Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1236

...Big brother, how do you hate this world!

Is there any race in this world that you don't hate?

Xu Feng was unable to complain.

Chapter 344

After Xufeng and Beorn left, ten minutes later, a group of wolf cavalry armed to the teeth quickly rushed to the place where they were fighting.

Seeing the orcs and wolf corpses all over the floor, these wolf cavalry were all shocked, and the wolf under their hips also whispered uneasyly.

For them, the situation at the scene was really horrible.

What makes their heart palpitations most is that a few elite wolf cavalry were killed by a single blow unsuspectingly.

The blades on their bodies were neat and tidy, as if they were cut out by a paper knife.

At this time, a half-orc headed urged the wolf under his hips to come forward.

The half-orc's skin was as pale as Azog, and his figure was taller than other half-orcs.

His faint blue eyes were full of creepy light, as if the next moment, he would pull out the scimitar at his waist and split the whole world in half.

"Polger! We have suffered heavy losses!" A half-orc adjutant reported to him in a low voice.

This pale-skinned half-orc is Polger, the leader of this special wolf cavalry, and the son of Azog, the king of half-orcs.

Of course, half-orcs are a monster breed bred by dark magic. There is no motherhood among half-orcs. The so-called son is cultivated by Azog's genes and infused with powerful dark magic.

Azog is regarded as the first generation of Orc leader Sauron cultivated, and Borger is the second generation.

In terms of size, Polger's figure is taller than Azog, and his temperament is more ferocious, which fully meets the requirements of the new half-orc leader of Dark Lord Sauron.

Of course, the only thing that is not perfect is that Polger's experience is not as good as Azog.

Azog is a veteran who has experienced the war of the Third Age and has a very high knowledge of tactics.

Sauron originally believed in Azog very much, so for a long time, Polger was only used as a spare tire to be trained in Modo.

However, Sauron has been very disappointed in Azog's performance since Azog lost his troops in the Misty Mountains, and after more than a decade of tactical deployment completely failed.

In order to further stop the dwarf expedition, he sent Polger and special wolf cavalry units.

This is not the first time that Polger has performed the master's task. The previous few times, he has done it with thunderous means, not only fast, but also very cruel and very effective.

But this time, it was very different from the past.

He finally found a clue to the Dwarf Expedition, but on the way he ran into a tricky enemy-a skin changer.

The so-called skin changer is the druid.

It's just a different name.

Skin-changers are more contemptuous of insults, and Druids are more gentle and normal.

In the Second Age, the skin-changers were also very prosperous. They were treated as slaves by Sauron, specializing in the most difficult and dangerous jobs.

Therefore, monsters have always discriminated against skin-changers, thinking that they are just beasts.

After the Third Age, the Dark Lord Sauron was defeated, Modo's power was vacuumed, the skin-changing slaves rebelled and escaped Modo.

Because of the long-term abuse by the half-orc supervisor, the skin changer hates the half-orc very much.

Therefore, when Polger's team appeared in Slave Ridge, the Skinchangers repeatedly attacked their scouts. They had just found a clue to the Dwarf Expedition and were cut off.

It has been three days since Polger entered the dark dense forest, but so far, he hasn't even touched a single hair of the dwarf, which made him very annoyed.

Therefore, he felt that he should concentrate on hunting down the skin changer who was making trouble on his flank.

He scattered his wolf cavalry to all corners of the dark dense forest. Sure enough, a wolf cavalry found the trail of the skin changer, so this wolf cavalry left a signal and directly pursued it.


This is the tragic situation in front of me.

This is the first time Polger has suffered such a huge loss since he performed his mission independently!

His blue eyes were full of anger, and the knuckles of his fingers creaked.

The adjutant next to him saw him looking like he was cracking, and couldn't help but subconsciously stepped back two steps, not daring to approach him.

Polger rolled over and got off his black wolf mount, carefully inspecting the fatal wounds on the corpses.

Half of it was torn apart by giant bear's claws.

Naturally, it doesn't need much, just a change of skin.

On the other half, the wounds were all neat and tidy, and at first glance they were caused by an extremely sharp blade.

You know, these wolf cavalry are all elites, and they received dark magic training in Mordor Modo!

If you want a fatal blow, even a level 60 powerhouse is difficult to do!

Polger growled angrily: "The skin changer...and a helper!"

Moreover, this helper is very strong!

Polger swallowed the second half of the sentence back. He didn't want to praise his enemy in the face of the wolf cavalry.

He stood up to a three-meter-high huge body, and said in a low and fierce voice: "Find them, I will pay the debt."


The wolves under the crotch of the wolf cavalry immediately took action and kept sniffing at the scene of the fight. Then, looking for the scent, they followed Xufeng and the place where Beorn disappeared.

A smirk appeared on Polger's pale face, "No one can escape from the palm of my Polger, no one!"

The wolves carried the wolf cavalry forward for five minutes, then they all stopped and turned around.

The adjutant kicked the wolf in the stomach in astonishment, and shouted, "How come you stop! Find it!"

The wolves howled anxiously.

They can't smell any smell anymore, and the smell completely disappeared from here.

Polger's face suddenly turned pale.

He thought that he could easily find a skin changer with the smell of the wolf, but...

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