Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1234

A burst of extreme cold temperature spread from his bear claws instantly!

He was surprised to find that his whole person, oh no, the whole bear was frozen in place by a blue ice layer that suddenly appeared!

He wanted to struggle out, but his bear claws seemed to grow in an ice block and couldn't get out at all.

The giant bear suddenly roared in anger, and his blood-red eyes glared at Xufeng fiercely.

Just now, he thought that Xufeng was here to help him.

But now, he felt that Xufeng might want to eat braised bear paw.

I saw Xufeng rushing over with the glowing enemy fencing sword and the sword of Triton.

——The action time of the ice ring pill is only three seconds!

Freeze everything within ten meters in three seconds!

And the giant bear is the center point where the three wolf cavalry escaped!

The three wolf cavalry just fled to a range of nine meters just now!Seeing to escape ten meters!

But Xu Feng made a decisive move, and froze them in place with the ice ring pill!

Of course, the giant bear was also frozen in place.

Xufeng didn't expect the giant bear to understand, after all, he was just a bear.

Xufeng rushed behind the first wolf cavalry, raised the sword in his hand, and cut off the wolf cavalry's head.

Immediately afterwards, he flashed behind the second wolf cavalry again, raised his sword again, and cut off the head of the second wolf cavalry.

When the second wolf cavalry was killed, the effect of the ice ring at the feet of the third wolf cavalry had disappeared.

However, before the third wolf cavalry could escape, Xu Feng directly threw out the enemy's fencing sword!

The enemy fencing shot out a blue light, directly piercing the back of the wolf cavalry!

Before the wolf cavalry even screamed, they were pierced by the enemy's fencing sword and nailed to an old tree.

The fluorescent butterfly on the ancient tree flew in horror.

At this dazzling moment, Xu Feng quickly turned around and killed all the wolf cavalry who had been seriously injured and had not died.

The whole set of actions is down without any muddle.

In less than half a minute, apart from Xufeng and Giant Bear, there was no one to breathe.

The giant bear roared at Xufeng in a deterrent manner, his face was full of vigilance.

Xu Feng waved his hand to the giant bear helplessly, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I know that you are not a monster. Moreover, the wolf cavalry chasing you after killing you shows that they treat you as an enemy, and the wolf cavalry is me. Enemies of the United States, so we should be in the same group."

While talking, Xu Feng walked to the ancient tree and drew out his enemy's fencing sword.

He flashed his back to the giant bear.

If the giant bear really wants to attack him, then this is undoubtedly a perfect opportunity.

And Xufeng himself was prepared, as long as the giant bear attacked him, he would immediately fight back.

This giant bear can resist a whole team of 20 special elite wolf cavalry, so his strength is at least about level 60.

Of course, this giant bear has no equipment and no special effects weapons, relying on its own beast strength.

If he had equipment and weapons, Xufeng would really dare not confront him.

Xufeng waited for a while with his back on his back, but the giant bear didn't make a move. The giant bear just slumped in place, gasping for breath.

It seems that this battle really cost him a lot.

Xufeng turned around and said with a faint smile: "The battle here is over, you should leave this place quickly. It is not appropriate to stay here. There will be other wolf cavalry find here soon. When you want to go, leave. No, I’m going to find my companion too."

With that said, Xu Feng was about to leave here.

After all, in Xufeng's view, this is just an episode, and he can't delay business just because of this episode.

Just about to leave, I heard a rough, low voice saying: "...thank you, human."

"You're welcome..." Xu Feng was startled, "Wait, I'm talking human?"

The giant bear looked at him strangely, "Yes, of course you are talking about humans, isn't this normal?"

Xufeng said in astonishment: "No, if you speak animal language, I should also speak animal language! And I am speaking human language now, then it means that you are not speaking animal language? You said yes. Human words?"

The giant bear nodded slightly, his blood-red eyes revealed a trace of pride, "Yes, I can speak human words."

"Damn!" Xufeng exclaimed, "If it weren't for you to keep the red blood, I would really treat you as a monster! I didn't mean to target you, Brother Giant Bear, but the beast would say people Well, this is really amazing."

The giant bear shook his head in pain, and then took a breath.

Immediately afterwards, his bones made a crackling sound, and the entire majestic bear body was rapidly shrinking.

Xu Feng said in surprise: "Brother Giant Bear, what's wrong with this!"

The giant bear fell to the ground in pain, his body twisted desperately, and his blood flowed more and more with the fierce struggle.

Xufeng wanted to go up and help, but in such a scene, let it go.

The giant bear struggled for a while, and the painful roar stopped.

His figure has also shrunk twice, and his height has changed from four meters to three meters.

The fur on his body has also faded, and the entire bear body has transformed into a human form.

Of course, his face still resembles a bear's face, and there is a deep axe scar on the bridge of his nose.

Xu Feng couldn't help taking a breath, "Are you... a person?!"

A person who can become a bear!

This is the real druid!

Ruidagast, the brown-robed mage, can also be counted as a druid, but Ruidagast turned into a beast by magic, and it was extremely unreliable. For example, at the end of the first stage, Lin Hai asked Rui Dagast turned into a bird and went to investigate the forest hut. As a result, Rhidagast was transformed by magic, but forgot how to fly.

But the person in front of him who can become a giant bear does not rely on magic, but relies on his biological instinct to make druid changes!

The word druid means transforming into a beast form and possessing the ability to fight a beast.

From the perspective of combat power alone, the giant bear man in front of him is the real druid...

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