Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1237

The face slap is so fast!

The adjutant drew out the whip and slapped it on the wolf. "Hurry up! Find it! You useless beasts!"

"Enough!" Polger's backlog of anger was completely released at this moment. He rushed directly in front of the adjutant, strangled the adjutant's throat with one hand, and lifted him up with one hand!

The adjutant body was also quite burly and huge, with solid muscles all over his body, and a height of 2.5 meters.

However, in Polger's hands, it was like a weakly struggling little chicken.

He wanted to ask for mercy with a horrified face, but Polger showed no mercy.

With a sudden force, Polger broke the adjutant's neck directly.

The adjutant was completely breathless before he could even say a word.

Polger snorted coldly, and directly left the adjutant's body at his feet.

All the wolf cavalry present shuddered.

Polger looked around and said to the wolf cavalry closest to him: "Now, you are my new adjutant."

"...Yes, Master." The wolf cavalry shuddered, his expression showing no joy.

Chapter 345 Beorn's Brain Circuit

Why can't the wolves find the smell of Xufeng and the others?

In fact, Xufeng had long expected that Dao wolves would follow the smell to track them, and that was why he did not return to his safe residence with Druid Beorn first.

If you go directly to Beorn, then the wolf cavalry will definitely catch up with them.

And Xu Feng first went to find his teammates. On the one hand, he could rendezvous with Xuedi, and on the other hand, he could let Lin Hai use magic power to shield them from the smell clues.

This approach is actually not difficult. Lin Hai has imposed a magical barrier on everyone, temporarily shielding any contact with the outside world. Everyone in the magical barrier cannot hear or smell the outside. In the same way, they can’t keep their smell outside.

Such a magical barrier can last for ten minutes, and ten minutes is completely enough for them to leave there for several kilometers.

It is absolutely impossible for the wolf cavalry to find them by smell.

After all the barriers on the Xuedi team disappeared, Xufeng introduced Druid Beorn to the Xuedi team.

Lin Hai smiled and said: "Hello Beorn, it is nice to meet a real druid."

On this point, he has the most say.

The scene where he helped the fake Druid Reidagast fly last time is still vivid.

But Beorn said coldly: "Don't get close to me, human beings, I don't eat this one."

The Hammer couldn't help frowning and said, "Hey, big man, you are quite arrogant! You have to find out, we saved you!"

Beorn said coldly, "I didn't ask you to save me."

"You!" The hammer really wanted to take out the warhammer and punch a hole in Beorn's weird head.

Duke Yang smiled and said, "Beorn, what can you change? Can you change into a horse?"

Beorn said coldly, "No."

Yang Gong asked without giving up, "Can that turn into a griffin? It really doesn't work, it's also possible to turn into a rabbit!"

Beorn stared at Duke Yang angrily, "What do you think of me?"

Duke Yang shrugged again, "Aren't you a druid?"

Beorn turned around and said to Xufeng: "Humans, your friends are very bad, you should stay away from them as much as possible."

Xufeng laughed, "Beorn, it's been a long time since you have been in contact with the world. It's good if you get used to it slowly."

Beorn said coldly: "No, I don't want to get used to this world, I won't succumb to this world."

Xufeng sighed helplessly and said, "Well, this is also a way of living. By the way, you said before that you have a safe place. Can you take us there now?"

Beorn said in a deep voice, "No, I don't like so many people going to my residence."

Xufeng smiled and said: "We won't disturb your life. We just want to find our friends. These wolf cavalry are chasing our friends. You and the wolf cavalry and the orcs are enemies, and we are the wolf cavalry and half. Orcs are also enemies, do you have the heart to see us being chased by wolf cavalry?"

Beorn thought for a while, "Well, I don’t like humans, but I just don’t like it. I really hate half-orcs. I am willing to help you, but you can’t destroy my life. After there, you must completely obey my rules, otherwise, I will expel you."

Xufeng immediately said, "Okay, no problem."

Beorn said, "Follow me."

After speaking, he took a big step and led the way.

Xuedi faintly said to Xufeng: "This guy seems to be full of mistrust of us."

Xufeng smiled and said, "He used to be a slave to a half-orc, and he didn't trust everything."

Xuedi said lightly, "Are you sure you can find the expedition team with him?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Beorn's residence should be the safest place in this dense forest. If the expedition team is in trouble, they are likely to find it there."

Xuedi sighed quietly, "That's really lively."

Beorn is a druid who doesn't like many people. For so many years, he has lived alone on this perilous slave hill, and the dwarves are chattering and noisy, if they all gather in Beorn. Beorn would be crazy in his safe residence.

Beorn's movements seem to be slow, but because of his height and long legs, his walking speed is not slow.

Half an hour later, he took the members of the Xuedi team across two ridges, and then headed to a plain.

There was a huge stone house on the plain. The height of the house seemed to be inhabited by giants like Beorn.

Xufeng saw the house from afar and couldn't help but grinned bitterly and said: "This is the so-called safe residence?"

The location of this residence... is really hard to explain in a word.

Not to mention that there is no support around, not even a stone wall!

You can see it by turning over two ridges!

Thanks to the wolf cavalry, now they have no brains, and they are spinning around in the dense forest. As long as they give up searching in the dense forest, they will find this place soon.

Beorn said proudly: "How? It's safe, right?"

Xufeng asked: "Do you have an abstract understanding of the word security? Or do you think that as long as there is a roof, it is safe?"

Beorn pointed to a corner of the courtyard and said, "Do you know what it is?"

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