Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1242

Gandalf hurriedly said, "Master Beorn, don't be angry. These dwarves are not ordinary dwarves. They all have status. Do you know the Gushan clan? These dwarves are all of the Gushan royal family. Descendants."

Xufeng patted his forehead.

This is really which pot is not opened and which pot is raised!

Gandalf is also kind. He wants to tell Beorn that these uninvited guests are not thieves or intruders, but decent people with identity and blood. If you entertain such people, the owner will naturally not care about anything. .

How did he know that of the two kinds of people Beorn hated most, the first kind of people were dwarves, especially the Lonely Mountain dwarves.

Beorn was about to have an attack when two more dwarves ran out of the house and waved at him grinning.

Xu Feng patted his forehead helplessly.

Immediately afterwards, two dwarves ran out of the house-Bofer mistaken Xufeng's actions for signals.

In a short while, all the dwarves appeared in front of Beorn.

Beorn said angrily, "Human, are these friends you are talking about?"

Xu Feng shrugged helplessly, and said with a wry smile: "Maybe not accurate enough, it should be a dozen friends."

Beorn said angrily, "I don't like dwarves! I don't like crowds! You know both of these!"

"But, they have no way to go." Xu Feng said in a deep voice, "Beorn, do you want them to be chased by orcs and wolf cavalry?"

Beorn suddenly tightened his lips.

Although he hates this world, although he can also become a ferocious giant bear beast, although he is suffering extremely intensely in his heart, his heart is always soft.

Xufeng continued: "Beorn, these dwarves have been wiped out. They are now displaced. If you can’t forgive them, it’s okay. After all, things didn’t happen to us. We can’t empathize, nor can we Advise you to be generous. But I ask you to calm down and think about it. These dwarven expeditions are to retake the Gushan Palace, and retaking the Gushan Palace will play a very important role in resisting the invasion of the Modo army in the future. The key role! When you help them, you are actually helping yourself, helping your people who died tragically in the Modo army, and revenge!"

Beorn took a deep breath.

Obviously, he was persuaded by Xufeng.

Indeed, with his own strength, he cannot compete with the entire Modo army, but the Gushan Kingdom can.

Beorn asked in a deep voice: "Did they... really go to retake the Gushan Palace to fight against the Modo army?"

Chapter 351

All eyes fell on Thorin.

Thorin walked out of the dwarf crowd, walked in front of Beorn, and said in a deep voice, "My name is Thorin Oakshield. I have the mission of revitalizing the oakshield royal family. Whether you help or not, We all return to the Gushan Palace and continue to serve as our first defensive barrier for the civilized world. During the First and Second Era, our ancestors did this, and now it is our turn to do so. "

Beorn looked down at Thorin with a cold gaze. After a long time, he said coldly: "You really look like your grandfather, Thor Oakshield. He is an arrogant old thing, and so are you. ,I do not like you."

Thorin was suddenly angry.

However, Beorn went on to say: "Although I don't like you, I hate the power of Demon Lord Sauron even more. In fact, Demon Lord Sauron has already begun planning a counterattack. Only you people are foolishly thinking that the world Peace. So, I will help you, you can stay. But, I also ask you to ask yourselves, and to compare, back then, when we druids were desperate, your old king Sol did not have mercy Instead, we drove us out like slaves, and now I only have this house, but I allow you to stay here for refuge. I am more noble than you."

The dwarves suddenly felt a little shameless.

Thorin frowned and said, "I don't know... You have been expelled by us. If this is the case, I am very sorry."

Beorn said in a cold voice, "Is it possible to forgive me if I am sorry? No, my people escaped from Modo after going through all kinds of dangers, but you turned us away. We The mood at that time, you arrogant dwarves will never understand. You are not my friends, I keep you here purely because we have a common enemy."

After speaking, Beorn nodded slightly at Xufeng, then stepped into his house.

Thorin frowned and said, "Swordsman, this guy seems to be very unfriendly."

Xufeng smiled and said, "If you change to be you, you will probably be even more unfriendly. Okay, it's too early, so please go back and rest. If you have anything, let's talk about it tomorrow."


The dwarves also entered the house immediately, found a place to lie down, and continued to fall asleep.

Of course Thorin didn't fall asleep. He had a lot to say to Xufeng, but he felt a little embarrassed. After all, he was the prince of Lone Mountain Dwarf.

Bilbo and Gandalf surrounded Xufeng and chatted happily.

"Diedi! You finally came!"

"Yeah, you don't know how difficult it is for us these seven days." Gandalf took a sip of Shire tobacco and let out a long sigh of relief.

Xufeng smiled and said: "We are also very worried about you, so as soon as our matter is resolved, I will come to you as soon as possible."

Bilbo said angrily: "Fortunately, we persevered. In fact, there were several times in between. I was fed up with these arrogant, arrogant and ignorant dwarves. If I couldn't go back, I would definitely stop. This expedition."

Gandalf smoked Shire tobacco barkly and did not comment on it.

In fact, he and Bilbo thought the same.

There are really too many problems and problems in the dwarves. Before, he had little contact with the dwarves, so he didn't notice it. But now that he has been in contact for such a long time, he realized that if this continues, the gray-robed mage himself, It will also be unbearable.

However, with "Diedi", the situation is much better.

He can't cure the dwarves, but "Diedi" can.

In the last battle in the Misty Mountains, "Diedi" ruled the dwarves, and the dwarves were unable to worship "Diedi".

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Since we have joined together, the rest of the matter will be easier to handle. Okay, you are tired enough during this period of time. Go to bed quickly. After waking up, we still have very important things. Things need to be discussed."

"Good." Bilbo nodded happily.

Gandalf also smiled and nodded in greeting.

After Bilbo and Gandalf left, Xu Feng turned and said to Xuedi: "You and the hammer will watch the first half of the night, and Uncle Lin Hai and I will watch the second half of the night."

Emperor Xue said lightly: "Yes."

After speaking, Xuedi walked out of the house.

The hammer pouted slightly, but in the end he didn't say much, but walked out with Xuedi.

With the two of them, there will be no mistakes in the night watch.

Gong Yang blinked again and asked, "What about me? Don't I need to spend the night?"

Xu Feng said lightly: "You don't need it."

Gong Yang said with a full face of surprise: "Brother Feng, when did you become so kind to me?"

Xufeng said in a deep voice, "Your task is to protect Bilbo personally. If he loses a hair, I will ask you only."

Gong Yang hurriedly said, "Ok, no problem, I am familiar with this task!"

"Go ahead."

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