeng leaned slightly, then turned and walked out of the side hall.

Xiao Hua's figure slowly emerged from the corner, "...this kid is very cunning!"

Peris smiled faintly: "I know, but he can't jump out of my palm."

Xiao Hua said in a deep voice, "I'm afraid you can't control him."

Peris sneered and said, "Don't worry, I can do it myself."

Xiao Hua snorted coldly, "It's best!"

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