Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1241

Beorn's eyes flashed with crystal tears, "I don't know when they died in battle, or where their bones are now buried, or abandoned in the wilderness."

"In short, under the protection of those brave people, we finally got rid of the pursuit of the Modo army."

"However, our number has dropped sharply from more than 20,000 people to just over 3,000 people."

"We paid a huge price, and we thought that our nation finally ushered in the dawn of victory."

"But we were wrong."

"In this world, whether it is the alliance that advertises justice, or the evil monster army at that time, they discriminate against us."

"When we went through all the hardships and finally arrived at the first stop of Gushan, we begged the king Saul Oakshield at the time, hoping that he could give us a piece of land, even a barren land, and we would like to We have paid rent and tax from generation to generation, and we are also willing to repay the dwarves of Gushan with our lives and blood."

"However, Sol Oakshield arrogantly told us: Slaves don't need land."

Upon hearing this, Xu Feng and others frowned.

They realized why Obern hated the dwarves so much.

The druids succeeded and sacrificed themselves. They thought they could finally get rid of the situation of being treated as slaves after they arrived at the territory of the alliance, but unexpectedly, even the people of the alliance despised them.

Whatever is just and unjust, what is just and unjust, but they are all from their own starting point.

The Hammer frowned and said: "But, after all, you are the people enslaved by the Dark Lord Sauron. Doesn't the Holy White Council have any help or instructions for your return?".

"Help? Instructions?" Beorn said coldly: "The White Council regards us as beasts and desecrates the human form. The White Council believes that we shouldn't exist at all. They treat us. Encounters are just standing idly by, letting us fend for ourselves."

Beorn clenched his fists and said grimly, "So, I hate this world."

Chapter 349


Lin Hai took the conversation in a low voice, "In addition to the Lone Mountain Dwarf and the Saint White Council, the Alliance has many other countries."

Beorn glanced at Lin Hai coldly, "Other countries? Oh, yes, there are indeed other countries in the alliance than...

"Infinite Movie World" Chapter 349 What St.

Chapter 350 Xu Feng's Signal

What is that!Beorn stared behind Gandalf.

He had only noticed Gandalf before, not Bilbo at all.

After all, Bilbo walked silently, had no smell on his body, and was only one meter tall.

This is indeed very easy to ignore for Beorn, who is three meters tall.

Xufeng quickly introduced: "Oh, that's the hobbit, Bilbo Baggins."

"The Hobbit?" Beorn was very surprised.

Out of courtesy, Bilbo could only bite the bullet and walked out from behind Gandalf, "Hello, dear Druid friend, I am a hobbit from the Shire region, the westernmost part of the mainland."

Beorn frowned and said, "You're still a child."

Bilbo was startled, "Child? No, no, no, I am not a child. In fact, I am more than 40 years old this year. Although I always think I am young, I am not that young."

Beorn said in a deep voice, "So it seems that your Shire area must be very barren, and you have not developed well."

"No, no, I'm developing well, and the people on our side live happily. They are all like me, right? They are different from me. After all, I am Lord Baggins and I don’t know if I am rich. One of the only two heirs to the Baggins family for many generations." Bilbo said proudly.

Beorn said in a deep voice, "...My boy, I really like your optimistic attitude. This is something I can't do."

Bilbo suddenly felt very depressed.

He explained for a long time without letting Beorn understand that hobbits are a race, and shortness is their racial trait.

Xufeng also introduced: "This is Gandalf, you can call him Lao Gan."

Xufeng deliberately ignored Gandalf's identity.

However, Gandalf didn’t want to just introduce himself like this. He wanted Beorn to feel that he respected Beorn, so he cleared his throat and said solemnly: “I’m the gray robe of the Holy White Council. Master, Gandalf."

After speaking, she owed her body slightly to show respect.

"Holy White Council!" Beorn suddenly clenched his fists, his teeth clenched.

Gandalf thought it was Beorn's excited expression, and quickly said with a smile: "Haha, it's nothing, the Holy White Council is never high-profile."

Beorn yelled angrily: "Human, you brought the people from the White Council to my house!"

Xufeng hurriedly stood in front of Beorn, "Beorn, don't get excited, Lao Gan is not a bad person, nor is he a speaker of the Holy White Council. He really entraps you and doesn't care about you druids. It is the white-robed great mage of the Holy White Council, Saruman!"

Beorn took a deep breath.

It can be seen that he is trying his best to suppress his anger.

Gandalf was puzzled.

It stands to reason that this level of his identity is very influential in the league.

Why is Beorn so hostile to him?

In fact, he didn't know the hardships of the druids at all. The druid's request for help from the Holy White Council was also suppressed by Saruman and did not inform Gandalf and Radagast.

If Saruman convened a meeting of the White for the druids to discuss, Radagast and Gandalf would definitely urge the White Council and the entire Alliance nations to help the Druids.

The root of this incident lies in the arrogant and cold Saruman.

Of course, the most root cause is the Demon Lord Sauron.

Beorn controlled it for a while, and finally slowly calmed down his beastly emotions, and his fists were slightly loosened.

Xufeng also breathed a sigh of relief and patted Beorn's solid arm.

Bover, who was hiding in the window of the room, immediately said to the other dwarves: "Yes, yes, Lord Diego has signaled us again! Go two more!"


The two dwarves walked out reluctantly.

Outside, as soon as Beorn's emotions calmed down, two bloated dwarves walked out swaggeringly and smiled at him.

Beorn's eyes widened immediately. He couldn't believe that there were two dwarves in his house!

Xufeng said quickly: "Oh, these two are my friends, Beorn, you have to hold back because of my face."

Beorn's nose fluttered, and he was indeed trying to endure it.

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