Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1235

After the druid turned into a human form, his body was covered with scars and blood, and there was an obvious burn mark on his wrist.

His three-meter-high body stood up swayingly, looked at Xu Feng with a vigilant look, and whispered: "Who are you, why are you here in Slave Hill?"

Chapter 343 How Do You Hate This World!

"It turns out it's called Slave Ridge!"

Xu Feng immediately took out the map of Middle-earth and searched carefully between the Misty Mountains and the Woodland Kingdom.

Unfortunately, he did not see such place names as Slave Ridge.

This shows that either the map is too old, or the name "Slave Hill" was made up by the guy in front of him.

The druid roared coldly: "Here, the map is useless, because very few humans can reach here. This is a forgotten place."

Xufeng sighed helplessly, "Well, Brother Giant Bear, I have no malice in coming to Slave Ridge. I just came to find my friends. They are going to the Woodland Kingdom."

The Druid snorted coldly, "From a hypocritical country to another hypocritical country, it seems that your friends are either stupid or similar."

Xu Feng smiled irritably, "Brother Giant Bear, it’s rare for me to see you. I also admire your courage to confront the wolf cavalry just now, but I don’t have the time to stay here and listen to your cynicism. If you don’t plan to be my enemy, then leave this ghost place with me first."

The Druid frowned slightly, "I want to leave too, but my injury is a bit serious. In the 24 hours after I deformed, I cannot deform again, otherwise, I will never change back."

"That's it." Xu Feng groaned slightly, then took out a powerful recovery pill.

"Give you this, after eating it, your injury will basically be fine."

The druid looked warily at the red pill in Xufeng's hand.

He had just experienced the power of the blue pill, and when he thought of the scene at that time, his hands and feet felt cold.

Xu Feng smiled helplessly, "Don't worry, if I wanted to kill you, I would have dealt with you a long time ago, do I still need such ink?"

The druid said in a deep voice, "Perhaps, you want to faint me with pills and then take me as a slave."

Xu Feng was startled, and then he understood why the Druid had been so vigilant.

It seems that the mark on the Druid's arm should be the mark of the slave, so he has always been worried about it.

Xufeng hurriedly laughed and said, "First, I don’t need a slave. Second, if I stun you, I won’t be able to drag you. Well, even if I can drag you, I won’t be able to walk fast. Leave a trail so that the wolf cavalry can catch up. Why am I?"

The druid thought about it seriously, then nodded.

That's right, Xu Feng really didn't mean to deal with him.

The druid then reached out and took the red potent recovery pill, sniffed it slightly, and after recognizing that it was indeed beneficial medicine, he swallowed it in one gulp.

He has large hands and long fingers, and the powerful recovery pill is almost like a small bean to him.

But when he swallowed the powerful recovery pill, a blood gas surged across his face.

Immediately afterwards, the wound on the bridge of his nose healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The injuries on his shoulders and back are also healing quickly.

In less than a minute, all the druid's new wounds healed.

But the old scars on his body are still vivid and unbearable.

Especially his back, densely packed, all scars from caning.

Xufeng couldn't help but said, "Brother Giant Bear, have you ever been caught as a slave?"

The druid glanced at Xufeng coldly, "Leave this place first, anyway, you saved me, and I will take you to a safe place."

Xu Feng said quickly: "Wait, I have a few friends, I want to take them together."

"It seems a little inappropriate to find your friend now," the Druid said dissatisfied.

Xufeng smiled and said: "No, no, you misunderstood me. I actually have two teams of friends. One team needs to be found, so the first team is nearby."

The druid frowned and said, "I don't like many people. In fact, I don't even like a human being. But... I can make an exception for you. Where are they?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Great, come with me."

With that said, Xu Feng turned back on the way back and forth with the druid.

Although the attitude of this druid was very bad, Xu Feng didn't care.

At least, he can rest assured of this druid.

"By the way, I don't know what your name is." Xu Feng said as he walked: "You should have a name, right?"

The druid said with a cold face, "Beorn."

"Beorn?" Xufeng nodded, "Hello, Beorn, my name is Diedi."

"Yeah." Beorn replied gruffly, as if he didn't intend to have a close relationship with Xufeng.

……Is it so hard to take advantage of it?Xu Feng sighed helplessly.

"By the way, Beorn, you said this is called Slave Ridge, right?" Xu Feng asked earnestly, "So how far is it from the Woodland Kingdom?"

Beorn said coldly: "Speaking far away is far away, saying near is near, it all depends on your own speed, but I don’t know your speed, so naturally I don’t know that for you, count. Not far."

Xufeng asked, "What if it were you? How soon can you reach the Woodland Kingdom?"

Beorn's three-meter-tall body stopped slightly, and looked at Xu Feng angrily, "Why should I go to that hypocritical and indifferent kingdom? Why? To see Thrandil's sneer?"

Xufeng quickly said: "Don't get excited about Beorn, I'm just, to make an analogy, for example, how long will it take you to go to the Woodland Kingdom?"

Beorn raised his head, "No example, I have been to the Woodland Kingdom once, and then I swear by my mother's name that I will never set foot in the Woodland Kingdom again."

...It's so hard to talk to this bear!

Xufeng sighed helplessly, "Well, I am wrong. I shouldn't ask like that. I'm sorry. Let's change the question now. My speed is the same as yours. If I go to the Woodland Kingdom, where should I go? How long does it take to go in the direction?"

Beorn immediately replied: "If your speed is the same as mine, then you can cross Slave Ridge, all the way east, through the longest fluorescent corridor, and you can pass through fluorescent in about three days. Corridor, we have reached the woodland kingdom."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Okay, I understand."

Beorn said in a deep voice, "Humans, no matter what you want to do there, I will persuade you to give up. You won't get anything in the woodland kingdom, because Thranduil is a heartless elf."

Xufeng smiled and said, "You said Thranduil had no heart, probably because Thranduil didn't help when the Lone Mountain Dwarf was attacked by Smaug, but walked away arrogantly, right?"

This incident has always been the dissatisfaction of the alliance countries towards the woodland kingdom, and it is also the place where the dwarves hate the woodland elves most.

Beorn sneered coldly, "I have to say that Thranduil did a very beautiful job. This is his only bright spot. Those hypocritical dwarves finally got retribution!"

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