Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1231

Xufeng checked dozens of big spiders, but did not find the giant poison sac.

Just as the Xuedi team was preparing to set off again, they suddenly heard a stern and long howling wolf from a very far place.

Xu Feng immediately stopped the movement in his hand.

Xuedi was also listening.

"What's the matter?" Lin Hai was lower in rank and didn't realize it yet.

Xufeng lowered his voice and said, "It's the howling of a wolf."

"Wolf?" Lin Hai said in astonishment, "Wait, no! Haven't we already thrown Azog's orcs out of the green forest? How can there be a wolf in the east of the Misty Mountains? the sound of?"

Gong Yang said nervously again: "Could it be possible that we were teleported back to the Misty Mountains? It's over, we are really dead this time."

If Xufeng and the others were really teleported back to the Misty Mountains, then the situation is definitely very serious.

The topography of the Misty Mountains is very complicated. If you want to cross the Misty Mountains with your legs, even the Snow Emperor Team will take at least ten and a half months.

In ten days and a half month, the dwarven expedition team might be wiped out by the monsters.

Xu Feng settled down and analyzed it carefully, and then said faintly: "No, we are not in the Misty Mountains, we are near the woodland kingdom."

Gong Yang asked again: "How can you be sure?"

Xufeng pointed to the glowing fluorescent butterfly and said: "In the Misty Mountains, you can't see this strange thing. This kind of fluorescent butterfly, called the elven butterfly, is a species that can only be seen in the living area of ​​the wood elves. This species can only live here. Without the protection of the wood elves, any monster can eat them."

Duke Yang breathed a sigh of relief again, "I'm relieved when you say that. But... since this is the territory of the wood elves, why do we still hear the howling of the wolf?"

The hammer said in a deep voice: "It's very simple. Azog has caught up. We may be late."

If the wolf voice they heard was really from Azog's wolf cavalry unit, then it means that the time they passed this time was already a month after the first stage.

After all, Azog wanted to bring his army across the Misty Mountains, and it would take at least a month.

And the dwarf expedition team is in the dense forest full of monsters and spiders, it is afraid it will be difficult to sustain it for a month.

Regarding this conclusion, Xu Feng still shook his head, "No, the second stage of the plot is difficult, but it will not save us a month when it comes up. In that case, even if the main god Xueying comes, It is also powerless."

Xuedi felt a little sweet in his heart.

Xueying is his elder brother, and Xufeng calls Xueying the "Master of the Lord", which naturally makes Xuedi have a sense of identity.

The Hammer asked strangely: "Then why is there a wolf howling here? Is it possible that there are also wolf cavalry units here?"

Xufeng nodded and said, "That's right."

The hammer exclaimed: "No, this is the territory of the wood elves! In my impression, King Thranduil is super powerful."

Xu Feng said in a deep voice: "Since the fall of the Gushan Kingdom, the barrier of the Middle-earth Continent has lost a foot. The Holy White Council has not provided enough support for the Woodland Kingdom. King Thranduil now pursues a policy of shutting down the country. Most of the elven outposts were shrunk, leaving only the main city defense of the Woodland Kingdom. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are monster spiders everywhere, and there are troops of orcs and wolf cavalry cruising here."

"That said, but I thought that all the wolf cavalry are in the Misty Mountains!" said the hammer.

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "No, Azog commanded most of the orcs, but in fact, it was not all. There is also another super elite half-orc army, not under Azog's command. But under the leadership of his son Polger.".


"Yes," Xu Feng explained further: "Polger is a new generation of Orc leader created by Dark Lord Sauron using Azog's genes and the power of dark magic. It was also nurtured through this method. Polger and his troops have always been in Modo, not in the nest of the Misty Mountains."

Chapter 340

The Hammer said in surprise: "You mean that these wolf cavalry are equivalent to special forces among the orcs?"

Xufeng nodded and said: "Their strength is much stronger than ordinary wolf cavalry. It is reasonable to say that they are special forces. Modo is not too far away from here. They can appear here, which shows that Boll Grid has received news from his father and is going to be ashamed of his father. This also means that we can quickly find the Dwarf Expedition team as long as we keep up with Polger’s wolf cavalry. After all, the wolf His sense of smell is much more sensitive than ours."

Xuedi groaned slightly, "It would be very difficult for the special forces tracking the Orcs not to be found."

The speed of the wolf cavalry itself is very fast, and their level is high, if the Snow Emperor team is slow to follow, they will lose their target, and if they follow fast, they will be discovered by the wolf again.

What's more, with the advancing speed of the wolf cavalry, there are bound to be people in the Xuedi team that can't keep up.

Duke Yang waved his hand again, "You can leave me here, just leave it here, you can chase after you should."

The hammer sneered and said: "Want to be lazy, Yang Gong?"

Gong Yang hurriedly said, "No, no, I don't want to hold back our Xuedi team."

Xufeng groaned slightly, "The Emperor Xue is right. It is very unrealistic for our entire team to chase after Bolger’s wolf cavalry. Let’s go after it myself, and then I will keep it with Xuedi. Contact, you just follow the secret code I left, and just follow it slowly."

Xuedi nodded and said, "Well, this is okay, Xu Feng, you have to be careful, you are alone, don't chase too tightly.

Xufeng smiled and said, "I know it in my heart."

After speaking, he slammed the hammer slightly, then jumped and jumped into the dark and dark dense forest.

The hammer looked worried.

There were no fluorescent elven butterflies on the road that Xu Feng took, but it was completely dark.

Yang Gong asked cautiously: "Should we follow this road too? Or let's walk along the fluorescent corridor."

Xuedi faintly said: "Everyone grabs a few fluorescent butterflies as lanterns, and we walk along the road Xufeng has walked."


Hammer and Lin Hai immediately went to catch the fluorescent butterfly, Yang Gong sighed helplessly, and started to catch it.

In a short while, each of them grabbed a large bag of fluorescent butterflies. With these fluorescent butterflies, the road under their feet was illuminated.

Although the brightness is not obvious enough, for the Xuedi team, it is considered enough.

Xufeng was chasing the howling sound of the wolf and hurried forward in the dark dense forest.

Occasionally there will be a few big spiders in the way, and Xu Feng will send them back to the west with a few swords.

The remains of their corpses have become a sign that Xufeng left to Xuedi and the others.

After chasing in the dark and damp dense forest for more than half an hour, a rolling mountain ridge appeared in front of Xu Feng.

Xufeng could only vaguely see the outline of the mountain, but he could clearly hear the sound of a wolf running over the mountain.

The voice is impatient.

That the wolves are accelerating.

And the speed of the wolves means that they have locked the target.

Choosing to walk in the mountains is quite in line with the character of the dwarves. After all, dwarves are all born in the mountains and grow up in the mountains. They don't like the damp and dark dense forests. They prefer the mountains.

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