Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1233

The reason for the delay indicates that there must be reinforcements from wolf cavalry around.

The giant bear rushed from left to right, and wanted to find a chance to kill a few more wolf cavalry. If he could not kill five more wolf cavalry, he would not be able to tear the encirclement circle. Then, he would not be able to retreat. Long, his physical fitness and combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

The Great Bear should understand this, so he only wants to be able to make a quick battle, and even show his flaws to let the wolf cavalry attack.

However, the wolf cavalry is also a battle-tested and extremely experienced veteran.

The more irritable the giant bear, the less hurried they were, and occasionally they even took the opportunity to give the giant bear back.

After so many times, the advantage that the giant bear had originally established was gradually wiped out.

Xu Feng frowned slightly.

If we continue to fight like this, I am afraid that the giant bear will not be able to hold it in five minutes.

Even if it can last for five minutes, reinforcements from the wolf cavalry will arrive.

Save or not?

It stands to reason that this giant bear seems to have nothing to do with the Dwarf Expedition, and Xu Feng should not be out of the question, but should find the Dwarf Expedition as soon as possible.

However, Xufeng felt a little unbearable when he saw the wolf cavalry bullying the giant bear in turn, while the giant bear continued to fight without giving up.

Xu Feng quickly weighed it.

In the current scene, there are nine wolf cavalry capable of fighting, and seven wolf cavalry were seriously injured and not dead.

Those who are seriously injured don't care for the time being, and the nine fighting wolf cavalry must be killed immediately.

Otherwise, let any one of them run away, and Xu Feng's whereabouts would be exposed.

...It's done!

Xufeng took a deep breath, and slowly revealed the enemy's fencing sword and the sword of Triton.

Enemy fencing bursts with blue magic light, the stronger the light, the more courage Xu Feng's heart is!

Xu Feng used the rock as a cover and leaned in quietly.

The wolves smelled the scent of Xufeng, and roared to remind their owner.

However, Xufeng's speed is as fast as lightning!

The wolf cavalry at the outer edge hadn't understood what was going on, they were chopped off by Xufeng.

Not only the wolf cavalry was taken aback, even the giant bear was taken aback.

Xufeng continued to charge, and two more wolf cavalry fell under Xufeng's enemy fencing and Triton's sword.

His double swords are dazzling, not only fast, but also powerful and full of damage!

If it is dealing with ordinary wolf cavalry, Xu Feng's three moves can be solved, but to deal with these special elite-level wolf cavalry, Xu Feng really needs to use all the combat power.

Relying on an unexpected surprise attack, he killed four wolf cavalry within ten seconds, but the remaining wolf cavalry had already reacted and was fully prepared for defense.

Xufeng said directly to the giant bear: "Go ahead and copy the bread, we fought back and forth! I rely on, I forgot you are a beast, you don't understand me, so, if you say a word, I can use your Beast Language has communicated with you."

This is also the special effect of the smart pill.

Once the opponent's language is recognized, Xufeng can communicate with him in a language that the opponent can understand, even if the opponent is a beast.

The giant bear stared at Xufeng with its big blood-red eyes for a second - although it was only a second, it felt like a long time.

Then, he let out a low growl, turned around and intercepted it forward.

Xu Feng was startled, and said in astonishment: "...Can this guy understand me?"

The giant bear rushed forward, and the remaining five wolf cavalry naturally faced the giant bear.

Although Xufeng's surprise attack just now made them tremble, the damage of the giant bear made them even more jealous. The giant bear was about to kill their entire special team, and they were not afraid.

The giant bear also fully understood what Xu Feng meant, and charged at the five wolf cavalry desperately.

This is a defenseless charge. It's a deadly posture.

The wolf cavalry can only defend and parry with all their strength. Although they can maintain the basic formation, because their number is much smaller, the defensive formation is naturally riddled with holes!

As soon as the giant bear charged, the two wolf cavalry rushed into flight.

And the giant bear himself suffered three heavy axes, leaving scars on the entire bear's claws and bridge of nose.

"good chance!"

Xufeng took the opportunity to rush up from behind, and the enemy fencing and Triton's sword in his hand repeatedly used heavy splits and slashes, and instantly killed the two elite wolf cavalry who had been knocked into the air.

As a result, the entire scene was left with three elite wolf cavalry.

The giant bear roared, enduring the severe physical pain, and continued to charge the three wolf cavalry.

The three wolf cavalry knew that they were invincible and did not dare to resist the giant bear's attack at all, so they quickly dispersed and prepared to escape.

The wolves under their hips are extremely fast, if they really try to flee, even if they are Xufeng, don't want to catch up in the first time!

No way!

Can't let these three guys run away!

Otherwise, recruiting more wolf cavalry will be very passive!

With a move, Xufeng quickly took out a blue pill.

Chapter 342: The Real Druid

The three wolf cavalry fled in three different directions.

The giant bear also had no choice but to watch the three wolf cavalry slip away from him.

The giant bear was injured, although not serious, it greatly affected his actions.

What's more, his own speed is not fast, his advantage is huge size and powerful strength.

It is simply impossible to pursue three scattered wolf cavalry.

At this time, only a blue pill flew towards his feet.

The giant bear was startled, but when he reacted, it was too late and the blue pill fell under his feet.


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