Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1232

However, what made Xufeng a little bit puzzled was that he did not perceive any trace of dwarf activity in the mountains.

Maybe the distance is too far?

Or is the mountain too big?

Xu Feng didn't have time to think about anything, and left a mark of sword energy at hand, and then speeded up to chase after the sound of the wolf attacking.

After climbing over a rugged mountain ridge, Xufeng saw a group of wolf cavalry surrounded by a huge creature looking for opportunities.

The battle has already begun. There are a dozen dead wolves lying on the ground, or a dozen wolf cavalry who have lost the wolves. They can lean on a large rock outside, panting in pain. .

This is a fierce battle!

Moreover, judging from its current form, this wolf squad seems to have encountered a lot of trouble.

Xu Feng was a little surprised.

... Could it be said that the combat effectiveness of the dwarf team is already so strong?

Such a special wolf cavalry, even if it does not have level 58, still has at least level 55 combat effectiveness!

This team of wolf cavalry has at least twenty half-orcs and twenty wolves!

Even if Xufeng met, he had to be very cautious.

And now that the battle has just begun, this special wolf cavalry team has lost half!

With the combat effectiveness of the Dwarf Expedition, it is difficult to do this.

Xu Feng condensed his thoughts and took a close look at the injury of a wounded wolf cavalry from a hundred meters away.

The distance is too far, coupled with the dim light, Xufeng can't see clearly.

Xufeng could only vaguely see that there was a sharp claw mark on the chest of the wolf cavalry.

The claw marks were so large that they covered the entire chest of the wolf cavalry.

You know, the wolf cavalry has an average height of 2.5 meters, and the stature is very burly and strong.

Moreover, this wolf cavalry is a carefully selected special elite, and the equipment on his body is naturally from the powerful equipment of Modo. Even if the defense value is not the best, it is absolutely first-class.

And the refined breastplate of the wolf cavalry was torn apart three claw marks abruptly, so that the flesh and blood were turned out, and the ribs on the chest were also exposed, the whole state was terrible!

...This is definitely not the handwriting of the dwarves.

It is not that the dwarves are not cruel enough, but that the dwarves do not have such strength.

What's more, dwarves use weapons. Their favorite weapons are hammers and sticks. Some dwarves like to use bows and arrows and knives, but they will never scratch with their claws.

This is the claw mark of a beast.

Moreover, it is the claw mark of a giant beast.

At this moment, Xufeng heard a deafening roar from the battlefield.

The whole mountain is trembling faintly!

Xufeng only felt that his ears were stuffy, and his chest was a little suffocated. He was almost stunned by the violent roar!

He is still a hundred meters away from the battlefield!

At such a distance, he would actually feel dizzy!

So strong!

Xu Feng quickly took a deep breath and tried to stabilize his mind.

The wolf cavalry on the battlefield could not bear it.

Their wolves knelt on the ground wailing, foaming at their mouths, and they covered their ears, and their whole bodies fell into a state of dizziness.

The creatures surrounded and attacked by them jumped up, and their huge bodies pressed heavily against the wolf cavalry in front of him...

The whole action is like the sky and the earth are cracking, full of explosive feeling, and accurate and ruthless!

The few wolf cavalry who were overwhelmed by him immediately lost their combat effectiveness, and the giant beast had no mercy, and bit the head of one of the wolf cavalry!

Chapter 341 Blue Pill!

Xu Feng took a breath.

This behemoth... is really creepy.

From the appearance point of view, this should be a giant bear.

He has brown fur, sharp claws, and blood-red eyes.

But he is not a real bear, because a real bear cannot have such a big body.

This giant bear creature can stand up to four meters high. A bear paw is like a door, and it is also a door with claws!

Just such an external image will make his enemies frightened.

I really don't know why these special wolf cavalry provoke such terrifying creatures.

Xu Feng was originally not sure, this giant bear could be regarded as a creature, after all, this is a dark dense forest, and there are monsters in the dark dense forest-with such an abnormal figure, the probability of being a monster seems to be greater.

However, Xufeng quickly determined that this giant bear was not a monster, but a creature.

The biggest difference between monsters and creatures is that the blood left by monsters is black blood.

When Morgoth created the monster back then, in order to fuse two different biological characteristics, he injected their incompatible blood into dark magic, so the blood of the monster was dyed black.

The shoulder of this giant bear was cut by a sharp blade, and Yin Hong's blood was flowing on the brown fur.

This shows that this giant bear has not been corrupted by dark magic. He is a real creature, but this figure is really too scary.

This giant bear wasn't a brainless attack either. Every step he took seemed to be calculated. The roar of the beast he just used was obviously very reasonable.

After stunned the surrounding wolf cavalry, he quickly shot and killed the most threatening wolf cavalry.

Soon, the other wolf cavalry woke up from the effect of the vertigo and roar.

After a loss, the wolf cavalry appeared very cautious.

These wolf cavalry are also well-trained, they surround and try, but are not in a hurry to directly confront the giant bear.

Obviously, they are delaying time.

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